deep forest girl


Chinese: 深林少女

Russian: deep forest girl


According to Tukun's instructions, go to the Fudu Forest and explore, maybe you can find the missing villager and his sister Yunque.

Quest stats

Parent fails if give up the subtask

Can give up the quest


Repeatable after failure

m_bClearAcquired: 1

m_bShowPrompt: 1

m_bCanSeekOut: 1

m_bShowDirection: 1

m_fStorageWeight: 1

m_ulRank: 1

m_ulDisplayType: 1

m_bShowByLev: 1

m_bShowByItems: 1

m_bShowByDeposit: 1

unk1951h: 1

m_bShowByRepu: 1

m_bShowByPreTask: 1

m_bShowByPeriod: 1

m_bShowByFaction: 1

m_bShowByGender: 1

m_bShowByOccup: 1

m_lPKValueMin: -999

m_lPKValueMax: 999

m_bShowByTeam: 1

m_bShowByFengshenLvl: 1

m_enumMethod: 4

m_bDepositModeType: 1

m_ReachSiteMinx: -175

m_ReachSiteMiny: -999

m_ReachSiteMinz: -125

m_ReachSiteMaxx: -150

m_ReachSiteMaxy: 999

m_ReachSiteMaxz: -95

m_ulReachSiteId: 8

Quests in chain:

Parent Quest: Dilemma

Previous Quest: Brethren Loyalty

Next Quest: Ask about safety