Dream is true


Chinese: 是梦是真

Russian: Мечта сбылась


In the blink of an eye You're back to Jadeon...

Quest stats

Parent fails if give up the subtask

Parent success if subquest success

Can give up the quest


Repeatable after failure

m_bClearAcquired: 1

m_bShowPrompt: 1

m_bCanSeekOut: 1

m_bShowDirection: 1

m_fStorageWeight: 1

m_ulRank: 1

m_ulDisplayType: 1

m_bShowByLev: 1

m_bShowByItems: 1

m_bShowByDeposit: 1

unk1951h: 1

m_bShowByRepu: 1

m_bShowByPreTask: 1

m_bShowByPeriod: 1

m_bShowByFaction: 1

m_bShowByGender: 1

m_bShowByOccup: 1

m_lPKValueMin: -999

m_lPKValueMax: 999

m_bShowByTeam: 1

m_bShowByFengshenLvl: 1

m_enumMethod: 5

m_bDepositModeType: 1

m_ulReachSiteId: 1

m_ulWaitTime: 3

m_bDisFinDlg: 1

Quests in chain: