Imperial Token [40516]
Introduced in ~ 2.2.8 (Vengeance)
Chinese name : 无双令牌
Russian name : Амулет городской стражи
Matter path : 1321 - Models\Matters\物品\杂物\小宝箱.ecm
Icon path : 14064 - Surfaces\男物品\跨服pk令牌.dds
d_c2scmd 10806 40516 1
Price: 1 S 00 C / 1 G 00 C
Stacked: 1
Proctype: 0:
The proof of Imperial Citadel Doomjudge's ruling.
Redeem at the Imperial Citadel Herald on Realm 10 to receive and exclusive title.
Redeem before 24:00 on July 26th to avoid exceeding the time limit.