Southern Mystery


Chinese: 万里追觅咽心曲

Russian: Южная Тайна


There seems no way to find the Revival Technique. However, a new clue appears then.
Velonus met with a gang of mysterious Mermans in the Doom Bog. They are cruel and move quickly. They are a clan in the Southern Border. They have something with the Wulors.
Muderar is skilled at tracking. Before he starts to track, something happened...
[Note]: You need to reach level 75 to complete this mission.

General Text

There seems no way to find the Revival Technique. However, a new clue appears then.
Velonus met with a gang of mysterious Mermans in the Doom Bog. They are cruel and move quickly. They are a clan in the Southern Border. They have something with the Wulors.
Muderar is skilled at tracking. Before he starts to track, something happened...


There seems no way to find the Revival Technique. However, a new clue appears then.
Velonus met with a gang of mysterious Mermans in the Doom Bog. They are cruel and move quickly. They are a clan in the Southern Border. They have something with the Wulors.
Muderar is skilled at tracking. Before he starts to track, something happened...


There seems no way to find the Revival Technique. However, a new clue appears then.
Velonus met with a gang of mysterious Mermans in the Doom Bog. They are cruel and move quickly. They are a clan in the Southern Border. They have something with the Wulors.
Muderar is skilled at tracking. Before he starts to track, something happened...
Go to King of Laws in the Wildland Sanctuary and receive Wildlands Scroll.

Required quest: Killing Wulor (999+)

Required for quest

Mystery Track (999+)

Success Award

Activated by npc(s)

King of Laws

Delivery NPC

King of Laws - "Wildlands" 170, 110

Quest stats

Level: (999+)

m_bExeChildInOrder: 1

Parent fails if give up the subtask

Repeatable after failure

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m_bShowByPreTask: 1

m_bShowByPeriod: 1

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m_bShowByGender: 1

m_bShowByOccup: 1

m_lPKValueMin: -999

m_lPKValueMax: 999

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