Title·Star of the Three Realms [40641]
Introduced in ~ 2.2.8 (Vengeance)
Chinese name : 尊号(诛仙贰·三界之星)
Russian name : 'Звезда трех миров'
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Without name (100%)
Matter path : 1251 - Models\NPCs\场景宝箱\宝箱\宝箱.ecm
Icon path : 3577 - Surfaces\男物品\魂戍天机.dds
d_c2scmd 10806 40641 1
Stacked: 1
Proctype: 0:
Right-click to get an exclusive title.
Given after using pack
# | Name | Amount | Chance | Active time/Score |
1 | 1-1 | 100% | Bound |
2 | 1-1 | 100% | Bound |