ID Title Description Attributes Given by
1001<The Pinnacle >You are the top!\rYou are #1 in the\rcharacter level rankings.
1002<The Greatest >One of the great warriors.\rYou are among the top 5 players\rin the character level rankings.
1003<Senior Student >You made yourself an example to the other\rstudents, and are now among the top 10\rgreatest players in the character level rankings.
1004<Near-Invincible >You are almost undefeatable all across the\rworld. You are one of the top 100\rgreatest players in the character level rankings.
1005<World Protector >You are capable of protecting the world from\rthe Yasho, for you are among the top 500\rgreatest players in the character level rankings.
1051<Embodiment of Prosperity >You are the very embodiment of\rwealth. You are the richest person\rin the wealth rankings.
1052<Filthy Rich >Money is never a big problem for you.\rYou are one of the top 5 richest players\rin the wealth rankings.
1053<Wealth Board Leader >Your name dwells on the first page\r of the wealth board. You are among the\rtop 10 richest players in the wealth rankings.
1054<Affluent One >It's good to be affluent!\rYou are among the top 100 richest players\rin the wealth rankings.
1055<Vault Owner >Your money vaults are cavernous.\rYou are among the top 500\rrichest players in the wealth rankings.
1101<Hope of the World >You are the hope of the world.\rYou are at the very top of\rthe charity rankings. CritStrike Rate +2.0%
1102<Knight of Generosity >Generosity is your creed. You\rare one of the top 5 players\rin the charity rankings. Attack Power +1%
1103<Herald of Compassion >Your goodness and compassion are evidenced\racross the land. You are among the top 10 players\rin the charity rankings. Health +2%
1104<Benevolent One >You are famous for your benevolence.\rYou are among the top 100 players\rin the charity rankings. Health +1%
1105<A Helping Hand >All know of the good you have done.\rYou are among the top 500\rplayers in the charity rankings. Spirit +1%
1154<Jadeon's Guide >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Jadeon Devotion\rrankings.
1155<Jadeon's Herald >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Jadeon Devotion\rrankings.
1204<Skysong's Guide >You are among the top 50\rPlayers in the Skysong Devotion\rrankings.
1205<Skysong's Herald >You are among the top 500\rPlayers in the Skysong Devotion\rrankings.
1254<Vim's Guide >You are among the top 50\rPlayers in the Vim Devotion\rrankings.
1255<Vim's Herald >You are among the top 500\rPlayers in the Vim Devotion\rrankings.
1304<Lupin's Guide >You are among the top 50\rPlayers in the Lupin Devotion\rrankings.
1305<Lupin's Herald >You are among the top 500\rPlayers in the Lupin Devotion\rrankings.
1351<The Revered >You are the number\rone in the Piety\rrankings.
1352<Pious Chevalier >You are among the\rtop 5 players in\rthe Piety rankings.
1353<Oath of Loyalty >You are among the\rtop 10 players in\rthe Piety rankings.
1354<Faithful Knight >You are among the\rtop 50 players in\rthe Piety rankings. N/A测试倒计时强制完成 (200+)
1355<The Devoted >You are among the\rtop 500 players in\rthe Piety rankings.
1401<Eclipse of the Heart >You are the top\rone in the\rRomance rankings.
1402<Lover's Vow >You are among the\rtop 5 players in\rthe Romance rankings.
1403<Resolute Passion >You are among the\rtop 10 players in\rthe Romance rankings. HahaⅢ
1404<Blossoming Affection >You are among the\rtop 50 players in\rthe Romance rankings.
1405<Courtship >You are among the\rtop 500 players in\rthe Romance rankings.
1451<Literary Critic >You are at the pinnacle\rof the Culture\rrankings.
1452<Poetic Authority >You are among the\rtop 5 players in\rthe Culture rankings.
1453<Well-Versed >You are among the\rtop 10 players in\rthe Culture rankings.
1454<Unpolished Talent >You are among the\rtop 50 players in\rthe Culture rankings.
1455<Conversant >You are among the\rtop 500 players in\rthe Culture rankings.
1504<Modo's Exemplar >You are among the top 50\rPlayers in the Modo Devotion\rrankings.
1505<Modo's Herald >You are among the top 500\rPlayers in the Modo Devotion\rrankings.
1551<Guru >
1552<Spiritual Mentor >
1553<Great Master >
1554<Astute Advisor >
1555<Master Teacher >
1601<Dagos Guardian >
1602<Dagos Paragon >
1603<Dagos Archetype >
1604<Dagos Elite >
1605<Dagos Emissary >
1651<Marshal of the Greatest >The Alliance you lead is\rat the very top of the\rAlliance Level rankings.
1652<Marshal of the Richest >The Alliance you lead is\rat the very top of the\rAlliance Wealth rankings.
1653<Marshal of the Largest >The Alliance you lead is\rat the very top of the\rAlliance Members rankings.
1654<Marshal of the Advanced >The Alliance you lead is the\rtop one in the Alliance\rConstruction rankings.
1655<Strategic Partner of Jadeon >The Alliance you lead is\rat the very top of the Alliance\rJadeon Devotion rankings.
1656<Strategic Partner of Skysong >The Alliance you lead is\rat the very top of the Alliance\rSkysong Devotion rankings.
1657<Strategic Partner of Vim >The Alliance you lead is\rat the very top of the Alliance\rVim Devotion rankings.
1658<Strategic Partner of Lupin >The Alliance you lead is\rat the very top of the Alliance\rLupin Devotion rankings.
1659<Pious League Marshal >The Alliance you lead is\rat the very top of the\rAlliance Piety rankings.
1660<Romance League Marshal >The Alliance you lead is\rat the very top of the\rAlliance Romance rankings.
1661<Cultured League Marshal >The Alliance you lead is\rat the very top of the\rAlliance Culture rankings.
1662<Strategic Partner of Modo >The Alliance you lead is\rat the very top of the Alliance\rModo Devotion rankings.
1663<Marshal of the Rising >
1664<1st Marshal of Sandsong >
1665<Marshal of the Powerful >The Alliance you lead is\rat the very top of the Alliance\rPower rankings.
1666<Marshal of the Strong >The Alliance you lead is\ramong the top 5 Alliances in\rthe Alliance Power rankings.
1667<Marshal of the Developed >The Alliance you lead is\ramong the top 10 Alliances in the\rAlliance Construction rankings.
1668<Strategic Partner of Balo >The Alliance you lead is\rat the very top of the Alliance\rBalo Devotion rankings.
1669<Strategic Partner of Arden >The Alliance you lead is\rat the very top of the Alliance\rArden Devotion rankings.
1700<Glorious Clan of Jadeon >The Clan you lead is at\rthe very top of the Jadeon\rGlory Rankings.
1701<Glorious Clan of Skysong >The Clan you lead is at\rthe very top of the Skysong\rGlory Rankings.
1702<Glorious Clan of Billows >The Clan you lead is at\rthe very top of the Billows\rGlory Rankings.
1703<Glorious Clan of Doom Bog >The Clan you lead is at\rthe very top of the Doom Bog\rGlory Rankings.
1704<Glorious Clan of Wildlands >The Clan you lead is at\rthe very top of the Wildlands\rGlory Rankings.
1705<Honored Clan of Jadeon >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 5 Clans in the\rJadeon Glory rankings.
1706<Honored Clan of Skysong >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 5 Clans in the\rSkysong Glory rankings.
1707<Honored Clan of Billows >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 5 Clans in the\rBillows Glory rankings.
1708<Honored Clan of Doom Bog >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 5 Clans in the\rDoom Bog Glory rankings.
1709<Honored Clan of Wildlands >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 5 Clans in the\rWildlands Glory rankings.
1710<Radiant Clan of Jadeon >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 10 Clans in the\rJadeon Glory rankings.
1711<Esteemed Clan of Jadeon >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 50 Clans in the\rJadeon Glory rankings.
1712<Radiant Clan of Skysong >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 10 Clans in the\rSkysong Glory rankings.
1713<Esteemed Clan of Skysong >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 50 Clans in the\rSkysong Glory rankings.
1714<Radiant Clan of Billows >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 10 Clans in the\rBillows Glory rankings.
1715<Esteemed Clan of Billows >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 50 Clans in the\rBillows Glory rankings.
1716<Radiant Clan of Doom Bog >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 10 Clans in the\rDoom Bog Glory rankings.
1717<Esteemed Clan of Doom Bog >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 50 Clans in the\rDoom Bog Glory rankings.
1718<Radiant Clan of Wildlands >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 10 Clans in the\rWildlands Glory rankings.
1719<Esteemed Clan of Wildlands >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 50 Clans in the\rWildlands Glory rankings.
1720<Glorious Clan of Incense Valley >The Clan you lead is at\rthe very top of the Incense\rValley Glory rankings.
1721<Honored Clan of Incense Valley >The Clan you lead is one of the\rtop 5 Clans in the Incense\rValley Glory rankings.
1722<Radiant Clan of Incense Valley >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 10 Clans in the\rIncense Valley Glory rankings.
1723<Esteemed Clan of Incense Valley >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 50 Clans in the\rIncense Valley Glory rankings.
1724<Glorious Clan of Southern Border >The Clan you lead is at\rthe very top of the Southern\rBorder Glory rankings.
1725<Honored Clan of Southern Border >The Clan you lead is among the\rtop 5 Clans in the Southern\rBorder Glory rankings.
1726<Radiant Clan of Southern Border >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 10 Clans in the\rSouthern Border Glory rankings.
1727<Esteemed Clan Southern Border >The Clan you lead is one of\rthe no. 11-50 Clans in the\rSouthern Border Glory rankings.
1728<Glorious Clan of Kunlun >The Clan you lead is the\rtop clan in the Kunlun\rGlory rankings.
1729<Honored Clan of Kunlun >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 5 Clans in the\rKunlun Glory rankings.
1730<Radiant Clan of Kunlun >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 10 Clans in the\rKunlun Glory rankings.
1731<Esteemed Clan of Kunlun >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 50 Clans in the\rKunlun Glory rankings.
1732<Glorious Clan of Shura >The Clan you lead is at\rthe very top of the Southern\rBorder Glory rankings.
1733<Honored Clan of Shura >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 5 Clans in the\rShura Glory rankings.
1734<Radiant Clan of Shura >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 10 Clans in the\rShura Glory rankings.
1735<Esteemed Clan of Shura >The Clan you lead is among\rthe top 50 Clans in the\rShura Glory rankings.
1836<Felkin Guardian >
1837<Felkin Paragon >
1838<Felkin Archetype >
1839<Felkin Elite >
1840<Felkin Emissary >
1841<Fuwa Guardian >
1842<Fuwa Paragon >
1843<Fuwa Archetype >
1844<Fuwa Elite >
1845<Fuwa Emissary >
1854<Balo's Guide >
1855<Balo's Herald >
1859<Arden's Guide >
1860<Arden's Herald >
1864<Rayan's Guide >
1865<Rayan's Herald >
1869<Celan's Guide >
1870<Celan's Herald >
1871<Paramountancy >You are at the \rpinnacle of \rApotheosis rankings
1872<Invincibility >You are among the top 5\rplayers in the Apotheosis\rrankings
1873<The Unparalleled >You are among the top 10\rplayers in the Apotheosis\rrankings
1874<Preternaturalness >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Apotheosis\rrankings
1875<Chroma Master >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Apotheosis\rrankings
1876<Dagos Chroma Guardian >You are at the \rpinnacle of \rDagos Chroma rankings
1877<Dagos Chroma Paragon >You are among the top 5\rplayers in the Dagos Chroma \rrankings
1878<Dagos Chroma Archetype >You are among the top 5\rplayers in the Dagos Chroma \rrankings
1879<Dagos Chroma Elite >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Dagos Chroma \rrankings
1880<Dagos Chroma Emissary >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Dagos Chroma \rrankings
1881<Felkin Chroma Guardian >You are at the \rpinnacle of \rFelkin Chroma rankings
1882<Felkin Chroma Paragon >You are among the top 5\rplayers in the Felkin Chroma \rrankings
1883<Felkin Chroma Archetype >You are among the top 10\rplayers in the Felkin Chroma \rrankings
1884<Felkin Chroma Elite >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Felkin Chroma \rrankings
1885<Felkin Chroma Emissary >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Felkin Chroma \rrankings
1886<Fuwa Chroma Guardian >You are at the \rpinnacle of \rFuwa Chroma rankings
1887<Fuwa Chroma Paragon >You are among the top 5\rplayers in the Fuwa Chroma \rrankings
1888<Fuwa Chroma Archetype >You are among the top 5\rplayers in the Fuwa Chroma \rrankings
1889<Fuwa Chroma Elite >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Fuwa Chroma \rrankings
1890<Fuwa Chroma Emissary >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Fuwa Chroma \rrankings
1894<Forta's Guide >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Forta Devotion\rrankings.
1895<Forta's Herald >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Forta Devotion\rrankings.
1899<Incense's Guide >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Incense Devotion\rrankings.
1900<Incense's Herald >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Incense Devotion\rrankings.
1901<Top Rayan Marshal >Your Alliance at the pinnacle\rof the Rayan\rDevotion rankings.
1902<Top Celan Marshal >Your Alliance at the pinnacle\rof the Celan\rDevotion rankings.
1903<Top Forta Marshal >Your Alliance at the pinnacle\rof the Forta\rDevotion rankings.
1904<Top Insence Marshal >Your Alliance at the pinnacle\rof the Incense\rDevotion rankings.
1910<Top Voida Marshal >Your Alliance at the pinnacle\rof the Voida\rDevotion rankings.
1908<Voida's Guide >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Voida Devotion\rrankings.
1909<Voida's Herald >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Voida Devotion\rrankings.
1913<Psychea's Guide >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Psychea Devotion\rrankings.
1914<Psychea's Herald >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Psychea Devotion\rrankings.
1918<Kytos' Guide >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Kytos Devotion\rrankings.
1919<Kytos' Herald >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Kytos Devotion\rrankings.
1926<Hydran' Guide >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Hydran Devotion\rrankings.
1927<Hydran' Herald >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Hydran Devotion\rrankings.
1932<Seira's Guide >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Seira Devotion\rrankings.
1933<Seira's Herald >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Seira Devotion\rrankings.
1936<Gevrin's Guide >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Gevrin Devotion\rrankings.
1935<Gevrin's Herald >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Gevrin Devotion\rrankings.
1920<Top Psychea Marshal >Your Alliance at the pinnacle\rof the Psychea\rDevotion rankings.
1921<Top Kytos Marshal >Your Alliance at the pinnacle\rof the Kytos\rDevotion rankings.
1928<Top Hydran Marshal >Your Alliance at the pinnacle\rof the Hydran\rDevotion rankings.
1934<Top Seira Marshal >Your Alliance at the pinnacle\rof the Seira\rDevotion rankings.
1940<Top Gevrin Marshal >Your Alliance at the pinnacle\rof the Gevrin\rDevotion rankings.
1942<Sylia's Guide >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Sylia Devotion\rrankings.
1941<Sylia's Herald >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Sylia Devotion\rrankings.
1946<Top Sylia Marshal >Your Alliance at the pinnacle\rof the Sylia\rDevotion rankings.
1950<Ceros's Guide >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Ceros Devotion\rrankings.
1951<Ceros's Herald >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Ceros Devotion\rrankings
1952<Top Ceros Marshal >Your Alliance at the pinnacle\rof the Ceros\rDevotion rankings.
1956<Imperia's Guide >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Imperia Devotion\rrankings.
1957<Imperia's Herald >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Imperia Devotion\rrankings
1958<Top Imperia Marshal >Your Alliance at the pinnacle\rof the Imperia\rDevotion rankings.
1962<Influencer >Title for Top 11-100\r in the Devotion rankings\rof all the Factions.
1963<Walking Fame >Title for Top 101-500\r in the Devotion rankings\rof all the Factions.
1967<Ashura's Guide >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Ashura Devotion\rrankings.
1968<Ashura's Herald >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Ashura Devotion\rrankings
1969<Top Ashura Marshal >Your Alliance at the pinnacle\rof the Ashura\rDevotion rankings.
1973<Zephyr's Guide >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Zephyr Devotion\rrankings.
1974<Zephyr's Herald >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Zephyr Devotion\rrankings
1975<Top Zephyr Marshal >Your Alliance at the pinnacle\rof the Zephyr\rDevotion rankings.
1979<Yuna's Guide >You are among the top 50\rplayers in the Yuna Devotion\rrankings.
1980<Yuna's Herald >You are among the top 500\rplayers in the Yuna Devotion\rrankings
1981<Top Yuna Marshal >Your Alliance at the pinnacle\rof the Yuna\rDevotion rankings.
10000<Sword of Romance >
10001<Fortune Teller >
10002<Mushroom Girl >
10003<Little Red Riding Hood >
10004<Big Bad Wolf >
10005<Like a Lady >
10006<Lavish Guy >
10007<Lavish Girl >
10008<Bad Lover >
10009<Broken >
10010<Villain >
10011<Lewd Man >
10012<Lewd Woman >
10013<Evil Follower >
10014<The Supreme >
10015<The Untouchable >
10016<Spiky God >
10017<Horrible Girl > Flowery Title
10018<The Most Miserable >
10019<The Reaper >
10020<Sky-Tenant >
10021<Undefeated >
10022<Puny Pushover >
10023<Gangster >
10024<Traveler >
10025<Like a Bird >
10026<Guardian of Justice >
10027<Beast >
10028<Iron Face >
10029<Mushroom Revolt >
10030<Vagabond >
10031<National Hero >
10032<Like A Rooster >You can crow like a rooster.\rNo, you are definitely a\r rooster! Chicken Thief (45+)
10033<Beaten by a Bird >You got beaten by\ra little bird. Failure
10034<Rookie >
10035<Great Hope >Build your own\rmiracles. Situation (222)
10036<A Famous One >
10037<World-Famous >
10038<Well-Learned >
10039<Forge Master >
10040<Seeking Defeat >
10041<Totally Broke >
10042<Bringer of Luck >
10043<Good Doctor >
10044<Great Healer >
10045<Loving Couple >
10046<Loyal Support >
10047<Modern Symbolist >A fan of William Butler Yeats.\r\r Modern Symbolist
10048<Remaining Single >
10049<Married One >
10050<Bachelorism >
10051<Great Adventurer >
10052<Master of Thief >
10053<Master of Love >
10054<Guru Thief >
10055<Popular >
10056<Ironic Wit >
10057<Matchmaker >
10058<Playboy >
10059<Cold Killer >
10060<The Deadly Couple >
10061<Land Hero >
10062<Iron Liver >
10063<The Detective >
10064<Master Healer >
10065<Indestructable > Attack Power +1%
10066<Daredevil >
10067<Major Criminal >
10068<Undefeatable >
10069<Lady's Protector >
10070<Good-for-Nothing >
10071<Romantic Fencer >
10072<Bane of the Underworld >
10073<God of Wealth >
10074<Grandmaster of Love >
10075<Lesser Heartbreaker >
10076<Treasure Chest >
10077<Heroic Outlander >
10078<Wind Summoner >
10079<Herald of Love >
10080<Kitty Killer >
10081<Pirate Hunter >
10082<Star of Prosperity >
10083<Knowledgeable >
10084<Elegant Lady >
10085<The Gorgeous >
10086<Royal Lady >
10087<Decent Lady >
10088<The Graceful >
10089<Princess >
10090<Queen >
10091<Grandmaster of Thievery >
10092<The Drunken Hero >
10093<Third Place >
10094<Second Place >
10095<Blissful Life >
10096<God of War >
10097<Celestial Master >
10098<High Student >
10099<Diehard Endeavourer >
10100<A Walking Devil >
10101<Forever Laughter >
10102<The Strength of 10! >
10103<The Strength of 100! >
10104<The Strength of 1000! >
10105<Rain Audience >
10106<Perry Flower >
10107<Playwright Extraordinaire >A fan of Alexandre Dumas, fils.\r Monsieur Alphonse
10108<A Taste for Modern Poetry >A fan of\rThomas Stearns Eliot Modern Poetic Master
10109<Rookie Student >
10110<Learned Scholar >
10111<God of Knowledge >
10112<All the Loot! >
10113<Fatally Attractive >
10114<Outcast >
10115<Wanderer >
10116<Vagabond >
10117<Transcended Desire >
10118<Separated Friends >
10119<Deathsman >
10120<Among the Fiercest >
10121<Spear Master >
10122<Healing Hands of Death >
10123<Fledgling Adventuress >
10124<Hapless >
10125<Passerby >
10126<Diehard >
10127<Old Wretch >
10128<Rotten Knife >
10129<Sharp Slash >It is the blade that is sharp...not the killing technique. Kill Moaning Harpies (12-14)
10130<Sword Master >
10131<Men of Hospitality >
10132<New to the Skill >
10133<Expert >
10134<Too Weak >
10135<Unmatchable >
10136<Millionaire >
10137<Pearl of the World >
10138<Ruthless Swordsman >
10139<Professional Fighter >
10140<Being of a Thousand Figures >
10141<Dead Roach >
10142<Top Sword >
10143<Aesculapius >
10144<Great Skill > Osmanthus challenge 1st place
10145<Quack >
10146<Famous Doctor >
10147<A Thousand Aspects >
10148<Detective >
10149<Master of Alchemy >
10150<World Wanderer >
10151<Line Shot >
10152<Worldly Gambler >
10153<Aphrodite >
10154<Fighters' Bane >
10155<Inner Mafia >
10156<Renowed Blacksmith >
10157<Abnormal Human >
10158<Supporting Role >
10159<Lord of the Forge >
10160<Lord of Thieves >
10161<Lord of Assassins >
10162<Blade Master >
10163<I am your Fan >
10164<You are my Fan >
10165<Empty Wallet >
10166<Top 10 Monsters >
10167<Bounty Hunter >
10168<Exorcist > Title: Exorcist
10169<Super Collector >
10170<Invincible >
10171<Executioner >
10172<White-Robed Gentility >
10173<Pioneer >
10174<Iron Face >
10175<Flying Fox >
10176<Falcon Swordsman >
10177<Detective Four >
10178<Lone Bandit >
10179<Sword Heart >
10180<Nine Dragons at Once >
10181<Iron Arm >
10182<Man of Mercy >
10183<Beyond Good and Evil >
10184<Merciless >
10185<Great Strategist >
10186<King Bully >
10187<Vile Hellion >
10188<Harmful Demon >
10189<The Extremity of Evil >
10190<Notorious >
10191<Long-Lived >
10192<Hero of Mirth >
10193<Cursed by the Gods >
10194<Romantic Pikeman >
10195<Romantic Apothecary >
10196<Romantic Sorcerer >
10197<Rapturous Vision >
10198<No Regret >
10199<Degenerate >
10200<Slob >
10201<Lamster >
10202<100 Times >
10203<Brave White Rat >Born for experiments Ancient Book (999+)
10204<Fly to the Sky >...and never come back! Astral Traveler (46+)
10205<Animal >
10206<Young Adventuress >
10207<You a Real Killer >
10208<Adrenaline Junkie >
10209<A Slash Most Foul >
10210<Momentary Virtue >
10211<Haunted >
10212<Penny Pincher >
10213<Tightwad >
10214<Philanthropist >
10215<Lonely Boy >
10216<Lonely Girl >
10217<Giant Ape >
10218<Brutal Man >
10219<Brutal Woman >
10220<Duel for a Name >
10221<Cute but Violent >
10222<Return Evil For Good >
10223<Return Like For Like >
10224<Cormorant >
10225<Fooled You! >
10226<Fight Fairly! >
10227<Bronze Beard >
10228<Gangsters Know Kung-Fu >
10229<Killed by Beauty >
10230<Jadeon Disciple >A disciple of Jadeon Join Jadeon (15+)
10231<Lupin Disciple >A disciple of Lupin Join Lupin (15+)
10232<Vim Disciple >A disciple of Vim Join Vim (15+)
10233<Skysong Disciple >A disciple of Skysong Skysong's Test (15+)
10234<Monachal >Has set aside all pleasures.
