Deer Orb [18374]


Introduced in ~ 1.2.4 (Modo)

Chinese name : 麋鹿内丹

Russian name : Рябина

Pet lvl min: 1

Pet lvl max: 160

Pet type mask: 65535

Food usage: 6

Pet Food type: 1

Food value: 20000

Price: 1 C / 1 S 00 C

Stacked: 999

Proctype: 19:

Pet Experience Medicine.
Right-click to use on a summoned pet.
Increases your pet's experience by 20,000 points.

Award from quest

Cele. Vanguard - S. D. Field (999)

Celestial Vanguard - S. Waste (999)

Totto's Trust [Event] (70+) Amount: 2

Celestial Trial [Event] (999)

Fun of Collection

Celestial Trial [Event] (999)

Celestial Trial [Event] (999)

Celestial Trial [Event] (999)

Celestial Trial [Event] (999)

Celestial Trial [Event] (999)

Show all quests

Drop from
# Name Level Map Coordinates HP %
1 Mindrot Menace·Fury 161 - ()- 5000000 1.9999999552965%