Chinese: ^FFFFFF【耀宗令】制伞工艺
Russian: ^FFFFFF[A]Umbrella making craft
Guiyunmen's weapon is an exquisite sword within an umbrella, which requires both a sharp blade and a good umbrella. Over the years, the umbrella craftsmen in Guiyunmen have mastered the skills of developing umbrellas, which can be said to be the culmination of umbrella-making craftsmanship in the world. However, in the big world, there are still skills that Gevrin Umbrella Craftsmen have never seen before.
Occupation required : Gevrin Tier 1 (77)
Occupation required : Gevrin Tier 2 (78)
Occupation required : Gevrin Tier 3 (79)
Occupation required : Gevrin Tier 4 (80)
Occupation required : Gevrin Tier 5 (81)
Success Award
Activated by quest
Quest stats
m_bExeChildInOrder: 1
Parent fails if give up the subtask
Can give up the quest
Repeatable after failure
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m_bClearAcquired: 1
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unk1951h: 1
m_bShowByRepu: 1
m_bShowByPreTask: 1
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m_bShowByFaction: 1
m_bShowByGender: 1
m_ulOccupations: 5
m_bShowByOccup: 1
m_lPKValueMin: -999
m_lPKValueMax: 999
m_bShowByTeam: 1
m_bShowByFengshenLvl: 1
m_bDepositModeType: 1
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m_nSubCount: 6