10235<Restrained >Has no obsessive desire. N/A徐杰专用测试任务生人勿动
10236<Tempered >Keeps feelings in check.
10237<Frugal >Abstained from the pursuit of wealth.
10238<Temperate >Not easily swayed by feelings.
10239<Sober >Abstained from Alcohol.
10240<Vegetarian >Abstained from Meat.
10241<Killing Monk >Rumored to be very fierce!
10242<Jadeon Tour Agent >Can guide anyone to the most beautiful spots in Jadeon.
10243<Billows Tour Agent >Can guide anyone to the most beautiful spots in Billows. The Billows Scenery (57-59)
10244<Wildlands Tour Agent >Can guide anyone to the most beautiful spots in Wildlands. Holy Scripture (83-86)
10245<Young Hero >Young and promising!
10246<Drunken Champion >Drunk yet still overwhelming!
10247<Hotness >Real hot!
10248<Star-Stealer >Skillful thief.
10249<Lose-Lose >Then why did you do it?
10250<No Heads, Thank You >All was eaten up\rbut the head.
10251<Fatal Allure >To die for.
10252<Scandalous >Don't trust the welcoming smile!
10253<Stormblade >Stormblade
10254<Fiendish Master >
10255<The Helpful Guide >A liar, actually.
10256<The Adept >
10257<Heretic >A common label for those whose\ropinions differ from those in power.
10258<Desolator >
10259<Impure >Could never be a monk.
10260<Celibate >as a monk.
10261<Lord of Vim >
10262<I'm a Genius! >I'm really a genius.
10263<I am the Law >Such an egocentric fellow.
10264<False Start >Once there was the\rpurest love for\ryou... Just maybe. Open Letter
Open Letter
10265<Craftsman >A well-prepared craftsman.\r Way of Crafting (31+)
10266<Protector of Justice >A righteous hero that\rprotected the Lock of Jadeon. Uphold Jadeon (999+)
10267<Construction Expert >Very good at building\rand renovating houses. Restoration (200+)
10268<Mountain Patrol >It's actually more like\rwandering around mountains. Kill Monsters (15-44)
10269<Eyes of Insight >You have eyes that make\rghosts visible to you.
10270<DUMBY >Whatever it is,\rit is not a\rbad name... Feeble Heart (27+)
10271<Devoted Swordslinger >No one can have more love\rto the sword than you. Fine Esper (200+)
10272<Severely Unlucky >Don't gamble on anything. Ever. A Wager Won (200+)
10273<Righteous Guardian >A stalwart representative\rof justice. Defend Skysong (30+)
10274<Modern Oracle >Nothing escapes your\racute perception.\r Amazing Fortune-teller (34-59)
10275<Bookworm >You see nothing\rbut books.
10276<Chore Runner >Running around has always\rbeen your role. Terrain Survey (23-26)
10277<Outer Demon >Is it a demon or a\rcreature from a different realm?
10278<Superior Student >You are close to\rthe realm of the ultimate\rtruth.
10279<Arhat >You have found the path\rto ultimate knowledge.
10280<The Esteemed >A title honoring those with\ra high level of spiritual enlightenment. Earthen Fan (57+)
10281<The Revered >A title honoring those with\ra high level of spiritual enlightenment. Mystic Missing (27+)
10282<Slave to Drink >Never stopped drinking.
10283<The Seer >A psychic with a high\rspiritual awareness.
10284<Gangster of Billows >The Billows is\ryour territory. N/A废除 (999+)
10285<Hermit >You don't mingle with the noisy world.
10286<The Great Beggar >A professional beggar.
10287<Watcher of Ascension >You execute the laws of\rthe worlds of ascension.
10288<Eye of Discernment >You have the incredible\rEye of Discernment Ten Heralds of Underworld ⑺ (53-74)
10289<Dark Lord >Give me my love back!
10290<Grave-Robber >Usually it's just digging graves, but...
10291<Master of Diversity >You understand the true\rsplendor of the world's diversity.
10292<Demonic Conqueror >A demonic ruler\rof the land.
10293<Recluse >The best place to hide is\ramong the common people. Back in Those Days (57+)
10294<Quite Talented >Almost a genius. Almost.\r Important Task (37-90)
10295<Almost Did It >It was close. Just one step more.
10296<Daydream >Find the seven Skysong crystals and\rthe gods will grant your wish!\rAh, what a silly daydream. Summon The God
10297<Soul Hunter >A stalker of darkness who hunts\rsouls for the Underworld. Ten Heralds of Underworld (3) (23-59)
10298<Underworld Walker >The one who walks freely\rabout the Underworld Ten Heralds of Underworld ⑻ (57-74)
10299<Watcher of Suos >The first star of\rthe north stars. Taen (15+)
10300<Watcher of Shan >The second star of\rthe north stars.
10301<Watcher of Tya >The third star of\rthe north stars.
10302<Watcher of Cenos >The fourth star of\rthe north stars.
10303<Watcher of Kongu >The fifth star of\rthe north stars.
10304<Watcher of Janos >The sixth star of\rthe north stars.
10305<Watcher of Ihoken >The seventh star of\rthe north stars. Chop down Bamboo
10306<Sariputra >One of the ten\rsages of Skysong.
10307<Mahamau >One of the ten\rsages of Skysong.
10308<Ananda >One of the ten\rsages of Skysong.
10309<Upali >One of the ten\rsages of Skysong.
10310<Aniruddha >One of the ten\rsages of Skysong.
10311<Kassa >One of the ten\rsages of Skysong. Collect Fruits
10312<Purna >One of the ten\rsages of Skysong.
10313<Katyayana >One of the ten\rsages of Skysong.
10314<Rahula >One of the ten\rsages of Skysong.
10315<Subuti >One of the ten\rsages of Skysong. What Is Emptiness?
10316<Ghost Talker >You can speak\rwith ghosts. Dead in a Week (200+)
10317<Wolf Slaughterer >A hunter whose\rname wolves fear. Kill Wolves (200+)
10318<Judge of Steel >A decisive judge. Injustice (200+)
10319<Honoring the Gods >You eliminate evil to revere the gods. Revenge (200+)
10320<The Smashing Arhat >Evil shatters under \ryour blows. Gold Relief Bowl (38+)
10321<Prophet >Every fortune-teller claims\rto be one. Secret of Ascending (42+)
10322<Comprehension >Nothing will be inappropriately\rmeaningful to you any more. Romance (42+)
10323<Golden Touch >You can change stone into gold\rwith your miraculous touch. Immeasurable Wealth (42+)
10324<Venombog Fanglord >The natural enemy that\rAbyssal Viper fears. Abyssal Viper Trouble (64+)
Expel Abyssal Viper (64+)
10325<Witty >An extremely smart one. Array of Stone Man (72+)
10326<Spirited Fox >You can see your reflection\rin the mirror. Legend of the Spirit Fox (72+)
10327<Swordmaster >The real swordmaster seldom\rreveals their presence. Blademaster (200+)
10328<For Love and Peace >You are actually just fooling\raround with nothing to do. Wonderful Dreams (35+)
10329<Undying Spirit >The Sunstream Spirit\rnever dies. Sunstream's Spirit (35-45)
Abaddon (999+)
10330<Colorful Life >It's quite colorful.\r
10331<Vanguard >Always with the front\rlines in a charge.
10332<Love You Forever >Love made\ryou say this. Marriage III (10+)
10333<Hold You in My Arms >And let it be forever.\r Matchmaker's Blessing
10334<Always on My Mind >Let's hope we will\rsomeday be together.
10335<Still Loving You >My heart has\rnever changed. Marriage I (10+)
10336<Born to Love You >Without any regrets.\r Marriage I (10+)
10337<Our Love Will Never Die >Even after death it\rwill still be there Marriage II (10+)
10338<Ecstasy of Love >The joy of love\rhas filled our souls. Marriage II (10+)
10339<Loved and Lost >Having never loved at all\rwould have been cheaper... Divorce (10+)
10340<Beautiful Meteor >Let's make our vow of love and let\rthis moment be remembered. Love of Destiny—Love Fruit (45+)
10341<Just You >I'd risk all\rto be with you\rif I had to. Love of Destiny—Love Fruit (10+)
10342<Lovebirds >We fly in the sky of love\rand float in its bliss. Love of Destiny—Reunion (10+)
Love of Destiny—Reunion (10+)
10343<Greatest Luck >My greatest luck is\rhaving you in my life.
10344<My Lighthouse >Without you, my life is like\rthe pitch-black ocean.
10345<God of Coalescence >They said that only gods could have\rsuch a deep understanding of Espers. N/A 获得血炼尊号
10346<Celestial Mystic >Any Esper Mystic would be\rhonored to meet you. N/A 获得血炼尊号
10347<Psychic Bloodsmelter >It's an art form\rto you. N/A 获得血炼尊号
10348<Master of Espers >None can employ Espers\rbetter than you. N/A 获得血炼尊号
10349<Standard Esper Mystic >You are qualified to\rbe an Esper Mystic. N/A 获得血炼尊号
10350<Experienced Bloodsmelter >Bloodsmelting is no longer\rdifficult for you. N/A 获得血炼尊号
10351<Esper Coordinator >You have gradually come to\runderstand the techniques. N/A 获得血炼尊号
10352<Bloodsmelt Apprentice >To cross the threshold is not difficult, but mastery needs more efforts. N/A 获得血炼尊号
10353<Bloodsmelt Beginner >It's never bad\rto try something new. N/A 获得血炼尊号
10354<All Broken Up >The only thing you could\rdo was apologize. Abandon (10+)
10355<Shards of Emotion >Perhaps having a romantic history is\rbetter than none at all. Heartless (10+)
10356<It's Warm >You have very\rhairy legs. Hairy Leg (9+)
10357<Black Pig Head >A legendary title for\rthe legendary person. Black Pig Head (35+)
10358<Soggy Horse Face >A legendary title for\rthe legendary person. Soggy Horse Face (35+)
10359<Can't Touch It >The terrifying thing is\r that you can see it! Elder's Trouble (9+)
10360<You could Never Possibly Hide with this One. >When you are wearing this title, you won't\rbe able to hide behind trees or buildings. Friend of Dream Master (9+)
10361<Lonely Angler >Sometimes, fishing with\rothers is an acquired taste.
10362<Chrono Angler >Nobody can understand your fishing\rmethods and choice of bait.
10363<Swift as Lightning >Mountain or lake, land or ocean...\rNo place is too distant for you. Just a blink\rand you are precisely where you want to be. Lunar Spirits (35+)
10364<Cloud Master >Among the clouds, you\rare the master. Flying in the Sky (46-105)
10365<What was that? >Was it a ghost in the dark or\rjust a normal person? Scary! Treasure of Demons (50+)
10366<Wild Legs >A title for those who can\rjump extremely high. Outstanding Youth in Mid-Land (50+)
10367<Heaven's Admiral >In your previous life, you\rwere the weird-faced admiral. Get Post of Heaven Officer (999-151)
10368<One Step to Ascension >There was an incident during\rthe process. As a result, you\rhave only one foot Ascended. Reclusive Abode (15+)
10369<Greater than Gods >No word could ever\rproperly describe you.
10370<Weaponless Kill >What did you use, then? Odd Murders
10371<So Scary >It is not your fault for being\rugly, but it will be your fault\rif you scare anyone. Scripture of Samsara
10372<Consummate Popularity >Everybody loves you.\r Nice lotus!
10373<Ocean of Love >Ocean of Love
10374<Natural Knockout >Natural things are the best. Born to be Gorgeous
10375<Lost Generation Member >A fan of Ernest Hemingway\r The Sun Also Rises
10376<Her Hawtness >A fan of O. Henry Her Hawtness
10377<Twist Ending Wit >A fan of O. Henry The Last Leaf
10378<Gothic Fiction Master >A fan of Edgar Allen Poe Monsieur Alphonse
10379<German Man of Letters >A fan of\rJohann Wolfgang von Goethe German Man of Letters
10382<Great Realist >A fan of Leo Tolstoy Great Realist
10383<Horror Novelist >A fan of\rStephen Edwin King Horror Novelist
10384<Master of Romance >You are the master of love. The Romantic (9+)
10385<Heavenly Horseman >It's actually a very inauspicious title.\rAsk a certain monkey for more details. N/A 趣味-天音-代12-获封天官02 (999-151)
10386<Lord of Destruction >The legendary destroyer that reverts\rthe world back into chaos. N/A 趣味-天音-代13-获取天官03 (999-151)
10387<Judge of the Celestial >The sacred judge of the\rrealm of ascension. N/A 趣味-天音-代14-获取天官04 (999-151)
10388<Lord Darkmist >The dark power that rules the land. N/A ]趣味-天音-代15-获取天官05 (999-151)
10389<Governor of Thunder >The one who wields the sword of lightening. N/A 趣味-天音-代16-获取天官06 (999-151)
10390<Sutra of Force >Protector of the\rrealm of ascension. N/A 趣味-天音-代17-获取天官07 (999-151)
10391<Sutra of Infinity >Protector of the\rrealm of ascension. N/A 趣味-天音-代18-获取天官08 (999-151)
10392<Sutra of Strength >Protector of Cliffs\rof Abundance. N/A 趣味-天音-代19-获取天官09 (999-151)
10393<Sutra of Eternity >Protector of\rKunlun Wonderland. N/A 趣味-天音-代20-获取天官10 (999-151)
10394<Conquerer of the South >The brave warrior who has defeated the seven\rconstellations of the Scarlet Phoenix region. 7 Star Tags
10395<Conquerer of the East >The brave warrior who has defeated the seven\rconstellations of the Verdant Dragon region. 7 Star Tags
10396<Conquerer of the West >The brave warrior who has defeated the seven\rconstellations of the White Tiger region 7 Star Tags
10397<Conquerer of the North >The brave warrior who has defeated the seven\rconstellations of the Black Tortoise region 7 Star Tags
10398<Astral Dominator >The brave warrior who has defeated the\rconstellations of the four sky regions.
10399<Dark Romantic >A fan of Nathaniel Hawthorne Dark Romantic
10400<Father of American Literature >A fan of Mark Twain Father of American Literature
10401<Early Activist >A fan of\rHenry David Thoreau Early Activist
10402<Folk Tale Collector >A fan of the Brothers Grimm Folk Tale Collector
10403<Popular Theater >A fan of Romain Rolland Theatric Populist
10404<French Filmmistress >A fan of Marguerite Duras French Filmmistress
10405<Lost Generation Member >A fan of Ernest Hemingway\r Alemaster
10406<Czechoslovakian Great >A fan of\rMilan Kundera\r Postmodern Italian
10407<Prophet of Imperialism >A fan of\rRudyard Kipling Gently
10408<Poet-Sage >A fan of Du Fu The Song of the Wagons
10409<Epic Theater >A fan of Bertolt Brecht Epic Theater
10410<Modern Civilization's Critic >A fan of\rSaul Bellow Modern Civilization's Critic
10411<Absurdist Rebel >A fan of\rAlbert Camus Absurdist Rebel
10412<Early Inspirationalist >A fan of Kahlil Gibran Early Inspirationalist
10413<Founder of European Realism >A fan of\rHonoré de Balzac Founder of European Realism
10414<Father of Free Verse >A fan of Walt Whitman.\r\r Father of Free Verse
10415<Russian Realist >A fan of Ivan Turgenev Russian Realist
10416<Science-Fiction Pioneer >A fan of\rJules Verne Science-Fiction Pioneer
10417<Cliffhanger Naturalist >A fan of Thomas Hardy Cliffhanger Naturalist
10418<Absurdist Rebel >A fan of\rAlbert Camus Old Love
10419<Anti-Slavery Advocate >A fan of Harriet Beecher Stowe N/A 好色君王
10420<Voice of the Downtrodden >A fan of\rVictor Hugo Voice of the Downtrodden
10421<Rain of Spring >A fan of Charles Darwin Rain of Spring
10422<Irish Aestheticist >Oscar Wilde Bard of Avon
10423<Class System Playwright >A fan of\rJohn Galsworthy Class System Playwright
10424<Gulag Whistleblower >A fan of\rAlexander Solzhenitsyn Gulag Whistleblower
10425<Crazy Spirit >You might have been drinking too much Master of Wine
10426<Postmodern Italian >A fan of Italo Calvino Postmodern Italian
10427<Satirical Polemicist >A fan of Voltaire Satirical Polemicist
10428<Psychological Ironist >A fan of Stendhal Matchmaker Jr
10429<Psychological Ironist >A fan of Stendhal Flower Girl
10430<Victorian Idealist >Charles Dickens Victorian Idealist
10431<Gothic Queen >A fan of\rMary Wollstonecraft Shelley Frankenstein
10432<Amateur Swindler >You know the basic tricks to deceiving\rand taking advantage of people. Fortune Teller (9+)
10433<King of Beggars >With the Golden Alms Bowl to prove it,\ryou are a Prince among Paupers. Golden Alms Bowl (9+)
10434<Killer >You are a qualified\rkiller.
10435<Contract Killer >You are among the best\rin the field of contract killers.
10436<World's Top Killer >None are\rbetter than you.
10437<Fears Steamed Bread >Steamed bread is scary. A Fraud
10438<Cold Joke Master >It is cold. Dry Humor (64-89)
10439<Chili Pepper RES: MAX >Invulnerable to chili peppers. Eat Chili
10440<Wanderer of Underworld >Somme ghosts will never reincarnate. Civil War (98-101)
10441<Deicide >After the endless killing,\ryou'll understand why. Real Hero (147-150)
10442<Exorcist of Light >The one who drives\rdarkness away. Kill Bronze Shells (143-146)
10443<Liar! Liar! >Professional Prevaricator.\rYou should try your hand at politics. Kill Bronze Shells (143-146)
10444<Soul of the Sword >You understand the art of the sword\rbecause you are its soul. Strength (139-142)
10445<Devourer of Darkness >Let the evil repay\rwith their blood. Strategy (139-142)
10446<Famous but Boring >Then why are you famous? Real Swordman (102-104)
10447<Ghost of the Unburied >The unburied can never\rrest in peace. Order (102-104)
10448<Geography Mystic >How did you know where the treasures were? Nice Place (102-104)
10449<Godly Patrol >You guard the mountains. Weak Warriors (102-104)
10450<Grand Wizard >A title once belonging to\ra first-generation wizard. Array of Wulor Tribe (109-112)
10451<Grahmm of Mountains >A powerful god of the mountains of\rthe Southern Border. Wooden Puppets (117-119)
10452<Demonic Sage >A title once owned by a\rlord of the Southern Border. Hell Guest (117-119)
10453<Dark Defiler >A legendary dark creature that\rspreads plagues. Venom (113-116)
10454<Scarab Caster >A legendary dark creature who mastered\rthe skill of using vicious scarabs. Heartbreaker (117-119)
10455<Tigermaw the Ranger >One of the heavenly warriors. Tranquility (124-127)
10456<Heavenly Adept >Title for those with divine wit. Salvation (132-134)
10457<Flying Soul Eater >The creature that roams in the sky,\rseeking souls as its prey. Sleet Spirit (132-134)
10458<Crimson Stare >The title for the\rwarriors of Kunlun. Powerful Succubi (132-134)
10459<Annihilator >One who has hunted\rmany evil entities. Snow Demons (124-127)
10460<Poorer than a Beggar >I even beg beggars for food. End of Rob
10461<Very Charitable >A rich and charitable one. No More Begging
10462<Unveiled Truth >You had a peek at the\rultimate truth of the world. Trinket
10463<Jadeon's Pride >A Jadeon title for those\rwho have defeated Shura. Divine (222)
10464<Skysong's Pride >A Skysong title for those\rwho have defeated Shura. Divine (222)
10465<Vim's Pride >A Vim title for those\rwho have defeated Shura. Divine (222)
10466<Lupin's Pride >A Lupin title for those\rwho have defeated Shura. Divine (222)
10467<Lupin's Pride >A Lupin title for those\rwho have defeated Shura. Divine (222)
10468<Indulgent >The children of Sunstream\rlove you. N/A 孩子们的馈赠 (45+)
10469<Best Customer >A title given by merchants\rof Sunstream City. N/A 商人的馈赠 (90+)
10470<A Responsible One >A title given by the faction\rmessengers in Sunstream City. N/A 门派的馈赠 (60+)
10471<Fights for the People >A title given by the city\rguards of Sunstream City. N/A 卫兵的馈赠 (75+)
10472<Sophisticated and Knowledgeable >A title given by the scholars\rin Sunstream City. N/A 文人的馈赠
10473<Moon and Harmony >A festival title given by\rEldest Matchmaker. N/A 中秋佳节
10474<Highly Erudite >A little more than the others, too.
10475<Dragon of Tides >A dragon as fierce\ras the ocean tide. Hero's Treasure (115+)
10476<Sage of Clarity >Clarity purifies all. Turtle of Antiquity (100+)
10477<Null the Emptiness >One of the dark lords. Sword of Kunlun (130+)
10478<Fuwa Preacher >A powerful student\rof the Fuwa creed. Street Lamp (130+)
10479<Always Single >Maybe you just like\rbeing alone.
10480<Still Single >Don't you feel lonely\rall by yourself?
10481<Single >Why don't you find\rsomeone to love?
10482<Single Forever >It's not that bad,\ryou know.
