Excellent Spirit Potion [1879]


Introduced in ~ 1.2.4 (Modo)

Chinese name : 秘制归神散

Russian name : Отличное зелье духа

Type: From NPC

Subtype: SP Medicine


Required Level: 105

Cooldown: 140 ms


Type 4

Instant SP regen: +516

SP regen tick: +172

SP regen tick: +172

SP regen tick: +172

Matter path : 1318 - Models\Matters\物品\药丸\蓝药.ecm

Icon path : 346 - Surfaces\男物品\秘制归神散.dds

d_c2scmd 10806 1879 9999

Price: 46 C / 4 S 00 C

Stacked: 9999

Proctype: 0:

Spirit Remedy
Right-click to regain Spirit. An Excellent Potion that
delivers half of its restorative power up front,
and the other half recovers gradually.

Harvest from

Mysterious Chest (50%)

Sold at npc
# Name Sale tab Discount Map Coordinates

Couldstorm Physician

Potion -0.20000000298023% ??? ???

Physician Noi

Physician He Yongshou

Physician Shaman Xiuyong

Doctor Xuanwei

Healer of the Undead

Potion 0% ??? ???

Physician Bai Retsu

Potion 0% ??? ???

Physician Yoren

Physician Justin

Lord Rigel


Physician Tsong

Potion 0% ??? ???
Drop from
# Name Level Map Coordinates HP %
1 Enflamed Embrace 128 - ()- 108550 1.0809013620019%
2 Twilight Mothik 132 - ()- 111780 1.0809013620019%
3 Searing Skyfox 120 Kunlun (10)20, 371 8881 0.98328413441777%
4 Chubby Baby 125 - ()- 200000 0.98328413441777%
5 Icespike Golem 128 Kunlun (10)-23, -226 10855 0.98328413441777%
6 Wicked Succubus 132 Kunlun (10)-289, -246 11178 0.98328413441777%
7 Frozen Traveler 120 Kunlun (10)-317, 267 8881 0.98328413441777%
8 Barx Rimefist 124 Kunlun (10)-272, -102 9515 0.98328413441777%
9 Frozen Mountain Lady 130 Kunlun (10)320, -352 5200000 0.98328413441777%
10 Shaodu Lookout 132 Kunlun (10)289, -243 11178 0.98328413441777%
11 170BG mining 119 - ()- 81555000 3.0181085690856%
12 Corrupted Snowland Bandit 124 - ()- 475750 3.0181085690856%
13 170BG Yinshen Kill ctr invi mob 135 - ()- 85589500 3.0181085690856%
14 Suanny 150 - ()- 2000000 3.0181085690856%
15 Searing Skyfox 120 Kunlun (10)20, 371 8881 0.98328413441777%
16 Bold Frostfist 124 Kunlun (10)-161, 150 9515 0.98328413441777%
17 Icespike Golem 128 Kunlun (10)-23, -226 10855 0.98328413441777%
18 Wicked Succubus 132 Kunlun (10)-289, -246 11178 0.98328413441777%
19 Frozen Traveler 120 Kunlun (10)-317, 267 8881 0.98328413441777%
20 Barx Rimefist 124 Kunlun (10)-272, -102 9515 0.98328413441777%
21 Kunlun Aurfeather 128 Kunlun (10)-23, -226 10855 0.98328413441777%
22 Shaodu Lookout 132 Kunlun (10)289, -243 11178 0.98328413441777%
23 Ingenua Agu 120 - ()- 13322 1.2998701073229%
24 Spring Fount 120 - ()- 13322 1.2998701073229%
25 Enflamed Embrace 128 - ()- 108550 1.0809912346303%
26 Twilight Mothik 132 - ()- 111780 1.0809912346303%
27 Corrupted Snow Fox 120 - ()- 444050 3.0181085690856%
28 Corrupted Snowland Bandit 124 - ()- 475750 3.0181085690856%
29 Corrupted Icespike Golem 128 - ()- 542750 3.0181085690856%
30 Shan Dictator 160 - ()- 430000000 3.0181085690856%
31 Ingenua Agu 120 - ()- 13322 1.2998701073229%
32 Spring Fount 120 - ()- 13322 1.2998701073229%
33 Deathmark Gilhook 132 - ()- 190300 1.2961116619408%
34 Ingenua Agu 120 - ()- 13322 1.0898910462856%
35 Spring Fount 120 - ()- 13322 1.0898910462856%
36 Enflamed Embrace 128 - ()- 108550 1.0822511278093%
37 Twilight Mothik 132 - ()- 111780 0.9980040602386%
38 Barx Rimefist Berserker 124 - ()- 95150 3.0181085690856%
39 Icespike Golem Berserker 128 - ()- 108550 3.0181085690856%
40 Sleet Spirit Berserker 132 - ()- 111780 3.0181085690856%
41 Bone Spirit 128 - ()- 108550 1.17%
42 Enflamed Embrace 128 - ()- 108550 1.17%
43 Myriadtail Serpent 132 - ()- 111780 1.17%
44 Twilight Mothik 132 - ()- 111780 1.17%