Wildlands Adventure


Chinese: 蛮荒大漠悍刀行

Russian: Приключение В Диких Землях


There is a gobi to the west of the Doom Bog which is called Wildlands. It is very dry and the monsters occupy the only several oasises. It is said the Vim started in there which is called Wildland Sanctuary. It is very dangerous.
The mind of Vim is in the Wildlands and the disciples used to be very noisy. It is very quiet now because of Bilu's death. Some noisy disciples were killed by the Master Vim. Then the disciples became quiet and careful.
[Note]: You need to reach level 75 to complete this mission.

General Text

There is a gobi to the west of the Doom Bog which is called Wildlands. It is very dry and the monsters occupy the only several oasises. It is said the Vim started in there which is called Wildland Sanctuary. It is very dangerous.
The mind of Vim is in the Wildlands and the disciples used to be very noisy. It is very quiet now because of Bilu's death. Some noisy disciples were killed by the Master Vim. Then the disciples became quiet and careful.


There is a gobi to the west of the Doom Bog which is called Wildlands. It is very dry and the monsters occupy the only several oasises. It is said the Vim started in there which is called Wildland Sanctuary. It is very dangerous.
The mind of Vim is in the Wildlands and the disciples used to be very noisy. It is very quiet now because of Bilu's death. Some noisy disciples were killed by the Master Vim. Then the disciples became quiet and careful.


There is a gobi to the west of the Doom Bog which is called Wildlands. It is very dry and the monsters occupy the only several oasises. It is said the Vim started in there which is called Wildland Sanctuary. It is very dangerous.
The mind of Vim is in the Wildlands and the disciples used to be very noisy. It is very quiet now because of Bilu's death. Some noisy disciples were killed by the Master Vim. Then the disciples became quiet and careful.
Go to Guard Shalu in the Wildland Sanctuary and receive Wildlands Scroll.

Required quest: Fading Away

Required for quest

Vim Victory (999+)

Success Award

Activated by npc(s)

Guard Shalu

Delivery NPC

Guard Shalu - "Wildlands" -16, 109

Quest stats

Level: (999+)

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Repeatable after failure

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