10483<North Glorybeam Fighter >A fighter who has fathomed the\rsecret of North Glorybeam. Mystery of North Glorybeam (90+)
10484<North Paragon Fighter >A fighter who has fathomed the\rsecret of North Paragon. Mystery of North Paragon (105+)
10485<North Holyland Fighter >A fighter who has fathomed the\rsecret of North Holyland. Mystery of North Holyland (120+)
10486<North Celesoul Fighter >A fighter who has fathomed the\rsecret of North Celesoul. Mystery of North Celesoul (135+)
10487<North Glorybeam veteran >A veteran who has fathomed the\rsecret of North Glorybeam. Mystery of North Glorybeam (90+)
10488<North Paragon veteran >A veteran who has fathomed the\rsecret of North Paragon. Mystery of North Paragon (105+)
10489<North Holyland veteran >A veteran who has fathomed the\rsecret of North Holyland. Mystery of North Holyland (120+)
10490<North Celesoul veteran >A veteran who has fathomed the\rsecret of North Celesoul. Mystery of North Celesoul (135+)
10491<North Glorybeam master >A master who has fathomed the\rsecret of North Glorybeam. Mystery of North Glorybeam (90+)
10492<North Paragon master >A master who has fathomed the\rsecret of North Paragon. Mystery of North Paragon (105+)
10493<North Holyland master >A master who has fathomed the\rsecret of North Holyland. Mystery of North Holyland (120+)
10494<North Celesoul master >A master who has fathomed the\rsecret of North Celesoul. Mystery of North Celesoul (135+)
10495<Don't Need a Weapon >Once you are powerful enough,\ryou won't need any weapons at all. Don't Need a Weapon
10496<Blood Bog Fiend >Unite the world through\ryour destructive power. Blood Bog Fiend
10497<Like a Cricket >Crickets are cute Like a Cricket
10498<Sage of the West >A celestial being. Sage of the West
10499<Master Vimanor >Lord of Evil. Master Vimanor
10500<Sage of Equilibrium >One of the three Dagos sages Sage of Equilibrium
10501<Sage of Discrepancy >One of the three Dagos sages Sage of Discrepancy
10502<Sage of Yin-Yang >One of the three Dagos sages Sage of Yin-Yang
10503<Dream Breaker >The Breaker of the\rFirst Dream Pillar. First Dream Pillar (100+)
10504<Dream Shatterer >The Shatterer of the\rSecond Dream Pillar. Second Dream Pillar (100+)
10505<Dream Annihilator >The Annihilator of the\rThird Dream Pillar. Third Dream Pillar (100+)
10506<Dream Smasher >The Smasher of the\rFourth Dream Pillar. Fourth Dream Pillar (100+)
10507<Dream Manipulator >The Manipulator of the\rFifth Dream Pillar. Fifth Dream Pillar (100+)
10508<[Tortoise Master] >Awakener of the ancient tortoise.
10509<Already Ascended >You can leave this common\rplane as you please. Xaos (200)
10510<[Nirvana] >Beyond reincarnation. Celestial Beast (999)
10511<[The Great Way] >The way of the universe\ris no longer a mystery. General of Darkness (200)
10512<[Immortal] >The eternity of time and space. Judge of Glacier (200)
10513<Pious Preacher >Courage title\r Get title·Pious Preacher
10514<Faith Guardian >Courage title\r Get title 'Faith Guardian'
10515<Heavenly One >Courage title\r Get title 'Heavenly One'
10516<Warden of Sky >Courage title\r Get title 'Warden of Sky'
10517<Astral Overseer >Courage title\r Get title 'Astral Overseer'
10518<Sacred Dragon Lord >Courage title\r\r Get title·Sacred Dragon Lord
10519<Infinity Dweller >Courage title\r Get title 'Infinity Dweller'
10520<Mind of Elysium >Courage title\r Get title 'Mind of Elysium'
10521<Lord of Order >Courage title\r Get title 'Lord of Order'
10522<Lord of Chaos >Courage title\r Get title 'Lord of Chaos'
10523<Worlds Most Useless Loser >Hey... Will anybody\rwear this title? The Missing Friend (90-134)
10524<Aeolian Firmus >Even the Aeolian Firmus cannot\rbreak the endless grief. Anan's Gift (999-151)
10525<Another Broken Heart >Nothing has been left except\rthe rent heart. Anan's Gift (999-151)
10526<Sorrowful Smile >Why should a smile be\rso sorrowful? Why must\rwe be a world apart? Eera Carp
10527<Heroic Characteristics >Just a title found by chance... Common carp
10528<Tyrant of the Underworld >Ruler of the Underworld. Beast Lord
10529<Vim Paladin >The warrior that protects Vim. Origin of the Fumes (125+)
Origin of the Fumes (125+)
10530<Jadeon Paladin >The warrior that protects Jadeon. Origin of the Fumes (125+)
10531<Skysong Paladin >The warrior that protects Skysong. Origin of the Fumes (125+)
10532<Lupin Paladin >The warrior that protects Lupin. Origin of the Fumes (125+)
10533<§$S's Joy§ >Marriage Title
10534<§$S's Bliss§ >Marriage Title
10535<Happy New Year to All! > N/A (60+)
10536<Happy New Year to All! > Red Packet
10537<Ox of Luck > N/A (60+)
10538<A New Year > N/A (60+)
10539<Don't Talk without a Gift. >
10540<Excellence 2009 >
10541<Blessed all the Year > Reborn Order: Tribulation 7
10542<Actually a Beast >
10543<I Will Love You All My Life >
10544<Very Handsome >
10545<Very Pretty >
10546<Chore Runner EX > N/A (60+)
10547<Ox's Lucky Star >A blessing title for\rthe year of the Ox. N/A (60+)
10548<♀Shocking Smile >It was your simple smile\ryou that attracted everybody. N/A
10549<♀Heartbreaking Departure >Separating from you\rwould likely break my heart in two. N/A
10550<Shuri Rat >One of the 28 constellations. N/A (60+)
10551<♀Shared Dreams >Let's hope we can also\rmeet as we dream. N/A
10552<♂Tears of Blood >Love is sometimes painful. N/A
10553<♂Awaotomg >Just want to see you\rone last time. N/A
10554<♂Together >Let's just stick together\rthrough it all. N/A
10555<Archer of Chaos >A title granted by the god who killed\rthe other eight suns with his arrows. N/A (60+)
10556<Rain of Flowers >Dance in a rain of flowers\rand feel the beauty of the world. N/A (60+)
10557<Skyrush Ox >2009 zodiacal animal title N/A
10558<Landdive Ox >2009 zodiacal animal title N/A
10559<Tunnel Ox >2009 zodiacal animal title N/A
10560<Swimmer Ox >2009 zodiacal animal title N/A
10561<Beautiful Ox >2009 zodiacal animal title N/A
10562<Tattooed >This does not make\ryou look stronger N/A (60+)
10563<Ritual Host >A host for the ancestral ritual. N/A (60+)
10564<Wish you good luck! > Be Fortunate
N/A (1-200)
10565<Wish you happiness! > Reborn Order: Tribulation 6
10566<Happy like a Rat >
10567<The Rich of 2009 >Rich and lucky, and\rwhat's wrong with that? N/A
10568<The $M Incident >You are\rnotoriously famous.\r World Renown (103+)
10569<God of Food >The delicious and the tasty...\rWhich one should I choose?\r Delicious Chicken Wings (95+)
10570<Returned Soul >A hero's spirit\rnever dies. Song of Soul (45+)
10571<$S & $M >Let's stay together\rand watch as our\rlove grows. N/A
10572<All for Love >Nothing stops me when\rI'm fighting for my love. Test of Love (120+)
10573<Pretty Lady >Many admire you.\rSome would even\rdie for you. Love Silk
10574<Tykon's Knight >A subordinate of\rLord Tykon Lord Tykon (139+)
10575<Tron's Knight >A subordinate of\rLord Tron Lord Myzion (147+)
10576<Myzion's Knight >A subordinate of\rLord Myzion Lord Tron (143+)
10577<Myzion's Warrior >A subordinate of\rLord Myzion
10578<Silly and Naive >Got fooled by Tanis Ka. Ask Tanis Ka
10579<Swindler-EX >An advanced title\rfor swindlers Title Upgr.-Amateur Swindler
10580<Helpless Romantic >An advanced title for those who\reasily fall in love. Title Upgrade-Easily Obsessed
10581<Crazy Spirit-EX >An advanced title for\rthose who love drinking. Title Upgrade-Crazy Spirit
10582<Abnormally Talented >An advanced title for those\rwith extreme talent. Title Upgrade-Quite Talented
10583<Amateur Angler >An inexperienced angler who\rcan only successfully fish under\rgood fishing conditions. Amateur Angler (45+)
10584<Experienced Angler >An experienced angler\rthat can catch fish\rin almost any water. Experienced Angler
10585<Pro Angler >A master angler who is expert\rin all aspects of fishing. Pro Angler
10586<Solitary Angler >The angler who understands\rthe true essence of fishing. Solitary Angler
10587<The Nameless Angler >A mysterious representative\rof the philosophy of\rlife and fishing. Nameless Angler
10588<Cloudstorm Vanguard >It's glorious to be\rthe first to take\rdown Fort Cloudstorm. Fort Cloudstorm Overlord
10589<Celestial Perception >The first to heed the call of Cloudstorm. Power in the Hand
10590<Cloudstorm Devastator >The hero with devastating power. Devastator of Cloudstorm
10591<Cloudstorm Cow Tender >The person who tamed\rthe Cloudstorm beast. Cloudstorm Cow Tender
10592<Ruler of Antiquity >You wield the power of antiquity. Ruler of Antiquity
10593<Dancing on the Etherblade >The mighty blade is like a small theater stage for you. Dancing on the Etherblade
10594<Cloudstorm Journalist >You have taken the responsibility of\rrevealing dark secrets to the world. Cloudstorm Journalist
10595<Brain of the Land >Even a god cannot match your wisdom. Chant of Antiquity
10596<Star Smasher >Your fists can\rshatter stars! Final Tests (105+)
10597<Dishonest Merchant >Don't wear this title\rwhen you are vending! Profits (999-151)
10598<I Hate Dishonest Merchants >I will not be deceived again! Profits (999-151)
10599<Workers' Strength >Workers,\runite! N/A |劳动节|劳动人民的节日
10600<Ultimate Cleaner >It's okay, but I never wanted\rto be a vacuum cleaner. N/A |劳动节|回禀渔翁
10601<Expired Title 10601 >Special Title\r Charitable Hero
10602<Expired Title 10602 >Special Title\r Brave Rescuer
10603<Expired Title 10603 >Special Title\r Herald of Philanthropy
10604<The Awakened >You've uncovered some of the\rmysteries behind samsara. The Six Cycles
10605<Bilu Spirit >My body will decay,\rbut my love and spirit will never die! Without name
10606<Shura Conqueror >For a Modo student\rthat has defeated Shura. Divine (222)
10607<Cleavered >Terminated by a cleaver. Cleaver Theo (40+)
10608<The Cleaver >The Cleaver Exterminator. Cleaver Theo (40+)
10609<Treasure Finder >You made it! You found the treasure\rby using the map! The Lost Treasures (999+)
10610<Torch Relay Runner >The first torch relay runner. Champion of Torch Relay
10611<Embarrassment Aura >Don't get close or you'll/rget embarrassed. Without name
10612<Invigorated >Do not disturb. Title 'Sky-Man Integrating'
10613<Disconnected from Server >If you don't fear this,\ryou have fear of nothing! Without name
10614<Not Here Now >So don't try bugging me\rabout anything. Thanks. Without name
10615<Smelly Feet >Don't take your shoes off! Smelly Feet (200+)
10616<Driving Without a License >Be careful when you are flying. Qualified Pilot (999-151)
10617<Quiz Dean >The champion of the\rQuiz Bowl. Quiz Doyen
10618<Quiz Maven >Took second place in\rthe Quiz Bowl. Quiz Maven
10619<Quiz Expert >Took third place in\rthe Quiz Bowl. Quiz Expert
10620<Veteran of Quizzes >Title the top 10\rquiz players. Veteran of Quiz
10621<Modo Executor >Protector of the Modo law. Origin of the Fumes (125+)
Without name
Origin of the Fumes (125+)
10622<Expired Title 10622 > Champion of Interserver PK
10623<Expired Title 10623 > N/A 诛仙08跨服PK大赛全国亚军
10624<Expired Title 10624 > N/A 诛仙08跨服PK大赛大区冠军
10625<I'm Back >I said that\rI would be!
10626<Crazy for Anan > Anan's Gift
10627<Gorgeous as Anan >A flattering compliment. Promise (999-151)
10628<Like the Moon Goddess >People often say this about Anan. Story (999-151)
10629<Expired Title 10629 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10629
10630<Expired Title 10736 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 电信一区幻月龙帮独有尊号
10631<Expired Title 10631 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10631
10632<Expired Title 10632 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 电信一区乘黄龙帮独有尊号
10633<Expired Title 10633 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10633
10634<Expired Title 10634 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10634
10635<Expired Title 10635 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10635
10636<Expired Title 10636 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10636
10637<Expired Title 10637 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10637
10638<Expired Title 10638 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10638
10639<Expired Title 10639 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10639
10640<Expired Title 10640 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 电信一区君临龙帮独有尊号
10641<Expired Title 10641 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Eternal Legend
10642<Expired Title 10642 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 电信一区六道龙帮独有尊号
10643<Expired Title 10643 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10643
10644<Expired Title 10644 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10644
10645<Expired Title 10645 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10645
10646<Expired Title 10646 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10646
10647<Expired Title 10647 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10647
10648<Expired Title 10648 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10648
10649<Expired Title 10769 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10769
10650<Expired Title 10650 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10650
10651<Expired Title 10651 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10651
10652<Expired Title 10652 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10652
10653<Expired Title 10653 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10653
10654<Expired Title 10654 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10654
10655<Expired Title 10655 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 电信二区圣域龙帮独有尊号
10656<Expired Title 10736 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 电信二区疾风龙帮独有尊号
10657<Expired Title 10657 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10657
10658<Expired Title 10658 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10658
10659<Expired Title 10659 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10659
10660<Expired Title 10660 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10660
10661<Expired Title 10661 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10661
10662<Expired Title 10662 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10662
10663<Expired Title 10736 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 电信三区巨灵龙帮独有尊号
10664<Expired Title 10664 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10664
10665<Expired Title 10665 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10665
10666<Expired Title 10666 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10666
10667<Expired Title 10667 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 电信三区叱诧龙帮独有尊号
10668<Expired Title 10668 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 电信三区九霄龙帮独有尊号
10669<Expired Title 10669 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Benevolence Is Invincible
10670<Expired Title 10670 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10670
10671<Expired Title 10671 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10671
10672<Expired Title 10672 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10672
10673<Expired Title 10673 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10673
10674<Expired Title 10674 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10674
10675<Expired Title 10675 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10675
10676<Expired Title 10676 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 电信三区金鼎龙帮独有尊号
10677<Expired Title 10677 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10677
10678<Expired Title 10678 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Dawn's End
10679<Expired Title 10679 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10679
10680<Expired Title 10680 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10680
10681<Expired Title 10681 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10681
10682<Expired Title 10682 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10682
10683<Expired Title 10683 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Title: Unity Is Strength
10684<Expired Title 10684 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10684
10685<Expired Title 10736 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 电信四区浩气龙帮独有尊号
10686<Expired Title 10686 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10686
10687<Expired Title 10687 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10687
10688<Expired Title 10688 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10688
10689<Expired Title 10736 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 电信四区龙翔龙帮尊号
10690<Expired Title 10690 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10690
10691<Expired Title 10691 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10691
10692<Expired Title 10692 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10692
10693<Expired Title 10693 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10693
10694<Expired Title 10694 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10694
10695<Expired Title 10695 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10695
10696<Expired Title 10696 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10696
10697<Expired Title 10697 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10697
10698<Expired Title 10698 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10698
10699<Expired Title 10699 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10699
10700<Expired Title 10700 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10700
10701<Expired Title 10701 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10701
10702<Expired Title 10702 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 网通一区轮回龙帮独有尊号
10703<Expired Title 10703 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10703
10704<Expired Title 10704 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 网通一区天翼龙帮独有尊号
10705<Expired Title 10705 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10705
10706<Expired Title 10706 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10706
10707<Expired Title 10707 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10707
10708<Expired Title 10708 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Enjoy peaches, plums and wine
10709<Expired Title 10709 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 网通二区天机龙帮独有尊号
10710<Expired Title 10710 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10710
10711<Expired Title 10711 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10711
10712<Expired Title 10712 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10712
10713<Expired Title 10713 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10713
10714<Expired Title 10714 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10714
10715<Expired Title 10715 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10715
10716<Expired Title 10716 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10716
10717<Expired Title 10717 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 网通二区漫天龙帮独有尊号
10718<Expired Title 10718 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10718
10719<Expired Title 10719 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10719
10720<Expired Title 10720 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10720
10721<Expired Title 10721 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10721
10722<Expired Title 10722 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10722
10723<Expired Title 10723 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10723
10724<Expired Title 10724 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10724
10725<Expired Title 10725 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10725
10726<Expired Title 10726 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10726
10727<Expired Title 10727 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10727
10728<Expired Title 10728 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10728
10729<Expired Title 10729 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10729
10730<Expired Title 10730 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 电信一区墨雪虎帮独有尊号
10731<Expired Title 10731 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10731
10732<Expired Title 10732 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10732
10733<Expired Title 10733 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10733
10734<Expired Title 10734 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10734
10735<Expired Title 10735 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10735
10736<Expired Title 10736 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 电信一区问鼎虎帮独有尊号
10737<Expired Title 10737 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10737
10738<Expired Title 10738 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10738
10739<Expired Title 10739 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10739
10740<Expired Title 10740 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10740
10741<Expired Title 10741 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10741
10742<Expired Title 10742 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10742
10743<Expired Title 10743 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10743
10744<Expired Title 10744 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10744
10745<Expired Title 10745 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10745
10746<Expired Title 10746 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10746
10747<Expired Title 10747 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 很黄很暴力
10748<Expired Title 10748 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10748
10749<Expired Title 10749 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10749
10750<Expired Title 10750 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Evil
10751<Expired Title 10751 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10751
10752<Expired Title 10752 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10752
10753<Expired Title 10753 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10753
10754<Expired Title 10754 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10754
10755<Expired Title 10755 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10755
10756<Expired Title 10756 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10756
10757<Expired Title 10757 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10757
10758<Expired Title 10758 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10758
10759<Expired Title 10759 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10759
10760<Expired Title 10760 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10760
10761<Expired Title 10761 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10761
10762<Expired Title 10762 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10762
10763<Expired Title 10763 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10763
10764<Expired Title 10764 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10764
10765<Expired Title 10765 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10765
10766<Expired Title 10766 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10766
10767<Expired Title 10767 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10767
10768<Expired Title 10768 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10768
10769<Expired Title 10769 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10769
10770<Expired Title 10770 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10770
10771<Expired Title 10771 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10771
10772<Expired Title 10772 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10772
10773<Expired Title 10773 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10773
10774<Expired Title 10774 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10774
10775<Expired Title 10775 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10775
10776<Expired Title 10776 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10776
10777<Expired Title 10777 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10777
10778<Expired Title 10778 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10778
10779<Expired Title 10779 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10779
10780<Expired Title 10780 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10780
10781<Expired Title 10781 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10781
10782<Expired Title 10782 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10782
10783<Expired Title 10783 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10783
10784<Expired Title 10784 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10784
10785<Expired Title 10785 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10785
10786<Expired Title 10786 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10786
10787<Expired Title 10787 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10787
10788<Expired Title 10788 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10788
10789<Expired Title 10789 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10789
10790<Expired Title 10790 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10790
10791<Expired Title 10791 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10791
10792<Expired Title 10792 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10792
10793<Expired Title 10793 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10793
10794<Expired Title 10794 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10794
10795<Expired Title 10795 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 网通一区腾龙虎帮独有尊号
10796<Expired Title 10796 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10796
10797<Expired Title 10797 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10797
10798<Expired Title 10798 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10798
10799<Expired Title 10799 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Custom Title 1
10800<Expired Title 10800 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Custom Title 2
10801<Expired Title 10801 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Custom Title 3
10802<Expired Title 10802 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10802
10803<Expired Title 10803 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10803
10804<Expired Title 10804 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10804
10805<Expired Title 10805 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10805
10806<Expired Title 10806 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10806
10807<Expired Title 10807 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10807
10808<Expired Title 10808 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10808
10809<Expired Title 10809 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10809
10810<Expired Title 10810 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10810
10811<Expired Title 10811 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10811
N/A0测试-发放各种奖励+buff (999)
10812<Expired Title 10812 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10812
10813<Expired Title 10813 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10813
10814<Expired Title 10814 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10814
10815<Expired Title 10815 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title N/A 支持完美
10816<Expired Title 10816 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10816
10817<Expired Title 10817 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10817
10818<Expired Title 10818 >08 Interserver PVP\rcontest title Expired Title 10818
10819<I am Anan! >Just kidding! I'm Anan.
