Know your intention


Chinese: 明心意

Russian: Know your intention


While you were sighing, you secretly looked at Senior Brother Wan who seemed to have something to say.

Success Award

new2028d: 2

incantationTxtLen: 151

iPhaseID: 1153 CLOSED

incantationTxt: Shuiyue watched Senior Brother Wan go away, and her heart couldn't calm down. She had promised\rMany times, she looked at that handsome figure from a distance among the disciples,\rShe always felt that the figure was far away from her, but at this moment, it seemed like\rThis is so close.\rShe hesitated to leave, thinking of what Senior Brother Wan said: 'You still have a lot of time in your life.'\rIf it’s long, your future stories will also be very long,” I said in my heart.\rUnclear rippling, she suddenly had many more expectations for the future.\rHope.

Award NPC

man with sword

Finishes at

man with sword

Quest stats

Parent fails if give up the subtask

Parent success if subquest success

Can give up the quest


Repeatable after failure

m_bClearAcquired: 1

m_bShowPrompt: 1

m_ulAwardNPC: 100503

m_bCanSeekOut: 1

m_bShowDirection: 1

m_fStorageWeight: 1

m_ulRank: 1

m_ulDisplayType: 1

m_bShowByLev: 1

m_bShowByItems: 1

m_bShowByDeposit: 1

unk1951h: 1

m_bShowByRepu: 1

m_bShowByPreTask: 1

m_bShowByPeriod: 1

m_bShowByFaction: 1

m_bShowByGender: 1

m_bShowByOccup: 1

m_lPKValueMin: -999

m_lPKValueMax: 999

m_bShowByTeam: 1

m_bShowByFengshenLvl: 1

m_enumMethod: 3

m_enumFinishType: 1

m_bDepositModeType: 1

m_ulReachSiteId: 1

Quests in chain: