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# Name Level Type
1§Savage Boots (LV15♂) §Savage Boots (LV15♂)-
2§Lionroar Boots (LV30♂) §Lionroar Boots (LV30♂)-
3§Oxbind Boots (LV45♂) §Oxbind Boots (LV45♂)-
4§Wolfhowl Boots (LV60♂) §Wolfhowl Boots (LV60♂)-
5§Falcon Boots (LV75♂) §Falcon Boots (LV75♂)-
6§Candor Boots (LV90♂) §Candor Boots (LV90♂)-
7§Tigeron Boots (LV105♂) §Tigeron Boots (LV105♂)-
8§Phoenix Boots (LV120♂) §Phoenix Boots (LV120♂)-
9§Kirin Boots (LV135♂) §Kirin Boots (LV135♂)-
10§Dragon Boots (LV144♂) §Dragon Boots (LV144♂)-
11§Ferocity Boots (LV60♂) §Ferocity Boots (LV60♂)-
12§Furybeast Boots (LV75♂) §Furybeast Boots (LV75♂)-
13§Oxembar Boots (LV90♂) §Oxembar Boots (LV90♂)-
14§Evilflame Boots (LV105♂) §Evilflame Boots (LV105♂)-
15§Soulock Boots (LV120♂) §Soulock Boots (LV120♂)-
16§Skyscraper Boots (LV135♂) §Skyscraper Boots (LV135♂)-
17§Gold Dragon Boots (LV144♂) §Gold Dragon Boots (LV144♂)-
18§Thunderin Boots (LV60♂) §Thunderin Boots (LV60♂)-
19§Skeleton Boots (LV75♂) §Skeleton Boots (LV75♂)-
20§Smasher Boots (LV90♂) §Smasher Boots (LV90♂)-
21§Glower Boots (LV105♂) §Glower Boots (LV105♂)-
22§Towering Boots (LV120♂) §Towering Boots (LV120♂)-
23§Illusion Boots (LV135♂) §Illusion Boots (LV135♂)-
24§Heavenrage Boots (LV144♂) §Heavenrage Boots (LV144♂)-
25§Owlsoar Boots (LV60♂) §Owlsoar Boots (LV60♂)-
26§Dragonfury Boots (LV75♂) §Dragonfury Boots (LV75♂)-
27§Billow Boots (LV90♂) §Billow Boots (LV90♂)-
28§Firewing Boots (LV105♂) §Firewing Boots (LV105♂)-
29§Soulbreak Boots (LV120♂) §Soulbreak Boots (LV120♂)-
30§Redpython Boots (LV135♂) §Redpython Boots (LV135♂)-
31§Thunderoar Boots (LV144♂) §Thunderoar Boots (LV144♂)-
32§Wildcall Boots (LV60♂) §Wildcall Boots (LV60♂)-
33§Rhino Boots (LV75♂) §Rhino Boots (LV75♂)-
34§Demonbone Boots (LV90♂) §Demonbone Boots (LV90♂)-
35§Brim. Welkin Boots (LV105♂) §Brim. Welkin Boots (LV105♂)-
36§Bedlam Aga Boots (LV120♂) §Bedlam Aga Boots (LV120♂)-
37§Water. Sage Boots (LV135♂) §Water. Sage Boots (LV135♂)-
38§Stra. Exalted Boots (LV150♂) §Stra. Exalted Boots (LV150♂)-
39§Dominance Boots (LV60♂) §Dominance Boots (LV60♂)-
40§Tundra Boots (LV75♂) §Tundra Boots (LV75♂)-
41§Brightness Boots (LV90♂) §Brightness Boots (LV90♂)-
42§Bloodmaple Boots (LV105♂) §Bloodmaple Boots (LV105♂)-
43§Thundersoul Boots (LV120♂) §Thundersoul Boots (LV120♂)-
44§Devasta Boots (LV135♂) §Devasta Boots (LV135♂)-
45§Skyroar Boots (LV144♂) §Skyroar Boots (LV144♂)-
46§Bloodoom Boots (LV60♂) §Bloodoom Boots (LV60♂)-
47§Iceberg Boots (LV75♂) §Iceberg Boots (LV75♂)-
48§Expanvi Boots (LV90♂) §Expanvi Boots (LV90♂)-
49§Robusta Boots (LV105♂) §Robusta Boots (LV105♂)-
50§Snatcher Boots (LV120♂) §Snatcher Boots (LV120♂)-
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