10820<Felkin Knight >Main force of Felkin Into the Face of Fear
10821<Fuwa Sage >Believer of the Fuwa creed. Meet Lord Tathagata
10822<Dagos Transcendent >Can now transcend samsara. Meeting the King of Laws (75+)
Meeting the King of Laws (75+)
10823<Emperor of Ascension >No one knows more than I do! Tell Secrets (135+)
10824<Prevailing >Prevailing Famous in the World
10825<Cook of Destiny >You are the greatest\rcook ever! N/A色香味俱全的御龙火锅
10826<Great Luck >Great Luck Goat Kick
10827<Auspice >Auspice N/A吉福双星
10828<Heavenly Bliss >Heavenly Bliss N/A福禄双星
10829<Joys of Life >Joys of Life N/A吉禄双星
10830<Song of Love >Song of Love N/A福星献瑞
10831<Fortune of Eternity >Fortune of Eternity N/A禄星献瑞
10832<Everlasting Blessing >Everlasting Blessing N/A吉星献瑞
10833<Happiness >The god of happiness blesses you. N/A喜神送喜 (999-151)
10834<Fortune >The god of fortune blesses you. N/A福神赐福 (999-151)
10835<Prosperity >The god of prosperity blesses you. N/A财神赠财 (999-151)
10836<Expired Title 10836 >09 Valentine's Day title N/A天缘试炼-终章
10837<Expired Title 10837 >09 Valentine's Day title N/A天缘试炼-终章
10838<Expired Title 10838 >09 Valentine's Day title N/A天缘试炼-终章
10839<Expired Title 10839 >09 Valentine's Day title N/A天缘试炼-终章
sxw_test11 (1511-1521)
10840<Expired Title 10840 >09 Valentine's Day title N/A天缘试炼-终章
10841<Expired Title 10841 >09 Valentine's Day title N/A天缘试炼-终章
10842<Blue Mage Messenger > N/A第四批新手卡称号发放
Blue Mage Messenger
10843<The Return of the King >The king returns, right on the power! I am back
10844<Death Seeker >Death in three days, don't eat too much. Three-Day Life Pill
10845<Blood Thirst > So thirsty for blood Bloodthirty Orb
10846<Fake Drug Trader >Dishonest trader selling fake drugs Sell the Pills
10847<Taja's Accomplice >Bad guy helping Taja destroy others' gears The Trouble of Taja (105+)
10848<Poor Guy with Gears Destroyed >Never offend Taja. He may destroy your gear. Pityful One (105+)
10849<Supreme Lord >Supreme VIP title
10850<LV1 Fighter >Jade Dynasty 2009 interserver PK Spirit of the Fighter
10851<LV2 Fighter >Jade Dynasty 2009 interserver PK Spirit of the Fighter
10852<LV3 Fighter >Jade Dynasty 2009 interserver PK Spirit of the Fighter
10853<LV4 Fighter >Jade Dynasty 2009 interserver PK Spirit of the Fighter
10854<LV5 Fighter >Jade Dynasty 2009 interserver PK Spirit of the Fighter
10855<LV6 Fighter >Jade Dynasty 2009 interserver PK Spirit of the Fighter
10856<LV7 Fighter >Jade Dynasty 2009 interserver PK Spirit of the Fighter
10857<Happy Challenge >Special title for intercity event N/A|城市之间|城市之间
10858<PK Champion > Without name
10859<09 PK 2nd Place > Without name
10860<09 PK 3rd Place > Without name
10861<09 PK the First 8th > Without name
10862<09 PK Supreme Alliance > Without name
10863<Hale and Hearty >Many happy returns. Without name
10864<In Good Shape >Many happy returns. Without name
10865<Flowing Water >Blessing of the Sea Without name
10866<Vigorous Pine >Blessing of the Mountain Without name
10867<Good Luck >May all your wish come true. Without name
10868<All the Best >May all go well with you. Without name
10869<Lifelong companion >always on your side Without name
10870<Share Happiness and Sadness >always on your side Without name
10871<Big Fortune >Good Business Without name
10872<Great Fortune >Treasures fill the home. Without name
10873<Rich Spring >Rich and safe Without name
10874<Everything's Okay >Rich and safe Without name
10875<Falling Petals >I like you.n>Without name
Without name
10876<Flowing Stream >I don't like you.- - Without name
Without name
10877<Jade Dynasty Fan >A fan of Jade Dynasty
10878<Supreme Conqueror >The conqueror of the world Without name
10879<Matchless Superman >A matchless warrior Without name
10880<Renowned Warrior >A great warrior known to the world Without name
10881<Peerless Hero >There's no match for you. Without name
10882<Sunshooting Lord >Arden title acquired after\rdefeating Shura Divine (222)
10883<Celestial Warrior >Balo title acquired after\rdefeating Shura Divine (222)
10884<Incomparable Hero >A blessing from the gods! Without name
Without name
Without name
10885<Crazy Walker >Seek fashion to the end! Without name
10886<JD Star >Enjoy your life of\renlightenment Without name
10887<Ultimate Warrior >A walking JD Encyclopedia Without name
10888<Invigorating > Invigorating
10889<Love peace. Resist PK > PK Resist
10890<I want to be a good person. > I want to be a good person
10891<Athan Elite > Athan Elite
10892<Human Elite > Human Elite
10893<Expired Title 10893 >09 Chiristmas Title
10894<Tiger's Vitality >Unique title of 2010 Beginner Card Title 'Dynamic Tiger'
10895<Exceptional Hero >A blessing from the gods! Without name
10896<Expired Title 10896 >N/A Without name
10897<Wonderland Fair Talent >A genius good at playing all Fair games
10898<What a Big Log >You look like a big log when\ryou walk on stilts Noah's Reward
10899<Never Wear Shoes >You never wear shoes when you\rwalk on stilts. Noah's Reward
10900<Intangible Cultural Heritage >A rare genius of stilt-walking Noah's Reward
10901<Lonely Stilt Walker >I have nothing to do\rbut walk on stilts. Noah's Reward
10902<Lonely Stilt Walker >I have nothing to do\rbut walk on stilts. Noah's Reward
10903<Stilt Addict >You're so addicted to stilt-walking. Noah's Reward
10904<A Helping Hand >Tigers should be loved,\rnot feared or hunted. Funny Title
10905<Little Tiger >Even a little tiger\rcan be a big star! Funny Title
10906<God of Wealth >When the God of Wealth is happy,\ryou benefit through good fortune. Funny Title
10907<Rodent's Rival >Mice cower in fear\rin your presence. Funny Title
10908<Unknown to Public > Special-Achievements-I
10909<Celebrity > Special-Achievements-II
10910<Well-Known > Special-Achievements-III
10911<Successful and Famous > Special-Achievements-IV
10912<Spotlight of the World > Special-Achievements-V
10913<Eternal Legend > Special-Achievements-VI
10914<Pledge of Love >Hand in hand,\rwe'll stick together\rfor ever. Italina Gift Pack (200+)
10915<Deep Affection >This love lasts for ever. Without name
10916<Sincere Love >Truly, madly, deeply. Without name
10917<Expired Title 10917 >Loathes Landlubbers Refine Weapons
10918<Arrgh matey! > Mariner's Memo
Mariner's Manifesto
10919<2010 Sunstream Model Collab >Emissary Model Labor Model
10920<Swine Flu Patient >You're so close to the Pig Yasho. Without name
10921<Bane of Pigs >Bane of the Pig Yasho Success!
10922<Crisis of Confidence >Everyone loses his trust in you. Squirrel Combat[Event] (110+)
10925<The Great Conqueror > JD II·Seeking Hegemony
10926<Rush for Vengeance > Fresh Air·New World
10927<Peak Battle > JD II·End of War
10928<Great Gambler >Special title for the\rworld-famous gambler Without name
10930<Small Gambler >You gamble for nothing but fun. Without name
10931<Mmammonist >You gamble just for money. Without name
10932<Eight-Paw Monster >You inherited Yu's nickname. Without name
10933<King of Gambling's Disciple >Title for Yu's disciple Without name
10923<Celan's Pride >A Celan title for those\rwho have defeated Shura. Divine (222)
10924<Rayan's Pride >A Rayan title for those\rwho have defeated Shura. Divine (222)
10934<Heroic Saint >A blessing from the gods! Without name
10935<Egg Superman >Even an egg wants to be\ra superman. Without name
10936<Messenger of Light >I bring brightness everywhere. Without name
Without name
Without name
10937<Rank 1 Warlord >2010 JD PK Imperial Token (999+)
10938<Rank 2 Warlord >2010 JD PK Imperial Token (999+)
10939<Rank 3 Warlord >2010 JD PK Imperial Token (999+)
10940<Rank 4 Warlord >2010 JD PK Imperial Token (999+)
10941<Rank 5 Warlord >2010 JD PK Imperial Token (999+)
10942<Rank 6 Warlord >2010 JD PK Imperial Token (999+)
10943<Rank 7 Warlord >2010 JD PK Imperial Token (999+)
10944<New Insight >Unique Title Without name
10945<Star of the Three Realms >Unique Title Without name
Without name
10946<Great King >Unique Title Without name
10947<Europa Honor Guard >Unique Title Without name
10948<Cool Player >Unique Title Without name
10949<Snake Charmer >Unique Title Without name
10950<Rank 8 Warlord >2010 JD PK Imperial Token (999+)
Imperial Token (999+)
10951<Rank 9 Warlord >2010 JD PK Imperial Token (999+)
Imperial Token (999+)
10952<Rank 10 Warlord >2010 JD PK Imperial Token (999+)
Imperial Token (999+)
10953<Matchless Warlord >2010 JD PK Imperial Token (999+)
Imperial Token (999+)
10954<Women are My Favorite >Men always like talking\rto me Without name
10955<Casanova >To be handsome is\ralso a loneliness. Without name
10956<Legendary Romantic >The famous romantic in the legend Without name
10957<Undefeated Champion >Male or female or both? Without name
10958<Sisterly Love >I may not have a girl,\rbut I have many friends. Without name
10959<Free Labor Force >Not a confidant Without name
10960<Man of Generosity >Men gave me\rGood Person Cards Without name
10961<Full of Tragedy >I'm a rare good person indeed! Without name
10962<Blind Worship >I am powerful! Without name
10963<Just too Charming >Everyone's Dreamlover Without name
10964<Enchanting Smile >Your smile outshines\rall flowers. Without name
10965<Most Attractive >Your beauty takes everyone's\rbreath away. Without name
10966<We're Brothers >Our friendship is pure. Without name
10967<Sisters! Come on! >We're half of the world! Without name
10968<A Game, a Dream >Is this a game?\rOr just a dream? Without name
10969<A Kind Heart >I'm a rare good person indeed! Without name
10970<Saint Without Sin >The wise is free from perplexities. Without name
10971<Graceful Dancer >I am not arrogant, but I hate\rto deal with vulgar people! Without name
10972<Universally Lauded >Popular Lover Without name
10973<Differ from Earthman >To be different from others is\rthe very definition of fashion! Without name
10974<The Moon Speaks My Mind >Unique title from the\rmarketplace mooncakes Title 'Moon Speaks My Mind'
10975<2010 X-Server PK Star >2010 International Cross-Server PK \rbrighest star. N/A特殊-尊号-2010国际跨服PK赛-职业明星
10976<UMADBRO? >PvP Prize\rForum contest. UMADBRO?
10977<Q_Q >Friends and fun! Q_Q
10978<King of Kings >Your alliance has conquered\rthe entire Territory Wars map. King of Kings
10979<QQ More >PvP Prize\rForum contest. QQ More
10980<PK under Parental Guidance >PK is risky!\rYoungsters, stay away!\r2010 Cross-Server PK Championship Title N/A特殊-尊号-未满18岁请在父母指导下与本人PK
10981<First X-Server PK Alliance >2010 International Cross-Server PK \rAlliance Title Without name
10982<First X-Server PK Quarterfinals >2010 International Cross-Server PK \rQuarterfinals Title Without name
10983<First X-Server PK Pioneer >2010 International Cross-Server PK \r3rd Place Title Without name
10984<First X-Server PK Runner-Up >2010 International Cross-Server PK \r2nd Place Title Without name
10985<First X-Server PK Champion >2010 International Cross-Server PK \r1st Place Title Without name
10986<First X-Server PK World Champion >2010 International Cross-Server PK \rWorld Championship Winner Without name
10987<Drunken Love·ZhuXian 2 >Drunk to see true love. [JD2·Best Love]
10988<Infatuation >Become Apotheosis\rBecause of love. [Infatuation]
10989<Forged By War >This title marks you as part of\rTeam Legacy 2011! Attack Power +1%
Without name
10990<Weight Is An Advantage >Good Health,\rLonger Life.\r Health +1%
Without name
10991<Cultural Hooligan >Hooligans are not scray,\rbe afraid of cultured ones! Spirit +1%
Without name
10992<Light Foot >One-hundred steps on spot! Skill Accuracy +1.0
Without name
10993<Quickly Mind >You can't hit me! You can't hit me! Skill Evasion +1.0
Without name
10994<I, $M am back! >2010 Returning Player Title Attack Power +1%
Title: XX Is Back Again
10995<Dragon Gate Herald >Jump through the\rFirst Dragon Gate.
10996<Dragon Gate Sage >Jump through the\rsecond Dragon Gate. Unlock Dragon Gate
10997<Dragon Gate Saint >Jump through the\rthird Dragon Gate. Unlock Dragon Gate
10998<AMD Supreme User >AMD Supreme Spree\rUnique Title Without name
10999<I use Nokia >Nokia Spree\rUnique Title Without name
11000<My Sister uses Nokia >Nokia Spree\rUnique Title Without name
11016<North Empyrean Array General >You are a master of the\rNorth Empyrean Array Couple Title Love Spark
11017<North Empyrean Array Captain >You are skilled at the\rNorth Empyrean Array Couple Title The Vast World
11018<North Empyrean Array Warrior >You are a beginner of the\rNorth Empyrean Array C. Title Everything's Lovely
11019<Casuals love life! >Levels are not important ... Couple Title Special Fondness
11020<House of Technology >Nothing but Technology here. Couple Title Blooming Field
11021<Reffered to as High Player >B-Category Players\rare usually skilled. N/A特殊-称号-人人网
Couple Title Little Fairy
11022< Expert >I said yes,\rbut also no. Without name
Couple Title Teen Idol
11023< Idol Emperor >Throwing oneself to the ground\rcan express admiration for you. Without name
Couple Title Unchecked World
11024<Legendary Brother >My Brother is no longer in the\rArena, however his legend is. Without name
Couple Title Advise Me More
11025<Legendary Sister >My Sister is no longer in the\rArena, however her legend is. Without name
11026<Cup Terminator >Jade Dynasty Event\rMemorial Title Without name
11027<Jade Dynasty NPC >Jade Dynasty Event\rMemorial Title Without name
11028<Weibo Grandmaster >Sina x Weibo Event\rMemorial Title Without name
11029<Weibo Master >Sina x Weibo Event\rMemorial Title Without name
11030<Weibo Slayer >Sina x Weibo Event\rMemorial Title Without name
11031<Weibo Knight >Sina x Weibo Event\rMemorial Title Without name
11032<Dreamer >Dream Come True Event\rMemorial Title Without name
11033<What the hell >2010 most pronounced word Spirit +1%
has gained the title (30+)
11034<Ah Sibak >The spell of diamonds\rCan you understand Defense +10
has gained the title (30+)
11035<What's the matter? >This sentence must be heard by Xiao Xianer\rlike the voice of Lori Evasion +10
has gained the title (30+)
11036<Little strawberry >Do you still remember\rLil Baba bad voice Attack Power +20
has gained the title (30+)
11037<Press U for Eternal Life >You might not recieve eternity\rbut we might help you there. Health +1%
has gained the title (30+)
11038<Ruthlessness >Killing such a beautiful lady Spirit Elf\rYou are so Ruthless\rAttack+50 Attack Power +50
Without name
11039<People Trader >How cute the Tater Tot is.\rYou are so crue\rMax HP+200 Health +200
Without name
11040<Jadeon Founder's Blessing >Jadeon Founder blesses you\rHe helps you make a great progress\rCritstrike Rate+1% CritStrike Rate +1.0%
Without name
11041<Mashimaro >Brick in left hand\rbrick in right hand!\rI shall dominate all! has gained the title
11042<Sweet Bunny >Cuteness OVERLOAD! has gained the title
11043<RabbiDostoevsky >The Name proves that I am a\rpure Russian descent. has gained the title
11044<Mr. AK-47 >I am KNPEHEHKO,\rprison break is more\rexciting with me! has gained the title
11045<I'm a Bunny! I'm a Bunny! >Everything is nothing\rthe Rabbit is the King. Four Color Rabbit
has gained the title
11046<Please take my salary >Faster than you! Without name
11047<Faster than you! >Faster than you! Without name
11048<Stamped and certified >Event Unique Title Without name
11049<I'm your legal lover >Event Unique Title Without name
11050<Carry love to the end >Become a God for Love-Exclusive Card\rMemorial Title Without name
11051<Spring Silliness >Won from the April Fool's event. Spirit +1%
has gained the title
11052<Hoten Defender >Won from the April Fool's event. Health +1%
has gained the title
11053<Eagle Eye >Won from the April Fool's event. Accuracy +10
has gained the title
11054<Fish Fighter >Won from the April Fool's event. Evasion +10
has gained the title
11055<Seriously, you lost. > Spirit +1%
Without name
11056<Co-Kick > CritStrike Rate +1.0%
Without name
11057<Shura Overlord >Certificate for the Winner\rwho Passed the Shura Gauntlet CritNull +2.0%
CritShield +8.0%
Without name (120+)
11058<My Game, My Rules >I'm the Boss\rin my Game. Without name
11059<I Have The Privilege >Youth is Privilege. Without name
11060<※Righteousness※ >2010 Cross-Server PK World Champion Without name
11061<Heroic Giant >The ultimate blessing from the gods! Without name
11062<Star of Glory >4th Anniversary Celebration\rEvent Title Title Glory Star
11063<★★Ultimate Adventurer★★ >Event title Title Ultimate Adventurer
11064<Winner Takes All >4th Anniversary Celebration\rEvent Title Title Winner King
11065<Pinnacle of Glory >Proof of the\rJade Dynasty Faithful.
11066<№1 Teacher >No. 1 Ethics Rank
11067<Tier 1 Warlord >Zhu Xian 2011 Cross-Server PK Title Glory Order
11068<Tier 2 Warlord >Zhu Xian 2011 Cross-Server PK Title Glory Order
11069<Tier 3 Warlord >Zhu Xian 2011 Cross-Server PK Title Glory Order
11070<Tier 4 Warlord >Zhu Xian 2011 Cross-Server PK Title Glory Order
11071<Tier 5 Warlord >Zhu Xian 2011 Cross-Server PK Title Glory Order
11072<Tier 6 Warlord >Zhu Xian 2011 Cross-Server PK Title Glory Order
11073<Tier 7 Warlord >Zhu Xian 2011 Cross-Server PK Title Glory Order
11074<Tier 8 Warlord >Zhu Xian 2011 Cross-Server PK Title Glory Order
11075<Tier 9 Warlord >Zhu Xian 2011 Cross-Server PK Title Glory Order
11076<Tier 10 Warlord >Zhu Xian 2011 Cross-Server PK Title Glory Order
11077<Warlord >Zhu Xian 2011 Cross-Server PK Title Glory Order
11078<Proud of 80s Generation >Faster than you! Proud of 80s Generation
11079<Proud of 90s Generation >Faster than you! Proud of 90s Generation
11080<Weibo Paparazzi >Faster than you! Defense +1%
Paparazzi of Micro Blog
11081<PK-Passionate >Faster than you! Health +1%
Warm Blood PK Player
11082<The Almighty Clan Leader >Road to Glory\r2011 Guild Race Title I am the Clan Leader
11083<JD Awesomeness >Road to Glory\r2011 Guild Race Title Talent Clan of JD
11084<$S and $M have Everlasting Love >I'll Love You Forever. Silence RES +9
Everlasting Love
11085<Refreshing Summer >Cool Summer Event Card Title Title - Cool Summer
11086<★★Summer Passion★★ >Cool Summer Event Card Title Title 'Summer Passion'
11087<Beast Master > Secret Title
has gained the title
11088<Stronger Than All >You are a champion of PvP. CritStrike Rate +1.0%
Attack Power +1%
Skill Accuracy +1.0
Without name
11089<Zhu Xian ISO Reporter >2011 Cross-Server PK\rOfficial Press Corps Title Health +1%
Title 'ISO Journalist'
11090<Zhu Xian Baby >2011 Zhu Xian Baby Event Title Attack Power +1%
Defense +1%
Title '2011 JD Baby'
11091<Will warm your bed >Official Forum Honor Title Health +1%
Title: Kind and Caring
11092<ISO Certified >Official Forum Moderator Honor Title Title 'ISO Moderator'
11093<JD Master >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11094<JD Master >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11095<JD Master >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11096<JD Master >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11097<VGB Game >VGB Novice Card Titile Title: JD Master
11098<YZZ Game >yzz Novice Card Titile Title: JD Master
11099<766Game >766N ovice Card Titile Title: JD Master
11100<52pk Game >52pk Novice Card Titile Title: JD Master
11101<Pacific Game >Pacific Novice Card Titile Title: JD Master
11102<JD Game >JD Novice Card Titile Title: JD Master
11103<TaoBao Game Master >TaoBao Novice Card Titile Title: JD Master
11104<131 Game >131 Novice Card Titile Title: JD Master
11105<JD Master >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11106<178 Game >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11107<More Water, More Fun! >Faster than you! Title: JD Master
11108<Incomparable Instincts >Faster than you! Title: Incomparable Instincts
11109<2011 International Alliance >The Top 8! Title: 2011 Cross-server PK
11110<2011 PWIC Top 8 >The Top 8! Title: 2011 Cross-server PK 2
11111<2011 International 3rd Place >The Top 8! Title: 2011 PWIC 3rd Place
11112<2011 International 2nd Place >The Top 8! Title: 2011 PWIC 2nd Place
11113<2011 Classic (6v6) Team >The Top 8! Title: 2011 JD(6v6)Super Team
11114<Origin Detector >2011 Official Novice Card Titile Title: Origin Detector
11115<★★★Kingdom Come★★★ >2011 Official Novice Card Titile Title: ★King Came to Earth★
11116<Enemy of the King >2011 Official Novice Card Titile Title: King Guild Fight for 1
11117<2011 International Wold Champion >The Top 8! Title: 2011 PWIC World Champ
11118<2011 Classic (6v6) Third Place >The Top 8! Title: 2011 JDPK (6v6) 3rd
11119<2011 Classic (6v6) Second Place >The Top 8! Title: 2011 JDPK (6v6) 2nd
11120<2011 Classic (6v6) First Place >The Top 8! Title: 2011 JDPK (6v6) Champ
11121<2011 International Championship >2012 Cross-Server PK Championship Title Title: 2011 PWIC World Champ
11122<NetEase Game Master >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11123<Bing Photographer >Faster than you! Title 'Bing Beauty Control'
11124<QQ Member >Event Unique Title Title 'QQ Member'
11125<Sogou Lightning Member >Event Unique Title Title 'Sogou Member'
11126<Love Is Not Blind >2011 Unique Title Title 'Love Is Not Blind'
11127<Till Death Do Us Part >2011 Unique Title Title 'Till Death Do Us Part'
One Life, One Love
One Life, One Love
11128<Her Hawtness >2011 Unique Title Title 'Her Hawtness'
11129<The Jade Gentleman >2011 Unique Title Title 'The Jade Gentleman'
11130<Certified Dime-Piece >2011 Unique Title Title 'Certified Dime-Piece'
11131<True Bachelor >2011 Unique Title Title 'True Bachelor'
11132<Boundless Beauty >2011 Unique Title Sleep RES +11
Paralyze RES +11
Title 'Boundless Beauty'
11133<Most Interesting Man >2011 Unique Title Sleep RES +11
Paralyze RES +11
Title 'Most Interesting Man'
11134<Counterpart >2011 Unique Title Title 'Counterpart'
11135<Fearless Dragon Rider >A special Zodiac title. Fearless Dragon Rider
11136<Dragon Knight >A special Zodiac title. Dragonknight
11137<I have a secret >A special Zodiac title. I have a secret
11138<Shelter of Dragons >A special Zodiac title. Shelter of the Dragon
11139<Warm Breeze >A special Zodiac title. Send rewards for the land (30+)
11140<Took a Meme in the Knee >I used to be enlightened...\r2012 Spring Festival Title Meme to the Knee
11141<Chibi Warden >True strength does not\rcome from size alone. Title 'Chibi Warden'
11142<Jaden Romance >Jaden Romance Newbie Card Title Title 'Jaden Romance'
11143<☆☆Love at First Sight☆☆ >Love at First Sight Newbie Card Title Title 'Love at First Sight'
11144<5 Years in JD >JD 5th Anniversary Title Title '5 Years in JD”
11145<Just Fooling Around >Make a Fool or Make Fun? Title 'Just Fooling Around'
11146<Takes One to Know One! >2012 April Fool's Day Title 'Takes One to Know One!'
11147<☆Professional Spy☆ >Unique Title N/A 尊号“诛仙电台☆宇宙级专业密探”
11148<☆Supreme Facourite☆ >Unique Title N/A 尊号“诛仙电台☆荣誉至尊台宠”
11149<☆Royal Guard☆ >Unique Title N/A 尊号“诛仙电台特赐御前侍卫”
11150<★★InternetCafe Supreme★★ >Event Unique Title N/A 尊号“★★网吧至尊★★”
11151<Go Bears! >Event Unique Title Attack Power +1%
Title: Go Bears!
