Summer Boy Etai [100303]


Introduced in ~ 5.1.7 (Phoenix Destiny)

Chinese name : 消夏仙童 阿泰

Russian name : Summer Boy Etai


New Main City (401) 428, 669

d_c2scmd 2010 401 428 482 669

Invitation Message

Why is it that although our fairy world is closer to the sun, it is cooler in summer?

Activate Quests

Refreshing all summer

Summer ice cold gift box (90+)

Ticket for[Snowfall Highland] (90+)

A Cool Summer-Event Intro. (90+)

Buy fruit blind box (90+)

Receive Quests

Fairy boy descends to earth

Fairy boy thank you gift

Fairy boy thank you gift

Fairy boy thank you gift

Fairy boy thank you gift

Fairy boy thank you gift

Fairy boy thank you gift


New Main City (401) 428, 669

Linked to monster
