Ginseng Fruit [18724]


Introduced in ~ 1.2.4 (Modo)

Chinese name : 人参果

Russian name : Плод женьшеня

Price: 60 C / 5 S 00 C

Stacked: 999

Proctype: 0:

Auxiliary Pet Crafting Material
(Used in Pet Workshop)

A Rare berry that grows on Ginseng.

Required to finish quest(s)

Birthday Gift Amount: 10

Used in craft for following items
# Recipe Item

Berry Juice

Level: 2

Amount needed: 5

Berry Juice

Amount: 25-50


Lilac Dew

Level: 2

Amount needed: 5

Lilac Dew

Amount: 25-50

Sold at npc
# Name Sale tab Discount Map Coordinates

Pet Master Ellan

Pet Master Eikon

Craft 0% ??? ???
2 Craft 0% ??? ???