11152<Chrono Wings >Event Unique Title Title: Chrono Wings
11153<Dragon's Soar >Event Unique Title Title: Dragon's Soar
11154<Dragon Avatar >Event Unique Title Title: Dragon Avatar
11155<Game Adept >Event Unique Title Title: Game Adept
11156<Lucky Audience >Event Unique Title Attack Power +2%
Lucky Audience
11157<Challenge Accepted >Successfully completed the\r41th floor of the Soul Tower.\r-trailturtle used to come up with good title names,\rthen he took a meme to the knee.- Attack Power +1%
Title: Challenge Accepted
11158<Titan of the Tower >Successfully completed the\r50th floor of the Soul Tower. Attack Power +2%
Title: Titan of the Tower
11159<Soul Survivor >Successfully completed the\r60th floor of the Soul Tower. Attack Power +3%
Title: Soul Survivor
11160<Tier 1 Fighting Spirit >Zhu Xian 2012 Cross-Server PK Title Skyfall Charm
11161<Tier 2 Fighting Spirit >Zhu Xian 2012 Cross-Server PK Title Skyfall Charm
11162<Tier 3 Fighting Spirit >Zhu Xian 2012 Cross-Server PK Title Skyfall Charm
11163<Tier 4 Fighting Spirit >Zhu Xian 2012 Cross-Server PK Title Skyfall Charm
11164<Tier 5 Fighting Spirit >Zhu Xian 2012 Cross-Server PK Title Skyfall Charm
11165<Tier 6 Fighting Spirit >Zhu Xian 2012 Cross-Server PK Title Skyfall Charm
11166<Tier 7 Fighting Spirit >Zhu Xian 2012 Cross-Server PK Title Skyfall Charm
11167<Tier 8 Fighting Spirit >Zhu Xian 2012 Cross-Server PK Title Skyfall Charm
11168<Tier 9 Fighting Spirit >Zhu Xian 2012 Cross-Server PK Title Skyfall Charm
11169<Tier 10 Fighting Spirit >Zhu Xian 2012 Cross-Server PK Title Skyfall Charm
11170<Fighting Spirit >Zhu Xian 2012 Cross-Server PK Title Skyfall Charm
11171<My Taste's Are My Choice >Activities Special Title has gained the title
11172<Total Anticipation >Zhu Xian 2012 Cross Server PK\rQuiz First Place Health +1%
has gained the title
11173<Fortune Teller >Zhu Xian 2012 Cross Server PK\rQuiz Second Place Health +1%
Defense +1%
has gained the title
11174<Educated Guesser >Zhu Xian 2012 Cross Server PK\rQuiz Third Place Health +1%
Defense +1%
Attack Power +1%
has gained the title
11175<Best Candidate >Event Unique Title Successful Candidate Card
11176<Universe Supreme >A special title for VIPs. Extreme Chaos Pack
Extreme Chaos Box
11177<Tao Master >Proof of the Heaven Master Attack Power +1%
Health +2%
Without name
11178<Tricky Magic >Proof of the Earth Master Health +2%
Spirit +1%
Without name
11179<Forever Fighter >Proof of the Human Master Spirit +2%
Attack Power +1%
Without name
11180<Supreme Brawler >Dodge all! Health +2%
Attack Power +2%
Skill Evasion +3.0
Supreme Brawler
11181<Supreme Sniper >Dodge this! Spirit +2%
Attack Power +2%
Skill Accuracy +3.0
Supreme Sniper
11182<New World >Archaia Title Secret Title
11183<Lonely Fighter >Archaia Title Secret Title
11184<Trap Master >Archaia Title Secret Title
11185<Cold Fish >Archaia Title Secret Title
11186<Young Man in Love >Archaia Title Secret Title
11187<Lithe Maiden >Archaia Title Secret Title
11188<Fate Dominator >Archaia Title Secret Title
11189<Awaken Lord >Beginner Card Title: Awaken Lord
11190<Awaken Tyrant >Beginner Card Title: Awaken Tyrant
11191<U9JD Master >Beginner Card Title: Game Master
11192<Hero of Earth >Beginner Card Title: Hero of Earth
11193<QQ VIP >Beginner Card N/A尊号:QQ会员
11194<GIGA Master >Beginner Card Title: GIGA Master
11195<2012 X-server PK Best Faction >2012PK (20V20) Title N/A尊号:2012跨服PK争霸赛超强帮
11196<2012 X-server PK Top 8 >2012 PK (20V20) Title 2012 X-server PK Top 8
11197<2012 X-server PK Pioneer >2012 PK (20V20) Top 3 2012 X-server PK Pioneer
11198<2012 X-server PK Runner-Up >2012 PK (20V20) Top 2 2012 X-server PK Runner-Up
11199<2012 X-server PK Champion >2012 PK (20V20) Top 1 2012 X-server PK Champion
11200<2012 Elite Match Best Team >2012 PK (6V6) VIP 2012 Elite Match Best Team
11201<2012 Elite Match Pioneer >2012 (6V6) Top 3 2012 Elite Match Pioneer
11202<2012 Elite Match Runner-Up >2012 (6V6) Top 2 2012 Elite Match Runner-Up
11203<2012 Elite Match Champion >2012 (6V6) Top 1 2012 Elite Match Champion
11204<Evasion Master >Unique Title Evasion +15
Title: Evasion Master
11205<2012The Prophet >Unique Title Attack Power +1%
Defense +1%
Health +120
Title: The Prophet
11206<Tiger and Dragon >Holy Beast always along your side. CritStrike Rate +1.0%
Tiger and Dragon
11207<Overlord of Sun and Moon >The universe is in my hand. CritStrike Rate +2.0%
Overlord of Sun and Moon
11208<Four Sacred Emperors >The real Emperor CritStrike Rate +2.0%
CritStrike Bonus +8.0%
Four Sacred Emperors
11209<Snow Star Slayer >Merry Christmas! Without name
11210<Reindeer Herder >Merry Christmas! Without name
11211<Santa's Lil Helper >Merry Christmas! Without name
11212<JD Auctioneer >Increases 1% HP & MP. Health +1%
Spirit +1%
Title: JD Auctioneer
11213<JD Auction Master >Increases 2% HP, 1% MP & Attack. Health +2%
Spirit +1%
Attack Power +1%
Title: JD Auction Master
11214<JD Supreme Auction Master >Increases 2% HP, MP & Attack. Health +2%
Spirit +2%
Attack Power +2%
Title: Supreme Auction Master
11215<Shen Nung Disciple >Unique Title Shen Nung Disciple
11216<U Are The Best >Unique Title Health +1000
Defense +30
U Are The Best
11217<I LOVE U >Unique Title Spirit +1000
Defense +30
11218<Broadcast Baby >Unique Title Broadcast Baby
11219<Bless You >Unique Title Title: Bless You
11220<Dragon Lord >Unique Title Title: Dragon Lord
11221<Sina Lucky Star >Unique Title N/A尊号:新浪吉祥之星
11222<NetEase Lucky Star >Unique Title N/A尊号:网易吉祥之星
11223<178 Lucky Star >Unique Title N/A尊号:178吉祥之星
11224<17173 Lucky Star >Unique Title N/A尊号:17173吉祥之星
11225<Duowan Lucky Star >Unique Title N/A尊号:多玩吉祥之星
11226<Tencent Lucky Star >Unique Title N/A尊号:腾讯吉祥之星
11227<360 Lucky Star >Unique Title N/A尊号:360吉祥之星
11228<Xunlei Lucky Star >Unique Title N/A尊号:迅雷吉祥之星
11229<YZZ Lucky Star >YZZ Novice Card Titile N/A尊号:叶子猪吉祥之星
11230<766 Lucky Star >766Novice Card Titile N/A尊号:766吉祥之星
11231<52pk Lucky Star >52pkNovice Card Titile N/A尊号:52pk吉祥之星
11232<VGB Lucky Star >VGB Novice Card Titile N/A尊号:电玩巴士吉祥之星
11233<Thunder Snake Warrior >Unique Title Title: Thunder Snake Warrior
11234<Warm Hearted Knight >Unique Title Silence RES +12
Title: Warm Hearted Knight
11235<The Conqueror >
11236<Muscle Hero >
11237<Supreme Brawler >
11238<Supreme Sniper >
11239<The Quality of Mercy >Unique Title Without name
11240<Remedy Lord >Unique Title Without name
11241<Blasted Child >Unique Title Without name
11242<Pental Kill >An ACE! Without name
11243<Frozen Flame Devil >Unique Title Without name
11244<A Piece of Cake >You're a dead man! Without name
11245<Undead Tank >Unique Title Without name
11246<Never Surrender >Unique Title Without name
11247<JD Silver Warrior >JD VIP reward title. JD Silver Warrior
11248<JD Gold Warrior >JD VIP reward title. JD Gold Warrior
11249<JD Platinum Warrior >JD VIP reward title. JD Platinum Warrior
11271<Bewitching Baby >Flower Contest reward title Bewitching Baby
11272<JD Beauty >Flower Contest reward title Jade Beauty
11276<Love You Forever >I'll love you till the end of my life. Title: Love You Forever
11277<Dragon of Darkness >Unique Title Title: Dragon of Darkness
11278<Angel of Light >Unique Title Title: Angel of Light
11279<Your Worst Nightmare >Turn their dreams against them! Title: Your Worst Nightmare
11280<Sealed With a Kiss >Sealed With a Kiss Sealed With a Kiss
11281<Duowan Charm >Duowan Card Title N/A尊号:多玩魅力宝贝
11282<Tencent Charm >Tencent Card Title N/A尊号:腾讯魅力宝贝
11283<360 Charm >360 Card Title N/A尊号:360魅力宝贝
11284<Xunlei Charm >Xunlei Card Title N/A尊号:迅雷魅力宝贝
11285<YZZ Charm >YZZ Card Title N/A尊号:叶子猪魅力宝贝
11286<766 Charm >766 Card Title N/A尊号:766魅力宝贝
11287<52PK Charm >52PK Card Title N/A尊号:52PK魅力宝贝
11288<VGB Charm >VGB Card Title N/A尊号:电玩巴士魅力宝贝
11289<Taobao Charm >Taobao Card Title N/A尊号:淘宝魅力宝贝
11290<Sogou Charm >Sogou Card Title N/A尊号:搜狗魅力宝贝
11291<Pacific Charm >Pacific Card Title N/A尊号:太平洋魅力宝贝
11292<Shun Charm >Shun Card Title N/A尊号:顺网魅力宝贝
11293<Pubwin Charm >Pubwin Card Title N/A尊号:Pubwin魅力宝贝
11294<EasyTravel Charm >EasyTravel Card Title N/A尊号:易游魅力宝贝
11295<I8 Charm >I8 Card Title N/A尊号:I8魅力宝贝
11296<Need Cooler Teammates >Unique Title Health +1%
Title: Need Cooler Teammates
11297<I'm Your Prince >Unique Title Title: I'm Your Prince
11298<I'm Your Princess >Unique Title Title: I'm Your Princess
11299<Sinister Lord >Unique Title Without name
11300<Emerald Lotus >Unique Title Without name
11301<4th Anniversary Veteran >Celebrating four years of Jade Dynasty! Without name
11302<4th Anniversary Veteran >Celebrating four years of Jade Dynasty! Warlord's Pack
Warlord's Mega-Pack
11303<Coolest Tea Master >Unstoppable ice force!\rSpecial event title. Title: Coolest Tea Master
11306<Gather Roses While You May >150-160 Main questline title. Secret Title
11307<Missed the Bright Moonlight >150-160 Main questline title. Secret Title
11308<Judge of Right and Wrong >150-160 Main questline title. Secret Title
11309<Under the Endless Sky >150-160 Main questline title. Secret Title
11310<First!!1! Forum Poster >Professional quality is worth having. Skill Accuracy +1.0
Title: First Forum Poster
11311<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Attack Power +2%
Title: JD Master
11312<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Attack Power +2%
Title: JD Master
11313<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Attack Power +2%
Title: JD Master
11314<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Attack Power +2%
Title: JD Master
11315<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11316<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11317<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11318<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11319<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11320<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11321<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11322<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11323<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11324<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11325<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11326<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11327<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Title: JD Master
11328<★Title: JD Master★ >Unique Title Attack Power +2%
Title: JD Master
11329<★World Conqueror★ >Special Title Attack Power +2%
Title: World Conqueror
11330<Little Rascal >Special Title Special Title: Little Rascal
11331<Beary Aware >Special Title Special Title: Beary Aware
11332<★Bang! $M comes on the Stage!★ >Special Title Without name
11333<Elysium Champion >Earned a 100+ kill streak\rin the Crystal Rift battleground. Without name
11334<Elysium Gladiator >Terminated a player whose\rkill streak reached 100+\rin the Crystal Rift battleground. Without name
11335<Manhunter >Earned points by only killing\rplayers of the other side\rin the Crystal Rift battleground. Without name
11336<Elysium Veteran >Acquired all the \rAchievements in the\rCrystal Rift battleground. Without name
11337<Blockbuster >Let's go to the cinema! Title: Blockbuster
11338<LV1 Wudu Saint >2013 JD PK title Warrior of Glory
11339<LV2 Wudu Saint >2013 JD PK title Warrior of Glory
11340<LV3 Wudu Saint >13 JD PK Title Warrior of Glory
11341<LV4 Wudu Saint >13 JD PK Title Warrior of Glory
11342<LV5 Wudu Saint >13 JD PK Title Warrior of Glory
11343<LV6 Wudu Saint >13 JD PK Title Warrior of Glory
11344<LV7 Wudu Saint >13 JD PK Title Warrior of Glory
11345<LV8 Wudu Saint >13 JD PK Title Warrior of Glory
11346<LV9 Wudu Saint >13 JD PK Title Warrior of Glory
11347<LV10 Wudu Saint >13 JD PK Title Warrior of Glory
11348<Matchless Wudu Saint >13 JD PK Title Warrior of Glory
11351<Guardian Goddess >JD PK title Title: Guardian Goddess
11352<Divination Master >Unique Title Title: Divination Master
11354<Keepers of Time >Unique Title Spirit +2%
Attack Power +1%
Skill Accuracy +1.0
Title: Keepers of Time
11358<Wikimaster >Unique Title Without name
11359<U R Beautiful >Unique Title Health +1200
Defense +50
U R Beautiful
11361<Experienced Tourist >Unique Title Experienced Tourist Footprint
11362<JD Master >Unique Title Attack Power +2%
Without name
JD Master
11363<Never Let Me Go >I'll never let you go. Attack Power +2%
Never Let Me Go
Never Let Me Go
11364<Warlords Born >JD Newbie Card Attack Power +2%
Warlords Born
Warlords Born
11365<Internet Cafe Top Player >Internet Cafe Top Player Attack Power +2%
11366<Supreme Lord >JD Newbie Card Attack Power +2%
Superior King
Superior King
11367<〓JD Master〓 >Unique Title Attack Power +2%
JD Master
JD Master
11368<[Duowan Newbie Card] >Unique Title Attack Power +2%
Duowan Newbie Card
Duowan Newbie Card
11369<〓JD Master〓 >Unique Title Attack Power +2%
JD Master
11370<〓JD Master〓 >Unique Title Attack Power +2%
JD Master
11371<〓JD Master〓 >Unique Title Attack Power +2%
JD Master
11372<〓JD Master〓 >Unique Title Attack Power +2%
JD Master
11373<Onlookers >Unique Title Attack Power +2%
11374<Bear Lord >Unique Title CritStrike Rate +1.0%
CritStrike Bonus +5.0%
Skill Evasion +2.0
Bear Lord
Bear Lord
11375<Astral Might General >Successfully completed the\r80th floor of the Soul Tower. Attack Power +4%
CritStrike Rate +1.0%
Astral Might General
11376<Astral Clarity Minister >Successfully completed the\r70th floor of the Soul Tower. Attack Power +4%
Astral Clarity Minister
11377<Vaisravana >Proof of X-Server 6v6 PK points reach 2200 Skill Accuracy +1.0
Skill Accuracy +1.0
11378<Buddha General >Proof of X-Server 6v6 PK points reach 1900 Skill Accuracy +1.0
Buddha General
11379<Taitsu Master >Proof of X-Server 6v6 PK points reach 1500 Taitsu Master
11385<Gourmand >Are you hungry again?
11386<Big Belly >Greey eaters.
11387<Innocent Bunny >The purest creature in the world.
11388<Human Youth >Unique Title Attack Power +15
Sunstream Guard
11389<Athan Youth >Unique Title Attack Power +15
Sunstream Guard
11390<Etherkin Youth >Unique Title Attack Power +15
Sunstream Guard
11391<A Chivalrous Heart >Unique Title Attack Power +30
Leader of the Good
Mount Jadeon
11392<Evils in Sunstream >Unique Title Attack Power +45
Echoes of Skysong
Skysong Temple
11393<Back to the Past >Unique Title Attack Power +60
Go to the Billows
Doyel Shen
11394<Sea Mountain >Unique Title Attack Power +75
Little Village
11395<Memorizing Past >Unique Title Attack Power +90
A Visit to the Sancuary
Search Wildlands
11396<Wildlands Adventure >Unique Title Attack Power +105
Mysterious Valley
11397<Velonus Power >Unique Title Attack Power +120
Arriving in Southern Border
11398<A Man of Solitary >Unique Title Attack Power +135
Go to Kunlun
11399<Kunlun Disaster >Unique Title Attack Power +150
Six Ways of Shura
11400<Journey to Shura >Unique Title Attack Power +165
The Elder's Words
11403<True Gentleman >如切如磋,如圭如璧。 True Gentleman
11404<So-Called Wife >Across the Water, in the middle of the water. Wise Blood
11405<Handsome and Sharp >I'd like some Pan An Noodles and a loving person! Handsome and Sharp
11406<Gentle and Lovely >May the southwest wind pass into your arms. Gentle and Lovely
11407<The Unique One >Willing to have one Heart. The Unique One
11408<The Only One >Willing to heave on Heart. The Only One
11409<2013 X-Server PK Top Alliance >2013 Cross-Server PK Championship Exclusive Title 2013 X-Server PvP Top Ally
11410<2013 X-Server PvP Top 8 >2013 Cross-Server PK Championship Exclusive Title 2013 X-Server PvP Top 8
11411<2013 X-Server PvP Pioneer >2013 Cross-Server PK Championship Exclusive Title 2013 X-Server PvP Pioneer
11412<2013 X-Server PvP Runner-Up >2013 Cross-Server PK Championship Exclusive Title 2013 X-Server PvP Runner-Up
11413<2013 X-Server PvP Champion >2013 Cross-Server PK Championship Exclusive Title 2013 X-Server PvP Champion
11414<2013 Elite (6v6) Team >2013 Cross-Server 6v6 Championship Exclusive Title 2013 Elite Match Best Team
11415<2013 Elite (6v6) Pioneer >2013 Cross-Server 6v6 Championship Exclusive Title 2013 Elite Match Pioneer
11416<2013 Elite (6v6) Runner-Up >2013 Cross-Server 6v6 Championship Exclusive Title 2013 Elite Match Runner-Up
11417<2013 Elite (6v6) Champion >2013 Cross-Server 6v6 Championship Exclusive Title 2013 JD PvP (6v6) Champion
11418<Crusher of Dreams >Your Alliance conquered the competition in Territory Wars! CritStrike Rate +1.0%
Bonus Damage +20
Defense +75
Title: Crusher of Dreams
11419<Achy Breaky Heart >You lit my world up when I met you.\rLove will die, when the light will fade.\rHeart's beating rythem will stop,\r and turn in to a meaningless\rand cold stone. Achy Breaky Heart
11420<Sick With Love >Long love, everlasting memories. Short love, infinite memories. Spirit +213
Sick With Love
11421<Young Love, First Love >Curtain dropped after awakening from the dream.\rLast spring only brought hatred.\rPetals fell with the rain.\rYou were the center of my world when I first saw you.\rMoon hid behind the clouds, and time became meaningless. Health +214
Young Love, First Love
11422<Mutual Affinity >I live on the course of Yangtze River, and you live on the end of it.\rI'm thinking about you every time I drink from it.\rWhere will this river end? -When will the hate end?\rI only hope your heart will be same as mine, worthy of love. Spirit +213
Health +214
Mutual Affinity
11425<Lil' Stone >Every Sprite likes a Lil' Stone\rCri+0.01\rDefence+21\rAttact Power+20 CritStrike Rate +1.0%
Defense +21
Attack Power +20
Lil' Stone
11426<No sweat, no feed >No work, No food has gained the title
11427<No Poverty in Working >Unique Title has gained the title
11428<Work Beats Complaint >Unique Title has gained the title
11429<Work or Starve >Unique Title has gained the title
11430<Devastator >Attack Power+180\rDefence+30 Attack Power +180
Defense +30
11431<Baby heart pain >1 Baby Pain in the Heart
11432<Baby craving for sugar >1 Baby Craves Sugar
11433<Baby has no pocket money >1 Baby Has No Pocket Money
11434<Xiao Gongju >1 Small Princess
11435<Little Queen >1 Little Queen
11436<I'm Dumbo, Father >1 Sprite Title: I'm Dumbo, Father
11437<I'm Dumbo, Mother >1 Sprite Title: I'm Dumbo, Mother
11438<Hiding behind Daddy >1 Spr. Title: Hiding behind Daddy
11439<Hiding behind Mum >1 Spr. Title: Hiding behind Mum
11440<Pick up Baby >1 Sprite Title: Pick up Baby
11441<King's Baby 12 >1
11442<King's Baby 13 >1
11443<King's Baby 14 >1
11444<King's Baby 15 >1
11445<King's Baby 16 >1
11446<King's Baby 17 >1
11447<King's Baby 18 >1
11448<King's Baby 19 >1
11449<King's Baby 20 >1
11450<King's Baby 21 >1
11451<King's Baby 22 >1
11452<King's Baby 23 >1
11453<King's Baby 24 >1
11454<King's Baby 25 >1
11455<King's Baby 26 >1
11456<King's Baby 27 >1
11457<King's Baby 28 >1
11458<King's Baby 29 >1
11459<King's Baby 30 >1
11460<King's Baby 31 >1
11461<King's Baby 32 >1
11462<King's Baby 33 >1
11463<King's Baby 34 >1
11464<King's Baby 35 >1
11465<King's Baby 36 >1
11466<King's Baby 37 >1
11467<King's Baby 38 >1
11468<King's Baby 39 >1
11469<King's Baby 40 >1
11470<King's Baby 41 >1
11471<King's Baby 42 >1
11472<King's Baby 43 >1
11473<King's Baby 44 >1
11474<King's Baby 45 >1
11475<King's Baby 46 >1
11476<King's Baby 47 >1
11477<King's Baby 48 >1
11478<King's Baby 49 >1
11479<King's Baby 50 >1
11480<King's Baby 51 >1
11481<First Love >Unique Title First Love (30+)
11482<Love is tough >Unique Title Love tested by action.
