Stra. Skysong Shoes Draft♂ [13862]


Introduced in ~ 1.2.4 (Modo)

Chinese name : 天弈禅履图样(男)

Russian name : В 'Башмаки стратега Скайи'♂

Matter path : 2304 - Models\Matters\物品\书页\书页.ecm

Icon path : 4145 - Surfaces\男物品\天弈魔盔图样.dds

d_c2scmd 10806 13862 1

Price: 1 S 00 C / 10 G 00 C

Stacked: 1

Proctype: 0:

Level: 135
Exchange this for
Strategist Exalted Shoes♂
at the Battleground Vendor.

Required to start quest(s)

Craft Stra. Exalted Shoes (200+)

Drop from
# Name Level Map Coordinates HP %
1 Maven of Chess 170 - ()- 16000000 1.9999999552965%