Summon's Blood [100277]


Introduced in ~ 5.1.7 (Phoenix Destiny)

Chinese name : 召灵之血

Russian name : Summon's Blood

Activate Quest(s)

sacrifice with blood (100%)

Map trigger: Night Forest [74] 34, -90 (height: 299) Radius: 11

Matter path : 6348 - models\matters\物品\鼎炉\鼎炉.ecm

Icon path : 45802 - surfaces\男物品\黑血.dds

d_c2scmd 10806 100277 1

Stacked: 1

Proctype: 0:

Right-click to use it to complete the ritual
of sacrificing blood to the evil spirit in the place
where the soul wanders,
and summon the soul of Huo Lingling.

Award from quest

Visit Mr. Gho