11483<Mind Springs up Life. >Unique Title Mind will spring up life.
11484<Seize the day >Unique Title The Waste Land
11485<Took for granted >Unique Title We took it all for granted.
11486<ShunNetMartial Arts Supreme >Exclusive 7th Anniversary Privilege Card Title. Attack Power +2%
11487<EasyTravel Martial Arts Supreme >Exclusive 7th Anniversary Privilege Card Title. Attack Power +2%
11488<Tencent Martial Arts Supreme >Exclusive 7th Anniversary Privilege Card Title. Attack Power +2%
11489<Duowan Martial Arts Supreme >Exclusive 7th Anniversary Privilege Card Title. Attack Power +2%
11490<17173 Martial Arts Supreme >Exclusive 7th Anniversary Privilege Card Title. Attack Power +2%
11491<Sina Martial Arts Supreme >Exclusive 7th Anniversary Privilege Card Title. Attack Power +2%
11492<NetEase Martial Arts Supreme >Exclusive 7th Anniversary Privilege Card Title. Attack Power +2%
11493<360 Martial Arts Supreme >Exclusive 7th Anniversary Privilege Card Title. Attack Power +2%
11494<UU9 Martial Arts Supreme >Exclusive 7th Anniversary Privilege Card Title. Attack Power +2%
11495<Pacific Martial Arts Supreme >Exclusive 7th Anniversary Privilege Card Title. Attack Power +2%
11496<TGBus Martial Arts Supreme >Exclusive 7th Anniversary Privilege Card Title. Attack Power +2%
11497<178 Martial Arts Supreme >Exclusive 7th Anniversary Privilege Card Title. Attack Power +2%
11498<Xunlei Martial Arts Supreme >Exclusive 7th Anniversary Privilege Card Title. Attack Power +2%
11499<Taobao Martial Arts Supreme >Exclusive 7th Anniversary Privilege Card Title. Attack Power +2%
11500<Seven Years, One Sword >Exclusive 7th Anniversary Novice Card Title. Attack Power +2%
The 7th Year
11501<Official Supreme BOSS Moderator >Zhu Xian Official Forum Exclusive Title. Attack Power +2%
Title 'Supreme Boss'
11502<Official Forum Honorary Moderator >Zhu Xian Official Forum Exclusive Title. Attack Power +2%
Title 'Official Journalist'
11506<Sogou Martial Arts Supreme >Exclusive 7th Anniversary Privilege Card Title. Attack Power +2%
11511<★Way of the Warrior★ >Reason for Killing Health +2%
Attack Power +2%
Title: Way of the Warrior
11512<★Masterful Fighter★ >I don't fear anything! Health +2%
Spirit +2%
Attack Power +2%
Title: Masterful Fighter
11513<★Wanderlust★ >Wander makes me wonderful CritStrike Rate +1.0%
CritStrike Bonus +10.0%
Skill Evasion +3.0
Title: Wanderlust
11514<★Grand Exemplar★ >I am the only one! CritStrike Rate +1.0%
CritStrike Bonus +10.0%
Skill Accuracy +3.0
Title: Grand Exemplar
11515<Hydran Advance Tester >I AM HYDRAN! Attack Power +2%
Hydran Advance Tester
11516<Best Original Video Master >Official Website Commemorative Honor n/a2014诛仙最佳原创视频达人
11517<Best Original Drawing Master >Official Website Commemorative Honor n/a2014诛仙最佳原创手绘达人
11518<Best Dyeing Fashionista >Official Website Commemorative Honor n/a2014诛仙最佳染色时尚达人
11519<First Step in Zulo Wilds >Official Website Commemorative Honor First One in Zuolo Plains
11520<创建“破军”第7人 >Official Website Commemorative Honor The 7th Smasher Creator
11521<7 Married Couples >Official Website Commemorative Honor JD 7th Wedded Couple
11522<7th Couple With A Baby >Official Website Commemorative Honor 7th Couple With a Sprite
11523<☆Shun Unparalleled☆ >Shun·Unique Warsong Spree Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled Swjoy
11524<☆EasyTravel Unparalleled☆ >EasyTravel·Unique Warsong Spree Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled Yiyou
11525<☆Tencent Unparalleled☆ >Tencent·Unique Warsong Spree Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled Tencent
11526<☆Duowan Unparalleled☆ >Duowan·Unique Warsong Spree Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled Duowan
11527<☆17173 Unparalleled☆ >17173·Unique Warsong Spree Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled 17173
11528<☆Sina Unparalleled☆ >Sina·Unique Warsong Spree Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled Sina
11529<☆NetEase Unparalleled☆ >NetEase·Unique Warsong Spree Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled Wangyi
11530<☆360 Unparalleled☆ >360·Unique Warsong Spree Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled 360
11531<☆Taobao Unparalleled☆ >Taobao·Unique Warsong Spree Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled Taobao
11532<☆ Unparalleled☆ >Unique Warsong Spree Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled Title
11533<☆UU9 Unparalleled☆ >UU9·Unique Warsong Spree Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled uu9
11534<☆Pacific Unparalleled☆ >Pacific·Unique Warsong Spree Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled PC
11535<☆VGB Unparalleled☆ >VGB·Unique Warsong Spree Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled TGbus
11536<☆178 Unparalleled☆ >178·Unique Warsong Spree Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled 178
11537<☆Xunlei Unparalleled☆ >Xunlei·Unique Warsong Spree Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled Xunlei
11538<☆Sogou Unparalleled☆ >Sogou·Unique Warsong Spree Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled Sougou
11539<☆Too Young To Speak☆ >Duowan Exclusive Title Skill Accuracy +2.0
CritStrike Rate +1.0%
CritStrike Bonus +5.0%
Title: 2014 Unrivaled Raccoon
11549<Monster Slayer >Successfully completed the\r60th floor of the Celestial Tower. CritStrike Rate +2.0%
CritStrike Bonus +6.0%
Skill Accuracy +4.0
has gained the title
11550<Major Procrastinator >2014 Winter Moon Event Commemorative Respect Major Procrastinator
11551<Food Shortage >2014 Winter Moon Event Commemorative Respect Food Shortages
11555<Universal Insight >2014Cross-Server PK First Prize Attack Power +3%
Bonus Damage +15
Damage Reduction 150
Acquried: Universal Insight
11556<Unrivalled Strategist >2014Cross-Server PK Second Prize Attack Power +2%
Bonus Damage +10
Damage Reduction 100
Acquried: Unriv. Strategist
11557<Clear Perception >2014Cross-Server PK Third Prize Attack Power +1%
Bonus Damage +5
Damage Reduction 50
Acquried: Clear Perception
11558<Porridge will expel all evil! >Rice Porridge Festival Title Attack Power +2%
Evasion +30
Rice Porridge Festival Title
11559<Great Pretender >Rice Porridge Festival Title Rice Porridge Festival Title
11560<I just wanted a bowl of porridge >Rice Porridge Festival Title Rice Porridge Festival Title
11563<10 Years With Each Other >10 Years With Each Other Title 10 Years With Each Other
11564<Hangover Forever >Lantern Festival Title Health +1%
Temporarily unavailable
Title: Hangover Forever
11565<I Do What I Want >Lantern Festival Title Attack Power +1%
Title: I Do What I Want
11566<Be Rich, Be Mean >Lantern Festival Title Accuracy +10
Title: Be Rich, Be Mean
11567<Feeling Cute >Lantern Festival Title Evasion +10
Title: Feeling Cute
11568<The Quiet Casanova >Lantern Festival Title Damage Reduction 20
Title: The Quiet Casanova
11581<Certified Beauty Queen >Just be confident like this Certified Beauty Queen
11582<I am actually a girl >Look at me, I am actually a girl I am actually a girl.
11583<Certified Perfect Lady >Certified Perfect Lady Title Certified Perfect Lady
11584<I am actually a miracle girl >Look at me, I am actually a miracle girl I am actually a girl.
11585<CS Bonus +100% >Perfect camouflage CS/ CS Bonus +100%
11586<I don't want to destroy Earth >Maybe I should get back to Mars I don't want to destroy Earth.
11587<Come into my arms >Goddess of Flower activity Exclusive Title Come into my arms.
11588<Dumb but dute >Goddess of Flower activity Exclusive Title Dumb but dute.
11589<Perhaps I am ugly, but I'm very kind >Goddess of Flower activity Exclusive Title I am ugly, but I'm very kind.
11590<How can I keep going on without you >Goddess of Flower activity Exclusive Title How can I keep going on
11591<The arrow of my charm >Goddess of Flower activity Exclusive Title The arrow of my charm
11592<I am a hardcore player >Goddess of Flower activity Exclusive Title I am a hardcore player.
11594<☆Shun Nine-Day Regret☆ >Shun·Unique Skydance Grand Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Touching Bond: SWJOY
11596<☆EasyTravel Nine-Day Regret☆ >EasyTravel·Unique Skydance Grand Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Soul Scepter
Touching Bond: Yileyoo
11597<☆Tencent Nine-Day Regret☆ >Tencent·Unique Skydance Grand Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Touching Bond: Tencent
11598<☆Play More Nine-Day Regret☆ >Duowan ·Unique Skydance Grand Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Touching Bond: DW
11599<☆17173 Nine-Day Regret☆ >17173·Unique Skydance Grand Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Touching Bond: 17173
11600<☆Sina Nine-Day Regret☆ >Sina·Unique Skydance Grand Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Touching Bond: Sina
11601<☆NetEase Nine-Day Regret☆ >NetEase ·Unique Skydance Grand Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Touching Bond: Netease
11602<☆JD Anniversary Bond☆ >JD Anniversary Bond Attack Power +3%
11603<☆JD 8th Year Bond☆ >JD 8th Year Bond Attack Power +3%
JD 8th Year Bond
11604<☆Wind Whisper☆ >Wind Whisper CritStrike Rate +2.0%
Skill Accuracy +2.0
CritStrike Bonus +5.1%
Wind Whisper
11606<What the bear is this? >Duowan Exclusive Title CritStrike Rate +1.0%
CritStrike Bonus +8.0%
Skill Accuracy +2.0
What the bear is this?
11607<Seira Vanguard >Title: Seira Vanguard Title: Seira Vanguard
11608<Abandoned >Abandoned Title: Reusable
11609<Abandoned >Abandoned Title: Reusable Abaddon
11611<Lord of Melon >Summer War Title Title: Lord of Melon
11612<Befuddled >Summer War Title Title: Befuddled
11613<High Appearance Level >Summer War Title Title: High Appearance Level
11614<Light As Light >Summer War Title Title: Light As Light
11618<Forum Veteran >Forum Title Attack Power +3%
CritStrike Rate +2.0%
Title: Forum Veteran
11620<Smiling Face >2015Mystic title of Seven Nights Title: Smiling Face
11621<Appreciation of Love >2015Mystic title of Seven Nights Title: Appreciation of Love
11622<Envied >2015Mystic title of Seven Nights Title: Envied
11623<Hidden Love >2015Mystic title of Seven Nights Title: Hidden Love
11624<Proud to be Single >2015Mystic title of Seven Nights Title: Proud to be Single
11625<Sacrifice & Contribution >2015Mystic title of Seven Nights Without name
11626<Sacrifice & Contribution >2015Mystic title of Seven Nights Without name
11627<Unrivalled Wisdom >2015Cross-Server PK First Prize Attack Power +3%
Bonus Damage +15
Damage Reduction 150
Title: Unrivalled Wisdom
11628<Mighty Solution >2015Cross-Server PK Second Prize Attack Power +2%
Bonus Damage +10
Damage Reduction 100
Title: Mighty Solution
11629<Lucky Planner >2015Cross-Server PK Third Prize Attack Power +1%
Bonus Damage +5
Damage Reduction 50
Title: Lucky Planner
11634<Dominant Dweller >Zhu Xian NetCafe Event Title Title: Dominant Dweller
11635<Cutest In the Pub >Zhu Xian NetCafe Event Title Title: Cutest In the Pub
11637<Favored As Wished >Official WeChat Event Title Title: Favored As Wished
11638<Celestial Favor Envoy >Official WeChat Event Title Title: Celestial Favor Envoy
11640<Weibo Lord >Official Weibo Event Title Title: Weibo Lord
11641<Weibo Wonderkid >Official Weibo Event Title Title: Weibo Wonderkid
11642<JD Bond >Nine-Day Regret,一剑Jade Dynasty Title: JD Bond
11655<Weaved Tower Experience Herald >Title: Weaved Tower Experience Herald PGP Experience Herald
11663<☆Shun Sunstream Dream☆ >Shun·Unique Sunstream Dream Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: SWJOY Sunstream Dream
11664<☆EasyTravel Sunstream Dream☆ >EasyTravel·Unique Sunstream Dream Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Yileyoo Sunstream Dream
11665<☆Tencent Sunstream Dream☆ >Tencent·Unique Sunstream Dream Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Tencent Sunstream Dream
11666<☆Duowan Sunstream Dream☆ >Duowan·Unique Sunstream Dream Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: DW Sunstream Dream
11667<☆17173 Sunstream Dream☆ >17173·Unique Sunstream Dream Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 17173 Sunstream Dream
11668<☆Sina Sunstream Dream☆ >Sina·Unique Sunstream Dream Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Sina Sunstream Dream
11669<☆NetEase Sunstream Dream☆ >NetEase·Unique Sunstream Dream Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Netease Sunstream Dream
11670<☆Sunstream Dream☆ >Congratulations to won the exclusive title: Sunstream Dream Attack Power +3%
Title: Sunstream Dream
11671<☆Baidu Sunstream Dream☆ >Baidu·Unique Sunstream Dream Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Baidu Sunstream Dream
11673<Christmas Party Queen >Congratulations to won the exclusive title: Christmas Party Queen Christmas Party Queen
11674<Certified Handsome >Congratulations to won the exclusive title:JD Popularity King Certified Handsome
11676<I Don't Read >Congratulations to won the exclusive title:I Don't Read Title: I Don't Read
11677<Community Reporter >Forum Title Title: Community Reporter
11707<Giving You A Monkey Grenade >Operations event reward title. Giving You A Monkey Grenade
11708<Naughty Jadeon Monkey >Operations event reward title. Naughty Jadeon Monkey
11709<Only Interested In Getting Rich >Operations event reward title. Only Interested In Getting Rich
11710<Hit Me If You Can >Marketing event reward title. Hit Me If You Can
11711<My Look Is My Career >Marketing event reward title. My Look Is My Career
11712<Too Dumb To See Straight >2016 Fool's Day event souvenir title. Title: Too Dumb To See Straight
11713<Willing Stupidity >2016 Fool's Day event souvenir title. Title: Willing Stupidity
Title: Willing Stupidity
Title: Willing Stupidity 02
Title: Willing Stupidity 03
Title: Willing Stupidity 01
Title: Willing Stupidity 02
Title: Willing Stupidity 03
11714<Monkey-ish Awesomeness >2016 Fool's Day event souvenir title. Title: Monkey-ish Awesomeness
11715<Beat the Designers Up >2016 Fool's Day event souvenir title. Title: Beat The Designers Up
11716<☆SWJOY Battle Jadeon☆ >SWJOY Battle Jadeon Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: SWJOY Battle Jadeon
11717<☆Yileyoo Battle Jadeon☆ >YILEYOO Battle Jadeon Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Yileyoo Battle Jadeon
11718<☆Tencent Battle Jadeon☆ >Tencent Battle Jadeon Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Tencent Battle Jadeon
11719<☆Duowan Battle Jadeon☆ >Duowan Battle Jadeon Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Duowan Battle Jadeon
11720<☆17173 Battle Jadeon☆ >17173 Battle Jadeon Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 17173 Battle Jadeon
11721<☆Sina Battle Jadeon☆ >Sina Battle Jadeon Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Sina Battle Jadeon
11722<☆Netease Battle Jadeon☆ >Netease Battle Jadeon Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Netease Battle Jadeon
11723<☆Battle Jadeon☆ >Battle Jadeon Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Battle Jadeon
11724<☆178 Battle Jadeon☆ >178 Battle Jadeon Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 178 Battle Jadeon
11725<☆TGBus Battle Jadeon☆ >TGBus Battle Jadeon Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: TGBus Battle Jadeon
11726<JD God of Stationary >2016 Jadeon: Martial Contest event souvenir title. Title: JD God of Stationary
11735<I am Being Tortured >Event reward title. Title: I Am Being Tortured
Title: Man of the World
11736<Torturing Your Ears >Event reward title. Title: Torturing Your Ears
11737<Mysterious Host >Event reward title. Title: Mysterious Host
11738<I am a Good Boy >Event reward title. Title: I Am a Good Boy
11739<Playing Cute >Event reward title. Title: Playing Cute
11740<Afraid of Nothing >Event reward title. Title: Afraid of Nothing
11741<Flower Prized >Event reward title. Title: Flower Prized
11742<Call Me Cutie >Event reward title. Title: Call Me Cutie
11743<The Coolest Baby >Event reward title. Title: The Coolest Baby
11744<Feeling Cute >Event reward title.
11745<Leaving It To You >Event reward title.
11746<Please Buy Me >Event reward title.
11747<Jade Your Dynasty >Event reward title.
11748<Anniversary Memorial >Event reward title.
11749<Out-of-Print Title >Event reward title.
11750<Community Jack-Of-All-Trades >Event reward title.
11751<Official Bachelor >Event reward title.
11757<Let Me Do The Fighting >Official Community Editor Title: Let Me Do The Fighting
11758<Floating On Water >Event reward title. Title: Floating On Water
11759<Mooncatcher >Event reward title. Title: Mooncatchter
11769<Vigorously Miracle >Zhu Xian star anchor exclusive title Title: Vigorously Miracle
11770<Star Kiss >Zhu Xian star anchor exclusive title Title: Star Kiss
11771<The first anniversary >Official community anniversary Title: The first anniversary
Title: The first anniversary
11784<Bilu is prettier than Anan! > Strange man of the Temple (40+)
11785<Enmity > will make up for it
11786<Dreamer > Devotional retreat
11787<Baby courage > Frightening Nightmare (65+)
11788<Detective $M > is right and wrong
11789<Immortal soul > The truth is white
11790<Good baby > Bewitching Heart (45+)
11791<Worthy of the day > Everlasting Green
11792<Without friends > Fame and Domination
11793<Separated soul > Walk hand in hand
11794<Silk and Bamboo > Retreat to the mountains
11795<Deep love > Something Strange
11796<Shoulder to shoulder > Burial of the Sword
11797<Floating dream > We drink today
11802<Rich Family >Death Swamp Tour Mission\r2016Released from July 26th to August 8th, 2016 Daughters of Family
11803<178 Hall of Fame Star Player >178 star special title Attack Power +3%
178 Hall of Fame Star Player
11804<178 Hall of Fame Star Clan >178 star special title Attack Power +3%
178 Hall of Fame Star Clan
11805<Official Raiders ● Messenger >Official Raiders special title Official Raiders●Messe
11811<Wonderful like a God >2016 Cross-Server PK quiz first prize Attack Power +3%
CritStrike Rate +1.0%
Bonus Damage +15
Title: Wonderful like a God
11812<Into the Heart >2016 Cross-Server PK quiz second prize Attack Power +2%
CritStrike Rate +1.0%
Bonus Damage +10
Title: Into the Heart
11813<Made Good Decision >2016 Cross-Server PK Quiz Third Prize Attack Power +1%
CritStrike Rate +1.0%
Bonus Damage +5
Title: Made Good Decision
11821<☆Shun thought of Universe☆ >Shun·Unique Study of the Universe Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Shunwang Harmony
11822<☆EasyTravel thought of Universe☆ >EasyTravel·Unique Study of the Universe Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Yiyou Harmony
11823<☆Tencent thought of Universe☆ >Tencent·Unique Study of the Universe Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Tencent Harmony
11824<☆Duowan thought of Universe☆ >Duowan·Unique Study of the Universe Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Duowan Harmony
11825<☆17173 thought of Universe☆ >17173·Unique Study of the Universe Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 17173 Harmony
11826<☆Sina thought of Universe☆ >Sina·Unique Study of the Universe Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Sina Harmony
11827<☆NetEase thought of Universe☆ >NetEase·Unique Study of the Universe Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: NetEase Harmony
11828<☆A Thought of Universe☆ >ZhuXian·Unique Study of the Universe Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Harmony
11829<☆DouYu thought of Universe☆ >DouYu·Unique Study of the Universe Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: Douyu Harmony
11835<Constellation Emperor >Constellation Eternal Life Heavenly Emperor
11836<Constellation Monarch >Constellation Eternal Life True King
11837<Constellation Lord >Constellation Eternal Life Sage
11838<Astral Admiral >Successfully completed the\r90th floor of the Soul Tower. Attack Power +5%
CritStrike Rate +1.0%
Title: Dingkun of the Heavens
11839<Astral Realmlord >Successfully completed the\r100th floor of the Soul Tower. Attack Power +5%
CritStrike Rate +2.0%
Title: Divine High Virtue
11840<Tower only has 80 Floors >Cleared the 80th Floor of the Team Soul Tower. CritStrike Rate +3.0%
CritStrike Bonus +8.0%
Skill Accuracy +5.0
Title: I climbed 80 floors
2016 Climbing Tower 03
11841<Nine-Day Battle >Nine-Day Battle Pack Title Title: Ninth Heaven Fight
11842<Forever and Ever >Everlasting Gift Pack Title Title: Enduring While the World
11843<Master Arena·I >Master Arena Title Title: Throne·Aspirations
11844<Master Arena·II >Master Arena Title Title: Throne·Bravery Test
11845<Master Arena·III >Master Arena Title Title: Throne·Deep Reflection
11846<Master Arena·IV >Master Arena Title Title: Throne·Sword Inquiry
11847<Master Arena·V >Master Arena Title Title: Throne·Encouragement
11848<Master Arena·VI >Master Arena Title Title: Throne·Enlightenment
11849<Master Arena·VII >Master Arena Title Title: Throne·Mind of Yi
11850<Master Arena·VIII >Master Arena Title Title: Throne·Strong Mind
11851<Master Arena·IX >Master Arena Title Title: Throne·Prominent
11852<Master Arena·X >Master Arena Title Title: Throne·Modesty
11853<Master Arena·XI >Master Arena Title Title: Throne·Calm Tiger
11854<Master Arena·XII >Master Arena Title Title: Throne·Sleeping Dragon
11855<Master Arena·XIII >Master Arena Title Title: Throne·Temper Flame
11856<Master Arena·XIV >Master Arena Title Title: Throne·Heaven Bestowed
11857<Master Arena·XV >Master Arena Title Title: Throne·Utter Brilliance
11858<Master Arena·XVI >Master Arena Title Title: Throne·Black Turtle
11859<Bear Infested >Duowan Exclusive Title CritStrike Rate +1.0%
CritStrike Bonus +8.0%
Skill Accuracy +2.0
Title: Roaming Bear
11860<☆360 tought of Universe☆ >360·Unique Study of the Universe Pack Title Attack Power +3%
Title: 360 Harmony
11871<Anagry Little Garlic Head >2017 Lantern Event Exchange Title Title Attack Power +1%
Title: The small chili...
