Sunbeam Stone [2580]


Introduced in ~ 1.2.4 (Modo)

Chinese name : 赤日石

Russian name : Солнечный камень

Price: 10 C / 1 G 00 C

Stacked: 999

Proctype: 0:

A token of Special Ops. When you've
collected enough, speak to the Special
Ops Agent to acquire a Special
Ops Quest.

Required to start quest(s)

Future (135+) Amount: 78

Dream (120-134) Amount: 68

Ardour (105-119) Amount: 58

Award from quest

Sunbeam Stone Coupon Amount: 50

N/A Amount: 50

Exchange Special Ops (1+) Amount: 10

Bold Travelers (200-123)

Legend of Skyfox (200-123)

Achievement Amount: 4

Achievement Amount: 4

Fierce Monsters (132-134)

Roaring Lookouts (132-134)

Shaodu Statues (132-134)

Show all quests