Spiritual Relic Pack [96986]


Introduced in ~ 5.1.3 (Soul Odyssey)

Chinese name : 帝鸿爻辞幸运礼包

Russian name : 帝鸿爻辞幸运礼包


Required Level: 1

Required gender: Any

Open time: 1 s

Success open chance: 100 %

Dissapears after successfull use

Price: 00 C / 00 C

Stacked: 999

Proctype: 3:

Right-click to obtain one of the following:
Spiritual Relic x 1
Spiritual Relic x 3
Spiritual Relic x 100

Give items

Spiritual Relic x1 (83%)

Spiritual Relic x3 (16.7%)

Spiritual Relic x100 (0.3%)

Drop from
# Name Level Map Coordinates HP %
1 Fragile Cave Seal [D1] 170 - ()- 100000 10%
2 Inner Demon·Velonus [D1] 170 - ()- 512696801 10%
3 Inner Demon·Fusoir [D1] 170 - ()- 542227678 10%
4 Felkin·Doyel Shen [D1] 170 - ()- 579794001 10%
5 Fragile Cave Seal [D2] 170 - ()- 100000 10%
6 Inner Demon·Velonus [D2] 170 - ()- 591306932 10%
7 Inner Demon·Fusoir [D2] 170 - ()- 621602160 10%
8 Felkin·Doyel Shen [D2] 170 - ()- 661534008 10%
9 Fragile Cave Seal [D3] 170 - ()- 100000 10%
10 Inner Demon·Velonus [D3] 170 - ()- 653849887 10%
11 Inner Demon·Fusoir [D3] 170 - ()- 686436427 10%
12 Felkin·Doyel Shen [D3] 170 - ()- 729584177 10%
13 Ring of Ultimate Truth [D1] 170 - ()- 622487024 10%
14 Ring of Ultimate Truth [D2] 170 - ()- 713726527 10%
15 Ring of Ultimate Truth [D3] 170 - ()- 784763894 10%