11872<Embarrasing Sight >2017 Lantern Event Exchange Title Title Damage Reduction 20
Title: The natural and unres...
11873<Every Day Like New Year >2017 Lantern Event Exchange Title Title Evasion +10
Title: Every day seems...
11874<I Can't Afford Chopsticks >2017 Lantern Event Exchange Title Title Accuracy +10
Title: The only thing...
11875<Laugh. Sleep. Repeat. >2017 Lantern Event Exchange Title Title Health +1%
Title: I point a sword...
11877<Orphan >Share Your Smiles\r2017 Valentine's Day Title Title: Forever Alone
11901<Beauty Is Pain >2017 Labor Day Event Title Title: Beauty Demands Work
11902<I Want To Be ... >2017 Labor Day Event Title Title: I Want To Be...
11903<Live In Squalor >2017 Labor Day Event Title Title: Live In Squalor...
11904<Cherish One's Youth >2017 Labor Day Event Title Title: Cherish One's Youth
11905<... It Hurts >April Fools Day Title ...It Hurts
11906<Immobile Mantis Shrimp >April Fools Day Title Immobile Mantis Shrimp
11907<666666 to fly! >April Fools Day Title 666666 to fly!
11918<☆Shunwang·Ten Years☆ >Shunwang·Exclusive 10th Anniversary Gift Pach Attack Power +3%
11919<☆Yiyou·Ten Years☆ >Yiyou·Exclusive 10th Anniversary Gift Pach Attack Power +3%
11920<☆Duowan·Ten Years☆ >Duowan·Exclusive 10th Anniversary Gift Pach Attack Power +3%
11921<☆17173·Ten Years☆ >17173·Exclusive 10th Anniversary Gift Pach Attack Power +3%
11922<☆Sina·Ten Years☆ >Sina·Exclusive 10th Anniversary Gift Pach Attack Power +3%
11923<☆NetEase·Ten Years☆ >NetEase·Exclusive 10th Anniversary Gift Pach Attack Power +3%
11924<☆Jade Dynasty·Ten Years☆ >Jade Dynasty·Exclusive 10th Anniversary Gift Pach Attack Power +3%
Jade Dynasty·Decade
11925<Ahimsa >Praise Good Mysterious Scroll
11926<Little Angel >Kindest person in Heaven and\ron Earth. Little angel (35+)
11927<Worthy of Good Water >Water Ghost with profound ethics. Mysterious Scroll
11928<Tigers Don't Show Their Might >When in use, monsters will disappear\rautomatically. But will they?\rAfraid of battle?\rIt's because you're too young. Dominate
11929<I'm super fierce! Meow! >Worse than a curse. The worst in the home
11930<Beggar·King of Kings >Line up for money. Vajra Incantation (35+)
11931<Ancestral Beauty >Too beautiful to sleep. Mysterious Scroll
11932<Brick Professional >Where do I move them? Mysterious Scroll
11933<Thick Skin >I heard that thick-skinned people\rare lucky. Mysterious Scroll
11934<Chicken-hearted >Have you ever thought about the\rfeeling of a mouse? Mysterious Scroll
11935<Nothing Wrong >You are right. Mysterious Scroll
11936<Mad Monk >Food has passed through the body,\rbut Buddha stayed in heart. Strange monk (35+)
11937<Mad Blade >A man on the desert horizon. Swordsman (35+)
11938<Madness >Madness everywhere. No alcohol and not a scholar (35+)
11939<Juvenile >Eat dirt, study hard. Mysterious Scroll
11940<He's a Drunkard >You'd still drink it if it was poisonous? Without name (35+)
11941<She's a Drunkard >You'd still drink it if it was poisonous? Without name (35+)
11942<Arsonist by Heart >My enthusiasm is like fire. Mysterious Scroll
11943<No Need For Life Or Death >People laugh at me for being crazy.\rI laugh at them for not seeing\rthe truth. Scallop (35+)
11944<Crab Buster >All the Crabs hide from you! Mysterious Scroll
11945<Last Night's Stars >The Spring breeze blows throuth my heart.\rAnother sleepless night missing you. Mysterious Scroll
11946<So lonely >Invincibility is lonely ... Mysterious Scroll
11947<Psychological Drama >You owe yourself an Oscar! Mysterious Scroll
11948<Looking At Flowers >Full of joy! Mysterious Scroll
11949<Favourite Photograph >V(∩_∩)V Mysterious Scroll
11950<Can't afford to hurt >Drink plenty of hot water. Mysterious Scroll
11951<Upright >Positivity Pioneer Mysterious Scroll
11952<Sad >Sad and worried Mysterious Scroll
11953<Drunken Moon >I have wine, do you have a story? Mysterious Scroll
11954<Don't Blame The Society >Loved you for a second. Mysterious Scroll
11955<Okay with you >Knife expressed unwillingness Mysterious Scroll
11956<Are You Cold? >Not afraid of wearing long pants! Mysterious Scroll
11957<Marvelous Lotus > Mysterious Scroll
11958<Hang up Southeast Branch >Hearing these words, \rSoutheast Zhi was scared into a cold sweat Mysterious Scroll
11959<Dead Without Navigation >Wait, where is that? Mysterious Scroll
11960<Stalker >You are here too? What a coincidence! Mysterious Scroll
11961<On Top Of A Dragonfly >Get “High”. Mysterious Scroll
11962<Close Your Eyes >Open them at the Dawn. Mysterious Scroll
11963<I Want BBQ! >Hungry again Mysterious Scroll
11964<Don't Stay Up Late! >I didn't say it, he did! Mysterious Scroll
11965<Habitually looking down > Mysterious Scroll
11966<Where Are You, Dear? >Have you eaten?\rWho are you with?\rWhen will you return? Mysterious Scroll
11967<Peek-A-Boo! > Mysterious Scroll
11968<⊙ - ⊙ >Myopia Mysterious Scroll
11969<Long-Awaited Reunion >I think about you all the time Mysterious Scroll
11970<Of Course I Forgave Him > Mysterious Scroll
11971<Immortal >A monster! Mysterious Scroll
11972<Playing Drunk > Mysterious Scroll
11973<Memory Of a Fish >Who are you? Mysterious Scroll
11974<Worse Than Sad >Why me ... Mysterious Scroll
11975<No incidents >Well ... I believe it. Mysterious Scroll
11976<Too Lazy To Care > Mysterious Scroll
11977<Prodigal Child > Mysterious Scroll
11978<I Have No Idea > Mysterious Scroll
11979<Can't Tell > Mysterious Scroll
11980<Nostalgic Elderly Person > Mysterious Scroll
11981<Accept Your Fate > Mysterious Scroll
11982<Rabbits Eat Grass Too > Mysterious Scroll
11983<My Name Is Not Jiangnan! > Mysterious Scroll
11984<Indescribable > Mysterious Scroll
11985<Low Health >Why don't you go to heaven? Mysterious Scroll
11986<ffinity Bead Factory >Official Producer.\rWho said I'm “Official”? Mysterious Scroll
11987<I Didn't Get Diorced >Love is easy, but difficult. Mysterious Scroll
11988<Whalecreek Dale Frog Warden >Quack Mysterious Scroll
11989<Pro Love Letter Writer > Mysterious Scroll
11990<Faucet > Mysterious Scroll
11991<Grey Hair > Mysterious Scroll
11992<Today's Limited Number > Mysterious Scroll
11993<No Comparison, No Harm > Mysterious Scroll
11994<I'm Sorry I'm So Beautiful >How does it feel\rto look good? Mysterious Scroll
11995<Picturesque Countryside > Mysterious Scroll
11996<You're Still Here >And I'll be forever.\r\rPromised a lifetime Mysterious Scroll
11997<Poverty Revealed With A Smile >My heart is tired, but I keep on smiling ... Mysterious Scroll
11998<The Vigilantes In Masks > Mysterious Scroll
11999<Head of Tour Group > Mysterious Scroll
12005<Stupid >Survive, and you will be blessed. Stupid
12006<Love Is Like A River >\rFor love I'd jump in a pit, no matter what love is. Love Is Like A River
12007<Stormy Mountain >For love I'd jump in a pit, no matter what love is. Stormy Mountain
12008<A Smile From Previous Life >For love I'd jump in a pit, no matter what love is. A smile from a previous life
12009<Let Me Lighten You Up! >For love I'd jump in a pit, no matter what love is. Let me come lighten you up!
12010<We Are Rich >A famous quote from an explorer in\ranother world. Title: We are rich
12011<Let Me Open the Chest >According to the legend, only people\rwith red palms are allowed to open\rthe chest. Title: Let Me Open the Chest
12012<I Am Not A Fat Loser! >*Party Leader: Suit up!* Title: I am not a fat loser
12013<Dominant Fear >People remembered the fear of being\rdominated on that day. Title: Dominant Fear
12014<Enjoy Peaches and Plums > CritStrike Rate +1.0%
Attack Power +2%
Title: Enjoy Peaches and Plums
12021<Decade Duowan Talent, Drop~ > CritStrike Rate +1.0%
CritStrike Bonus +8.0%
Skill Accuracy +3.0
Decade Duowan Talent, Drop~
12022<I have a Microphone! > I Have A Microphone!
12023<Decade of Love > Love Jade Dynasty, a decade
12024<Youth is Eternal > Eternal Youth
12025<Regret of the Nine Heavens > Regret of the Nine Heavens
12026<Inkrain Agarwood Gave Me Life > Inkrain Agarwood
12027<Who Says Youth Is Lonely? >I have Jade Dynasty, and I am proud. Who says youth is lonely?
12028<Of Course I Choose To Forgive > Of course I choose to forgive
12029<Clouded Milky Way Cast-Out >Your Team has completed\r the Shady Milky Way Instance\rin the first week.\rExclusive Title Without name
12030<Empyrean Array General >Broke through the North Empyrean Gate\rwithin 30 minutes. North Empyrean Array General (999+)
12031<Empyrean Array Captain >Broke through the North Empyrean Gate\rwithin 40 minutes. North Empyrean Array Captain (999+)
12032<Empyrean Array Warrior >Broke through the North Empyrean Gate\rwithin 50 minutes. North Empyrean Array Warrior (999+)
12033<Decade Long Cultivation >Tenth Anniversary Title Decade Long Cultivation
12034<Pie From The Sky Hit Me! >Buy a Lottery Ticket! NOW! Pie From The Sky Hit Me!
12039<Deep Love At First Sight >In the beginning, love was like parallel lines. Once they meet, they will continue to meet until they are inseparable. Deep Love At First Sight
12040<Autumn Tears >君踏榆花归,匣中三尺水。故人别离久,一点相思泪。 Autumn Tears
12041<☆Shun·Heritage☆ >Shun Heritage Exclusive Gift Pack Title Attack Power +3%
12042<☆EasyTour·Heritage☆ >EasyTour Heritage Exclusive Gift Pack Title Attack Power +3%
12043<☆Play More·Heritage☆ >Play More Heritage Exclusive Gift Pack Title Attack Power +3%
12044<☆17173·Heritage☆ >17173 Heritage Exclusive Gift Pack Title Attack Power +3%
17173 Heritage
12045<☆Sina·Heritage☆ >Sina Heritage Exclusive Gift Pack Title Attack Power +3%
12046<☆NetEase·Heritage☆ >NetEase Heritage Exclusive Gift Pack Title Attack Power +3%
12047<☆Heritage☆ >Exclusive Heritage Gift Pack Title Attack Power +3%
12048<☆Jade Dynasty·Heritage☆ >Jade Dynasty Heritage Exclusive Gift Pack Title Attack Power +3%
12049<☆Tencent·Heritage☆ >Tencent Heritage Exclusive Gift Pack Title Attack Power +3%
12067<☆LeTV·Heritage☆ >LeTV Heritage Exclusive Gift Pack Title Attack Power +3%
12078<Ten Steps To Kill >Wu used his brush to set the world,\rWu set the world with a sword. Title: Ten Steps To Kill
12079<We're Teammates! >Thank your Teammates and their Fists of Iron. Title: We're Teammates!
12080<You're Dead If You See This >I have no idea if there's a word limit to a title. Title: You Are Dead
12081<First Blood >Just do it! Title: First Blood
12082<Survival Master >You can eat Bear paws, but you can also eat\rBear bile, although second one is bitter. Title: Survival Master
12083<Death Is Here >The Children of Sunstream ran when they saw you. Title: Death Is Here
12084<Pengshan Butcher >A knife left sword's shadow and blood-stained white clothes Title: Pengshan Butcher
12085<Live To Win >Success sits on a mountain of mistakes. Title: Live To Win
12086<I Won't Do It >He did it first! He deserved it! Title: I Won't Do It
12087<Wait Who Killed Who? >Ah, troubled times ... Title: Who Killed Who?
12088<It's My Destiny >I'm the only one left in the world Title: It's My Destiny
12089<Hidden Merit And Fame >You will be remembered by your power. Title: Hidden Merit And Fame
12090<Ghost Slayer >Eat my sword! Title: Ghost Slayer
12096<Amazing Flower Bouquet > Title: Amazing Flower Bouquet
12097<Ingenious > Title: Ingenious
12098<Voting Expert > Title: Voting Expert
12099<Cheris Each Other > Health +520
Title: Cherish Each Other
12100<Mo Xiangli > Health +520
Title: Spirited Away
12101<Goose Hunter's Certificate >I have Goose hatchery at home. Mysterious Scroll
12102<Goose Hunter >I have Goose hatchery at home. Mysterious Scroll
12103<Goose Altar Tycoon >Cheryl's recognized person is warm and gold gangster Mysterious Scroll
12104<Movie Ambassador > Title: Movie Ambassador
12105<Fierce Tiger >Look at the Damage ... --一顿操作猛如虎 | 一看输出…算了还是不看了 Attack Power +1%
Bonus Damage +5
Title: Fierce Tiger
12106<Show Starter >Everything is in place! Attack Power +20
Accuracy +10
Title: Show Starter
12107<Refuses to talk >Cool, no chat Evasion +10
Defense +20
Ignore Strangers
12108<Dumpling Lover >No leeks please. Damage Reduction 30
Title: Dumpling Lover
12109<Alive And Kicking >It's even a little bit pretty Health +500
Spirit +500
Title: Alive And Kicking
12110<Cat Hater > Title: Cat Hater
12111<Dog Person > Title: Dog Lover
12112<Imperfect Child >But you apprechiate it. Mysterious Scroll
12113<Kai's Warden >Event Title Mysterious Scroll
12114<Upright Boy >Not upright, but truthful. Mysterious Scroll
12115<Northern Metheor >I will throw your sadness to North Pole! Mysterious Scroll
12116<Nervous First-Timer >I will share happiness with you, I will\rgive you a shoulder to cry on.--第一次为一个人紧张 Mysterious Scroll
12117<Defeated By Your Smile >I want to pamper you!
12118<Your smile is contracted by me >Defeated by your sweet smile. Mysterious Scroll
12119<I'm kai boss woman >Do you dare to touch the woman of Boss
12120<No dog food > Title: No Dog Food
12122<Reborn >Ascension Title Without name
12127<High cold domination > Title: Cold-Handed
12128<Just cute > Title: Cute, Cute, Cute, ...
12129<Shuai breaks the sky Karry Wang > Title: Handsome
12130<Adorable Pink Crab > Title: Adorable Pink Crab
12131<Kyodo Dimension > Title: Kyodo Dimension
12132<Live Streamer >Jade Dynasty Stream Awards Title: Live Streamer
12133<Eat Melons >Stream Watcher Sweet And Refreshing
12134<Enjoy The Difference > Title: Enjoy The Difference
12135<World of Dreams >2018 Labor Day Event Title Title: World of Dreams
12136<Dull And Lazy >2018 Labor Day Event Title Title: Dull And Lazy
12137<Bold Art >2018 Labor Day Event Title Title: Blood Art
12138<Thinking About Life >2018 Labor Day Event Title Title: Thinking About Life
12144<United >Event Title Strength of Union
12145<Unity Is Strength >Event Title Title: Unity Is Strength
12146<The More The Merrier >Event Title Title: The More The Merrier
12147<Pengshan Immortal Warden >“Escape” Finals Champion Title: Pengshan Immortal Warden
12148<Pengshan Immortal Guard >“Escape” Finals 2nd to 10th Place Title: Pengshan Immortal Warden
12149<I can't eat chicken >“Escape” Finals KO Third Round Winner Title: I Can't Eat Chicken
12150<I can't kill you >“Escape” Finals KO Second Round Winner Title: I Can't Kill You
12151<I can't run the poison >“Escape” Finals KO First Round Winner Title: Can't Escape The Poison
12152<Floor into a box >“Escape” Participation Award Title: Landed In Arena
12153<Peaceful Player >Isn't the scenery just gorgeous? Honor: Buddha player
12154<Will To Live >Life and death are instant. Title: Strong desire to survive
12155<I think I can rescue it again >Change to a doctor to govern. Title: I can rescue it again
12156<I'm very happy >Can you peel it again? Title: Pi is very happy
12165<God's Wish Fulfilled >Commemorative Title of Jade Dynasty·Royal Sword Line Title: God's Wish Fulfilled
12166<Royal Sword Support >Commemorative Title of Jade Dynasty·Royal Sword Line Title: Royal Sword Support
12167<Eating Shrimp And Fighting >Commemorative Title of Jade Dynasty·Royal Sword Line Title: Eating Shrimp And Fight
12168<☆Awakening☆ >Awakening Exclusive Gift Pack Title Title: ☆Awakening☆
12169<☆Tencent·Awakening☆ >Tencent Awakening Exclusive Gift Pack Title Title: ☆Tencent·Awakening☆
12170<☆EasyTour·Awakening☆ >EasyTour Awakening Exclusive Gift Pack Title Title: ☆You Jiu·Awakening☆
12171<☆Leaf Pig·Awakening☆ >Leaf Pig Awakening Exclusive Gift Pack Title Title: ☆Leaf Pig·Awakening☆
12172<☆Pacific·Awakening☆ >Pacific Awakening Exclusive Gift Pack Title Title:☆Pacific Ocean·Awakening☆
12173<☆178·Awakening☆ >178 Awakening Exclusive Gift Pack Title Title: ☆178·Awakening☆
12174<☆GT·Awakening☆ >GT Awakening Exclusive Gift Pack Title Title: ☆Game Bus·Awakening☆
12175<☆GamerSky·Awakening☆ >GamerSky Awakening Exclusive Gift Pack Title Title:☆Nomad Stars·Awakening☆
12176<☆17173·Awakening☆ >17173 Awakening Exclusive Gift Pack Title Title: ☆17173·Awakening☆
12177<☆Duowan·Awakening☆ >Duowan Awakening Exclusive Gift Pack Title Title: ☆Play more·Awakening☆
12178<☆Sina·Awakening☆ >Sina Awakening Exclusive Gift Pack Title Title: ☆Sina·Awakening☆
12179<☆EzTravel·Awakening☆ >EzTravel Awakening Exclusive Gift Pack Title Title: ☆Yiyou·Awakening☆
12180<☆18183·Awakening☆ >18183 Awakening Exclusive Gift Pack Title Title: ☆18183·Awakening☆
12181<☆3DM·Awakening☆ >3DM Awakening Exclusive Gift Pack Title Title: ☆3DM·Awakening☆
12182<Yin And Yang >Clan Instance \rProof of completing Instance in under 5 minutes! Yin And Yang
12183<Ancient Battlefield >Clan Instance \rProof of completing Instance in under 10 minutes! Ancient Battlefield
12184<Emerald Tomb >Clan Instance \rProof of completing Instance in under 10 minutes! Emerald Tomb
12190<Beast Lord's Sentence >Instance Rush Event Complete! Beast Lord (T6)\rFinish the Instance in #1 Spot. Quickly kill the Beast Lord
12191<Mystery Of Emerald Lady >Instance Rush Event Complete! Song of Emerald Lady (T9) Finish the Instance in #1 Spot. Exploring the mystery
12192<Like a broken bamboo >Instance Rush Event Complete! Five Sins(T12)Finish the Instance in #1 Spot. Fight the five sins
12193<Clouds are rolling in the sky >Instance Rush Event “Milky Way” Finish the Instance as #1 in the Server. Clouds quickly pas in milky way
12194<Dream Of The South >Instance Rush Event “Dream in the South” Finish the Instance as #1 in the Server. Quickly transgress DITS
12195<Chasing Mists >Instance Rush Event “Misty Milky Way” Finish the Instance as #1 in the Server. Overtake the milky way
12196<Not Thunder Nor Lightning >SInstance Rush Event 2nd - 4th Place Nor thunder not lightning
12197<Example for future generations >Dugeon Rush Event 5th - 10th Place Future generation extraordinary
12198<Ride the Wind >Excusive “Dragon Adventure” Gift Pack Title Ride the Wind
12211<JDR Halloween 2021 →_→ >Then debut →_→ Title: Seize the C position
12212<JDR Halloween 2021 *.* >JDpick Title: Pick Zhuxian
12213<Drive the dragon and live forever >Event Title Drive the dragon
12217<Goldsmith >Gorgeous Golden statue, unique craftmanship Title: Daluo Sculptor
12218<Master of Dharma >Purity of Thought Title: Master of Dharma
12219<Number One Clan Member >Route 36. I'll go first. Mysterious Scroll
12220<Divination >2018 Cross-Server PK Commemorative Title Scroll of Honor
12222<One-third of the world >Jagged battlefield draws 100 exclusive titles Title: One-third of the world
12223<☆Song of Seasons☆ >Exclusive title of Four Seasons Songs Pack Song of the Seasons
12224<☆Tencent·Song of Seasons☆ >Song of Seasons exclusive title of gift package Tencent·Song of the Seasons
12225<☆You Jiu·Song of Seasons☆ >Song of Seasons exclusive title of gift package Jiu·Song of the Seasons
12226<☆Leaf Pig·Song of Seasons☆ >Song of Seasons exclusive title of gift package Leaf·Song of the Seasons
12227<☆Pacific Ocean·Song of Seasons☆ >Song of Seasons exclusive title of gift package Pacific·Song of the Seasons
12228<☆178·Song of Seasons☆ >Song of Seasons exclusive title of gift package 178·The Song of the Seasons
12229<☆Video Bus·Song of Seasons☆ >Song of Seasons exclusive title of gift package Bus·Song of the Seasons
12230<☆Nomad Star·Song of Seasons☆ >Song of Seasons exclusive title of gift package Nomad·Four Seasons Songs
12231<☆17173·Song of Seasons☆ >Song of Seasons exclusive title of gift package 17173·Song of the Seasons
12232<☆Play more·Song of Seasons☆ >Song of Seasons exclusive title of gift package Duowan·Song of the Seasons
12233<☆Sina·Song of Seasons☆ >Song of Seasons exclusive title of gift package Sina·Song of the Seasons
12234<☆Easy Tour·Song of Seasons☆ >Song of Seasons exclusive title of gift package Easy Tour·Song of the Seasons
12235<☆18183·Song of Seasons☆ >Song of Seasons exclusive title of gift package 18183·Song of the Seasons
12236<☆3DM·Song of Seasons☆ >Song of Seasons exclusive title of gift package 3DM·Song of the Seasons
12241<Through thousand mountains >Heavenly Romance, Proof of the Warriors\r Dungeon Hidden Reward Title: Through 1000 mountains
12247<Model of Respect for the Elderly >Old and old Title: Respect for the Elderly
12248<Favorability+1 >2018 Singles Day Event Commemorative Honor\rNote: Can be upgraded Title: Favorability +1
12249<Singleness+1 >2018 Singles Day Event Commemorative Honor\rNote: Can be upgraded Singles Day Title 1
Title: Singleness +1
12250<Love always comes to me inadvertently >It's so attractive, what can I do\r2018 Singles Day Event Commemorative Honor Title: Love always comes
12251<Favorability-1 >2018 Singles Day Event Commemorative Honor\rNote: Can be upgraded Title: Favorability -1
12252<Singleness-1 >2018 Singles Day Event Commemorative Honor\rNote: Can be upgraded Title: Singleness -1
12253<Good friends, let's go together >2018 Singles Day Event Commemorative Honor\rNote: Can be upgraded Title: Let's go together
12254<Where is the end of the world >Passionate but ruthlessly annoyed\r2018 Singles Day Event Commemorative Honor Title: Where is end of world
12260<Really fragrant warning >Even if I starve to death, I will not eat anything from you outside. Title: Really fragrant warning
12261<Sharpen the knife >Lest you be unhappy Title: Sharpen the knife
12262<Laugh and bark >Humhhhh~ Title: Laugh and bark
12263<Be careful of my big pig's hoof >Golden trotters, stewed for a long time Title: Be careful of my pig...
