Mystic Treasure Charm VII [10762]


Introduced in ~ 1.2.4 (Modo)

Chinese name : 遁宝密咒七

Russian name : Амулет хранителя сокровищ VII

Activate Quest(s)

Ocean Spirit Chest (120+) (100%)

Matter path : 1331 - Models\Matters\物品\纸符\纸符.ecm

Icon path : 2236 - Surfaces\男物品\灵脉要术.dds

d_c2scmd 10806 10762 1

Stacked: 1

Proctype: 0:

Right-click to gain a random quest to open
a Mystic Treasure Chest in Kunlun.

Award from quest

Mystic Treasure Charm (132-135)

Mystic Treasure Charm (128-131)

Mystic Treasure Charm (124-127)

Mystic Treasure Charm (120-123)