Wary Wind·Fire [30645]


Introduced in ~ 2.0.4 (Ascension)

Chinese name : 罡风·火

Russian name : Воздушный поток (огонь)

Matter path : 3803 - Models\Matters\物品\铭文\铭文.ecm

Icon path : 11114 - surfaces\男物品\九黎铭文火.dds

d_c2scmd 10806 30645 10

Price: 1 S 00 C / 1 G 00 C

Stacked: 10

Proctype: 0:

Mystic Rune
Used to craft the Balo Charm:
Wary Wind
Used in craft for following items
# Recipe Item

Wary Wind Charm

Level: 1

Amount needed: 1

Wary Wind Charm

Amount: 1