12264<Take away your big trotter >Who will stew it for me Title: Take away your trotter
12265<Wrestling Cup >Ambush five hundred axe Title: Wrestling Cup
Guard title
12266<Happy like a little piggy >Hahaha hiccup Title: Happy like a piggy
12267<The most beautiful boy in Sunstream >Hundred Arrays of Wuhou's eyes are covered with tulle for many years...\rCould it be that you blinded him? !\r2019 Lantern Festival Event Commemorative Number Attack Power +88
Defense +88
Bonus Damage +8
Title: Beautiful boy in Sunst.
12268<Lantern Festival wave >Come, have another bite of Yuanxiao.\r2019 Lantern Festival Event Commemorative Number Attack Power +88
Health +88
Spirit +88
Title: Lantern Festival wave
12269<People who don’t know the truth >吃瓜快乐!\r2019 Lantern Festival Event Commemorative Number Attack Power +168
Health +168
Spirit +168
Title: People who don’t know...
12270<Mystery person >【Pretend to omit a hundred words】\rNote: Sorry, the person responsible for the explanation also doesn't understand it!\r2019 Lantern Festival Event Commemorative Number Evasion +8
Accuracy +8
Defense +88
Title: Mystery person
12271<Moving bricks, please do not disturb >Another year full of hope\r2019 Lantern Festival Event Commemorative Number Damage Reduction 8
Bonus Damage +8
Attack Power +88
Title: Moving bricks...
12280<Hall Master of Hundred >'Escape to Yaoyao' competition participation award title Hall Master of Hundred
12281<Fought over a hundred people >'Escape to Yaoyao' competition participation award title Fought over a hundred people
12282<Trapped in Immortal Prison >'Escape to Yaoyao' competition participation award title Trapped in Immortal Prison
12299<Roasted Bunny >Tutu is so cute, \rWhy don't you eat tutu! Title: Roasted Bunny
12300<Grumpy old girl >Tutu is so cute, \rWhy don't you eat tutu! Title: Grumpy old girl
12302<Life is diligent, nothing is gained >Come on, boy!\rCommemoration of Labor Day Events in 2019 Title: Life is diligent
12303<Practice more, be good >Hard work pays off\rCommemoration of Labor Day Events in 2019 Title: Practice more, be good
12304<Fish! Paddling! Eat melon! >Three joys in life\rCommemoration of Labor Day Events in 2019 Title: Fish! Paddling!
12305<I will start tomorrow >Tomorrow is tomorrow\rCommemoration of Labor Day Events in 2019 Title: I will start tomorrow
12306<Cuts the sky >Xianjun Trial Full Service Ultimate Ceremony Commemorative Title Title: Cuts the sky
12307<Elemenal Temple Lord >Tai Chi gives birth to two instruments, and two instruments give birth to four elements CritStrike Rate +3.0%
CritStrike Bonus +10.0%
EXP +1%
Title: Elemental Temple Lord
12308<First Vim Killer >Zhou Yin transferred it. Title: First Vim Killer
12309<Harsh Reality >—— 'General Outline of the Book of the Heavens' Title: Harsh Reality
12311<Zealous Knight >2019 lucky star event commemorative title Title: Zealous Knight
12312<☆Imperial Lineage☆ >Imperial Lineage Pack Exclusive Title Title: ☆Imperial Lineage☆
12313<☆Jiu·Imperial Lineage☆ >Jiu Imperial Lineage Pack Exclusive Title Title: ☆Youjiu·Imper. Lineage☆
12314<☆Leaf·Imperial Lineage☆ >Leaf Imperial Lineage Pack Exclusive Title Title: ☆Leaf·Imperial Lineage☆
12315<☆Pacific·Imperial Lineage☆ >Pacific Imperial Lineage Pack Exclusive Title Title: ☆Pacific·Imp. Lineage☆
12316<☆178·Imperial Lineage☆ >178 Imperial Lineage Pack Exclusive Title Title: ☆178·Imperial Lineage☆
12317<☆Easy Tour·Imperial Lineage☆ >Easy Tour Imperial Lineage Pack Exclusive Title Title: ☆Easy·Imperial Lineage☆
12318<☆18183·Imperial Lineage☆ >18183 Imperial Lineage Pack Exclusive Title Title: ☆18183·Imperial Lineage☆
12319<☆17173·Imperial Lineage☆ >17173 Imperial Lineage Pack Exclusive Title Title: ☆17173·Imperial Lineage☆
12320<☆Play·Imperial Lineage☆ >Play Imperial Lineage Pack Exclusive Title Title: ☆Play·Imperial Lineage☆
12321<☆Sina·Imperial Lineage☆ >Sina Imperial Lineage Pack Exclusive Title Title: ☆Sina·Imperial Lineage☆
12322<Chasing the Wind >Shocking Lan·Danyan·Baifeng Title: Chasing the Wind
12323<Edge of Flame >The exclusive title of Lanyan Chasing the Wind Gift Pack Title: Edge of Flame
12326<Whisper of the Sword >If you don't forget it, there will be an echo\rThe exclusive title of the Spirit of Wind event Title: Whisper of the Sword
12327<Star Frost >Twelve years of youth together, will definitely live up to the old king's heart\r Zhu Xian's 12th anniversary commemorative title Title: Star Frost
12330<Undercover >Move quietly... Mysterious Scroll
12334<Fly over Mountains >Thousands of miles to the military plane Title: Fly over Mountains
12340<Judgment >Xue injustice bans violence, calms down Title: Judgment
12341<Judgment >Judgment understands, observes human feelings Title: Judgment
12342<Judgment >Overturned and thoughtful, fearful Title: Judgment
12343<Naughty Little Cutie >2019 Summer Event Commemorative Title Title: Naughty Little Cutie
12344<The king of Melons >2019 Summer Event Commemorative Title Title: The king of Melons
Title: The king of Melons
12345<Snake Charmer >Event exclusive title Title: Snake Charmer
12350<Eat that! >Let the bright moon be our company and live unrestrainedly Title Eat that!
12351<Fast enough to win >call out! ~ hoo hoo! ~~ Title Fast enough to win
12354<Ironhead >Hard as iron, motionless as a mountain\rThe 70th birthday commemorative title of the motherland Title: Ironhead
12355<Prosperous >The dream of 1.3 billion people\rThe commemorative title of the 70th birthday of the motherland Title: Prosperous
12356<National Treasure >Kind-hearted neighbors\rThe seventieth birthday of the motherland commemorates the title Title: National Treasure
12357<Age of Wonders >The Great Revival\rThe Seventieth Birthday of the Motherland Title: Age of Wonders
12358<Guardian of Peace >Family and Country Feelings\rThe 70th Birthday of the Motherland Title: Guardian of Peace
12359<Hidden Mystery >This is a mysterious title. Mysterious title
12360<Born for Love >Event exclusive badge Title: Born for Love
12375<☆Wondrous Battle☆ >Wondrous Battle Shocking Novice Package Exclusive Title ☆Wondrous Battle☆
12376<☆Travel·Wondrous Battle☆ >Travel Wondrous Battle Shocking Novice Package Exclusive Title ☆Jiu·Wondrous Battle☆
12377<☆Leaf·Wondrous Battle☆ >Leaf Wondrous Battle Shocking Novice Package Exclusive Title ☆Leaf·Wondrous Battle☆
12378<☆Pacific·Wondrous Battle☆ >Pacific Wondrous Battle Shocking Novice Package Exclusive Title ☆Pacific·Wondrous Battle☆
12379<☆178·Wondrous Battle☆ >178 Wondrous Battle Shocking Novice Package Exclusive Title ☆178·Wondrous Battle☆
12380<☆Easy·Wondrous Battle☆ >Easy Wondrous Battle Shocking Novice Package Exclusive Title ☆Easy·Wondrous Battle☆
12381<☆18183·Wondrous Battle☆ >18183 Wondrous Battle Shocking Novice Package Exclusive Title ☆18183·Wondrous Battle☆
12382<☆17173·Wondrous Battle☆ >17173 Wondrous Battle Shocking Novice Package Exclusive Title ☆17173·Wondrous Battle☆
12383<☆Play·Wondrous Battle☆ >Play Wondrous Battle Shocking Novice Package Exclusive Title ☆Multiplayer·Wondrous Battle☆
12384<☆Sina·Wondrous Battle☆ >Sina Wondrous Battle Shocking Novice Package Exclusive Title ☆Sina·Wondrous Battle☆
12394<Big Brain >2019 Cross-Server Press Corps Rewards Title: Big Brain
12410<Red Thread >Isn't red thread used to weave long johns? Red Thread
12418<︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ >You are the number one fan of Fanxing Fairy! Title: ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿
12420<O(≧▽≦)O >You are the number one fan of Fairy Shanwei! Title: O(≧▽≦)O
12419<(@pan>>You are the number one fan of Fairy Ruo Ling! Title: A pan
12437<Little mouse >Remember the little mouse nursery rhyme you heard as a child? Title: Little mouse
12438<Gongs and drums >Such a grand scene can only be seen during the New Year! Title: Gongs and drums
12442<Like a first time >Official Forum Rewards Title: Like a first time
12443<Gifted First! >Official Forum Rewards Title: Gifted First!
12450<Song of Sunset >Together with Jiayue, mining Lingdu Beizhu. \rThe breeze blows the song, compatible with the sunset. \r——Southern and Northern Dynasties·Xu Mian Title: Song of Sunset
12451<Cuddling with each other >Rotary warm smoked stove warm bucket account. \r Yushu Qiongzhi, cuddling with each other. \r——Song Liuyong Title: Butterfly Flower
12452<It's boring to wake up >I don't know what to hold in my arms, \rwoke up and bored, drunk and bored, \rdream never came to Xieqiao. \r——Qing·Nalan Rongruo Title: It's boring to wake up
12453<Wake up early >Go to bed early and get up early to stay healthy. Produced for Labor Day 2020. Title: Wake up early
12454<Drink the strongest wine >Soak wolfberry in a goblet and drink spirits in a thermos. \rProduced for the 2020 Labor Day event. Title: Drink the strongest wine
12455<Why don't you watch >look at me! Produced for Labor Day 2020. Title: Why don't you watch
12456<Borrow little crab >Just so kind. Produced for Labor Day 2020. Title: Borrow little crab
12457<It's a little hot >Chivalrous and immortal friends gather together, can you not be hot~ Title: It's a little hot
12458<Who can fight like me? >Don't mess with me, there is someone behind me! Title: Who can fight like me?
12459<There are five more brothers >Don't mess with me, there is someone behind me! Title: 5 more brothers
12469<Infinite Heaven >Don't dare to stand on the head, this intention will come to nothing. Title: Infinite Heaven
12470<Shadow of Darkness >When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you. Title: Shadow of Darkness
12472<☆Ashura☆ >The exclusive title of Jue Shi Tianzhao's gift pack for newcomers Title: ☆Ashura☆
12473<☆17173·Ashura☆ >17173·Jue Shi Tianzhao newcomer gift Title: ☆17173·Ashura☆
12474<Moving Farewell >Song Jue Yin, read the world, Tianzhao Zichen to find. Title: Moving Farewell
12477<Reminisce >The west wind blows the rain and wets the clothes, \rIt's not like the old river like before. Title: Reminisce
12480<People of Sunstream >It was obvious that my charms were beyond words. Title: People of Sunstream
12484<Herb Scholar >In ancient times, Shennong tasted hundreds of medicines,\r and today there are people with lofty ideals who collect spiritual herbs. Title: Herb Scholar
12485<Beast Scholar >In ancient times, there was Xuanyuan descending all things,\r and now there are heroes fighting strange beasts. Title: Beast Scholar
12488<Knowledgeable >Thanks to the knights for their contributions to 'God's Mistakes: Hui Yougu Chapter'. Title: Knowledgeable
12487<Whirlwind Guru >Knows Whirlwind Valley as own pocket. Title: Whirlwind Guru
12489<Soul Odyssey >Exclusive title for newcomers Title: Soul Odyssey
12490<17173·Soul Odyssey >17173 Illusion Heart Thousand Tribulations Newcomer Exclusive Title Title: 17173·Soul Odyssey
12500<Fishing Guru >Fishing is a kind of technology, but also a kind of metaphysics. Title: Fishing Guru
12504<God's Will >The authorities are obsessed all their lives, and the bystanders sigh. Title: God's Will
12505<Always Ruthless >The authorities are obsessed all their lives, and the bystanders sigh. Title: Always Ruthless
12513<Full Moon Night >When National Day meets Mid-Autumn Festival. Title: Full Moon Night
12532<Demon Hunter >Both wise and brave, great in hunting monsters. Title: Demon Hunter
12533<Iron Head >Ruthless hammer killer Title: Iron Head
12534<Egg Researcher >'Believe me, given time, the iron eggs will definitely hatch!' Title: Egg Researcher
12552<Galloping bull >Sweep the plains! Avocado Juice
12557<Straight to a slide >You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat! Title: Straight to a slide
12558<Next time babe... >Not this time, but next time. Title: Next time babe...
12559<Abundant Fighter >Talk about martial arts, know how to advance and retreat. Title: Abundant Fighter
12560<Are you lecturing me? >Hats off to a man who taught me how to do things. Title: Are you lecturing me?
12561<Breaking Bad >Always poison in places you don't expect. Mysterious Scroll
12564<I'll tell you a story >Children, don't be afraid,\rYou come here and I will tell you a story...\rOkay... Title: I'll tell you a story
12565<Night Phoenix Fire >The earth trembled, and mournful cries spread across the three realms. Title: Night Phoenix Fire
12566<Phoenix Tour >The phoenix leaves and the Taikong River flows by itself Title: Phoenix Tour
12567<Phoenix Destiny >Exclusive title for newcomers Phoenix Destiny Title: Phoenix Destiny
12568<17173·Phoenix Destiny >17173 Phoenix Destiny's exclusive title for newcomers Title: 17173·Phoenix Destiny
12575<Soul Tower Legend >Congratulations on successfully clearing the 110th floor of the Soul tower! Attack Power +6%
CritStrike Rate +3.0%
Title: Soul Tower Legend
12576<Soul Tower Deity >Congratulations on successfully clearing the 120th floor of the Soul tower! Attack Power +7%
CritStrike Rate +4.0%
Title: Soul Tower Deity
12577<Soul Tower Warden >I can climb another 100 floors! CritStrike Rate +5.0%
Damage against Dagos +3.0%
Damage against Fuwa +3.0%
Damage against Felkin +3.0%
Title: Soul Tower Warden
12579<Return of the Karma >Exclusive title for the event. Text title: Return of the Karma
12592<Odyssey Warden >Clan Instance\rProof that the instance time is less than 10 minutes! Title: Odyssey Warden
12593<Odyssey General >Clan Instance\rProof that the instance time is less than 10 minutes! Title: Odyssey General
12594<Odyssey Marshal >Clan Instance\rProof that the instance time is less than 10 minutes! Title: Odyssey Marshal
12598<Memory master >Exclusive title for operational activities. Title: Memory Master
12614<I greet you >A piece of the melting moon is given on credit,\r and it still shines on the lights of thousands of houses.\r Commemorative title for the 2021 Mid-Autumn Festival event. Title: I greet you
12616<Caught one (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ >Thanks to fellow immortals for reporting bugs\r and maintaining the harmony and stability of the JDR. Title: Caught one (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
12617<Little catcher (⊙▽⊙) >Thanks to fellow immortals for reporting bugs\r and maintaining the harmony and stability of the JDR. Title: Little catcher (⊙▽⊙)
12618<Envoy (⊙ω⊙) >Thanks to fellow immortals for reporting bugs\r and maintaining the harmony and stability of the JDR. Title: Envoy (⊙ω⊙)
12619<Maxed player >Use your own power to max out the Zhuxian server,\rI admire you, I admire you. Title: Maxed player
12620<Breaking the Shadow >The sparks turn into light, the fog disappears, the shadows are broken and traces are traced, and this body is not confused. Title: Breaking the Shadow
12621<Dealt Dragon Tribulation >Reward for completing the adventure mission 'Dream Tribulation'. Title: Dealt Dragon Tribulation
12622<Both wishes fulfilled >Reward for completing the adventure mission 'Unfulfilled Wish'. Title: Both wishes fulfilled
12623<Dilemma >Reward for completing the adventure mission 'Human Face Tree'. Title: Dilemma
12629<☆Love and dreams☆ >Exclusive title for newcomers in Love and Dreams Title: Love and dreams
12630<☆17173·Love and dreams☆ >17173 The exclusive title for newcomers in Love and Dreams Title: 17173·Love and dreams
12631<☆Year after year☆ >May the festival be prosperous every year; \rMay the great motherland be prosperous. Title: ☆Year after year☆
12635<New generation >This is a person with extraordinary talents in cultivating immortals Title: New generation
12652<☆Reached Star☆ >Exclusive title for finalists in the 2021 Zhuxian cross-server PK competition Title: ☆Reached Star☆
12661<Love in the world >2022情人节活动特别称号! Title: Love in the World
12678<Passing by Spring >The warm light, the gentle breeze,\r the pleasant scenery, passing by spring. Title: Passing Through Spring
12679<Clear Light Reflection >The wind blows the catkins like snow,\r and the bright light reflects on the green river. Title: Clear and Bright
12685<Discussing Poetry in Wine >Poetry, Wine and Immortality:\r Evidence of Mu Chun's Honored Title of Literary Champion Title: Drunken Debate on Poets
12699<My words your heart >Exclusive to 'JD Mortal Palace' Title: My Words, Your Heart
12701<Willows Slanting >The flying swallows are startled by the cold rain,\r and the slanting willows stop the cool breeze. Title: Slanting Willows
12702<Excellent labor >Labor unity is the most glorious! Title: Outstanding Worker
12703<Light Bodyguard >With Lao Dong’s help,\r I have the energy to do anything! Title: Light Protector
12706<Lark Carol >The North Sea is silent, with the singing of hundreds of spirits. Title: Melody of Yuna
12716<Coming over the sea >I heard from afar that the guest from Xiandu is coming over the sea Title: Coming Over The Sea
12717<☆Divne Flute☆ >Exclusive title for newcomers Title: Divine Flute
12718<☆17173·Divne Flute☆ >17173Exclusive title for newcomers Title: 17173 Divine Flute
12722<§JD15: Year after year§ >【Limited title】\rHappy 15th birthday to Zhu Xian! Title: JD 15th Anniversary
12760<Five Kernels are Great >You are just like Wu Ren, very profound! Title: Five Nuts·Meaningful
12761<Bean Paste is Great >You are just like Dousha, soft, cute and sweet! Title: Bean Paste·Sweet
12762<Jujube Paste is Great >You are just like Zaoni, beautiful and intelligent! Title: Red Date·Beautiful
12763<Creamy yellow is Great >You are as cute and charming as Naihuang! Title: Custard·Charming
12764<Lotus paste is Great >You are just like lotus paste, mysterious and profound! Title: Lotus Paste·Mysterious
12765<Fiery Soul >A handful of fiery souls, rushing to the beautiful mountains and rivers Title: Blazing Soul
12766<Loyal heart >A heart full of passion and loyalty Title: Loyal Heart
12773<Motherland Birthday >I wish our great motherland prosperity. Title: Galaeron's Birthday!
12774<Group chat expert >I heard that you are the expert? Title: Group Chat Expert
12775<Active in group chat >Even if you are slightly injured, you will not leave the front line! Title: Group Chat Active
12776<Dragon Slayer >He who slays the dragon becomes the dragon himself! Title: Dragon Slayer
12777<Dragon King Bane >Now I am the Dragon King. Title: Dragon King's Bane
12778<Accidentally dominated >So troubled. Title: Accidentally Dominated
11001<$S's Husband >Marriage Title Spouse Title
11002<$S's Honey >Marriage Title
11003<$S's Prince >Marriage Title Getting Married (10+)
11004<$S's King >Marriage Title
11005<$S's Moonlight >Marriage Title
11006<$S's Eternal Love >Marriage Title
11007<$S's Wife >Marriage Title Spouse Title
11008<$S's Sweetheart >Marriage Title
11009<$S's Princess >Marriage Title Getting Married (10+)
11010<$S's Queen >Marriage Title
11011<$S's Moonlight >Marriage Title
11012<$S's Eternal Love >Marriage Title
11013<$T's Disciple >Expertise title
11014<$S's Mr. Right >Married during\ra special ceremony. Collective Wedding (10+)
XXX's Princess
A diamond is forever! (10+)
One mind (30+)
Eld. Matchmaker's Red String (30+)
Abaddon (999+)
Eld. Matchmaker's Red String (30+)
Abaddon (200+)
Prince and princess forever
11015<$S's Mrs. Right >Married during\ra special ceremony. Collective Wedding (10+)
XXX's Snow White
A diamond is forever! (10+)
One mind (30+)
Eld. Matchmaker's Red String (30+)
Eld. Matchmaker's Red String (30+)
Abaddon (200+)
Prince and princess forever
15000<I miss you $S >Romance Title Title: I miss you ...
15001<Heads up $S >Romance Title Title: Heads up ...