Recruitment List (Incense) [100907]


Introduced in ~ 5.1.7 (Phoenix Destiny)

Chinese name : 招贤榜(焚香)

Russian name : Recruitment List (Incense)

Activate Quest(s)

Disturbance in Prison (100%)

Matter path : 6348 - models\matters\物品\鼎炉\鼎炉.ecm

Icon path : 41763 - surfaces\男物品\卷轴.dds

d_c2scmd 10806 100907 1

Stacked: 1

Proctype: 8195:

Novice Disciple can search for senior brother
Li Xun every day and obtain an uncertain number of recruitment lists,
which can be distributed to the knights all over the world and invite them to work together
to solve the strange incident in Incense Valley.

After using it, you can start the mission 'Trouble in Fox Prison'.

Award from quest

Won three recruitment lists Amount: 3

Obtained two recruit lists Amount: 2

Obtained a recruitment list