Origin Destiny Boots♂ [53294]


Introduced in ~ 3.0.9 (Judgement)

Chinese name : 灵元三命靴(男)

Russian name : Священные сапоги двух начал♂

Type: Boots

Subtype: Voida


Level: 10

Grade: 0


Required gender: Male

Required Level: 144

Required Race: 1

Required Tier: 5


Defense +100

Health +7%

Bonus attribute Spirit +315 (Refinery required +5)

Bonus attribute Accuracy +30 (Refinery required +7)


Can be bloodbounded

Soul Level: 120

Refinery talisman:

Talisman of Craft

Fees: 1 G 25 S 00 C / 62 S 00 C / 2 G 50 S 00 C / 1 G 25 S 00 C / 40 S 6 C



18271 - Models\Players\装备\轩辕男\100级轩辕靴男\100级轩辕靴男1.ski

Matter path : 18942 - Models\Matters\装备\轩辕靴掉落\轩辕靴掉落.ecm

Icon path : 18731 - Surfaces\男物品\罡气100级轩辕靴男.dds

d_c2scmd 10806 53294 1

Price: 5 G 00 C / 100 G 00 C

Stacked: 1

Proctype: 64:

Award from quest

Cherished Treasure (30+)


1: +165

2: +385

3: +715

4: +1100

5: +1579

6: +2141

7: +2780

8: +3493

9: +4275

10: +5120

11: +6022

12: +6974

13: +8068

14: +9194

15: +10445

16: +11708

17: +12975

18: +14133

19: +15406

20: +16806

Drop from
# Name Level Map Coordinates HP %
1 Alabaster Spirit 139 - ()- 19377 0.029997003730386%
2 Python 150 - ()- 500000 0.029997003730386%
3 Onyxian Immortal 143 - ()- 20867 0.029997003730386%
4 Frantal Lizard 150 - ()- 20867 0.029997003730386%
5 Tianmo Ghoul 139 - ()- 129180 0.024945952463895%
6 Bestial Splithoof 143 - ()- 139110 0.024945952463895%
7 Firewheel Juumo 147 - ()- 162010 0.024945952463895%
8 Grieving Minister 139 - ()- 19377 0.029997003730386%
9 Haunted Concubine 139 - ()- 19377 0.029997003730386%
10 Resentful Servant 143 - ()- 20867 0.029997003730386%
11 Farseer 143 - ()- 20867 0.029997003730386%
12 Delirium Gatekeeper 147 - ()- 24302 0.029997003730386%
13 Ignoble Knight 147 - ()- 24302 0.029997003730386%