Custard [97213]


Introduced in ~ 5.1.3 (Soul Odyssey)

Chinese name : 刍草

Russian name : 刍草

Price: 00 C / 00 C

Stacked: 9

Proctype: 19:

Symbolizes the fate of the Cynical Dialectician. Any choice you make
will significantly change Cynical Dialectician's fate.
Where does the fate of this foolish man lead?
(Changing the man's aspirations will vastly change fate, be cautious!)

Required to finish quest(s)

Destiny fulfilled-Immortal Amount: 5

Destiny fulfilled-Travel Love Amount: 9

Award from quest

Gangu Festival

Gangu Festival

Red dust knot Amount: 3

Two days on the dog trail

Two days on the dog trail

Mortal World second line Amount: 3

A day on the dog trail

A day on the dog trail

The front line of mortals Amount: 3