Spirited Puppet [87108]


Introduced in ~ 5.1.0 (Imperial Lineage)

Chinese name : 灵气充沛的傀儡

Russian name : Энергичная марионетка

Activate Quest(s)

ZXF-2019-Arden 01-Jia Ling (100%)

Special Type 2

Map trigger: Divine Realm [23] -62, -460 (height: 368) Radius: 15

Matter path : 36611 - Models\matters\物品\贝壳\贝壳2\贝壳2.ecm

Icon path : 34289 - Surfaces\男物品\询经木偶.dds

d_c2scmd 10806 87108 1

Stacked: 1

Proctype: 19:

Was stimulated by Mu Qinglan's blood drop
living as a wayfinding puppet. Right
click to open, according to
display to find the heirloom that Mu Qinglan lost
The yellow dot indicates Far away from the treasure
, blue means far
, green point means middle,
orange means close, red
means very close, red heart means
means it has reached the treasure place
on the ground
( This item can only be used in Dominion)

Award from quest

Take the puppet again

Bloody Treasure Hunt