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# Name Level Type
51§Extendew Armor (LV135♂) §Extendew Armor (LV135♂)-
52§Wildopo Armor (LV146♂) §Wildopo Armor (LV146♂)-
53§Digni Armor (LV60♂) §Digni Armor (LV60♂)-
54§Darkwater Armor (LV75♂) §Darkwater Armor (LV75♂)-
55§Greenblood Armor (LV90♂) §Greenblood Armor (LV90♂)-
56§Orangeye Armor (LV105♂) §Orangeye Armor (LV105♂)-
57§Spiritrace Armor (LV120♂) §Spiritrace Armor (LV120♂)-
58§Nemesis Armor (LV135♂) §Nemesis Armor (LV135♂)-
59§Florakirin Armor (LV146♂) §Florakirin Armor (LV146♂)-
60§Bearvein Armor (LV60♂) §Bearvein Armor (LV60♂)-
61§Sandcall Armor (LV75♂) §Sandcall Armor (LV75♂)-
62§Jadeiron Armor (LV90♂) §Jadeiron Armor (LV90♂)-
63§Bloodessence Armor (LV105♂) §Bloodessence Armor (LV105♂)-
64§Steel Armor (LV120♂) §Steel Armor (LV120♂)-
65§Rageflame Armor (LV135♂) §Rageflame Armor (LV135♂)-
66§Lionroar Armor (LV146♂) §Lionroar Armor (LV146♂)-
67§Savage Armor (LV15♀) §Savage Armor (LV15♀)-
68§Lionroar Armor (LV30♀) §Lionroar Armor (LV30♀)-
69§Oxbind Armor (LV45♀) §Oxbind Armor (LV45♀)-
70§Wolfhowl Armor (LV60♀) §Wolfhowl Armor (LV60♀)-
71§Falcon Armor (LV75♀) §Falcon Armor (LV75♀)-
72§Candor Armor (LV90♀) §Candor Armor (LV90♀)-
73§Tigeron Armor (LV105♀) §Tigeron Armor (LV105♀)-
74§Phoenix Armor (LV120♀) §Phoenix Armor (LV120♀)-
75§Kirin Armor (LV135♀) §Kirin Armor (LV135♀)-
76§Dragon Armor (LV146♀) §Dragon Armor (LV146♀)-
77§Ferocity Armor (LV60♀) §Ferocity Armor (LV60♀)-
78§Furybeast Armor (LV75♀) §Furybeast Armor (LV75♀)-
79§Oxembar Armor (LV90♀) §Oxembar Armor (LV90♀)-
80§Evilflame Armor (LV105♀) §Evilflame Armor (LV105♀)-
81§Soulock Armor (LV120♀) §Soulock Armor (LV120♀)-
82§Skyscraper Armor (LV135♀) §Skyscraper Armor (LV135♀)-
83§Gold Dragon Armor (LV146♀) §Gold Dragon Armor (LV146♀)-
84§Thunderin Armor (LV60♀) §Thunderin Armor (LV60♀)-
85§Skeleton Armor (LV75♀) §Skeleton Armor (LV75♀)-
86§Smasher Armor (LV90♀) §Smasher Armor (LV90♀)-
87§Glower Armor (LV105♀) §Glower Armor (LV105♀)-
88§Towering Armor (LV120♀) §Towering Armor (LV120♀)-
89§Illusion Armor (LV135♀) §Illusion Armor (LV135♀)-
90§Heavenrage Armor (LV146♀) §Heavenrage Armor (LV146♀)-
91§Owlsoar Armor (LV60♀) §Owlsoar Armor (LV60♀)-
92§Dragonfury Armor (LV75♀) §Dragonfury Armor (LV75♀)-
93§Billow Armor (LV90♀) §Billow Armor (LV90♀)-
94§Firewing Armor (LV105♀) §Firewing Armor (LV105♀)-
95§Soulbreak Armor (LV120♀) §Soulbreak Armor (LV120♀)-
96§Redpython Armor (LV135♀) §Redpython Armor (LV135♀)-
97§Thunderoar Armor (LV146♀) §Thunderoar Armor (LV146♀)-
98§Wildcall Armor (LV60♀) §Wildcall Armor (LV60♀)-
99§Rhino Armor (LV75♀) §Rhino Armor (LV75♀)-
100§Demonbone Armor (LV90♀) §Demonbone Armor (LV90♀)-
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